Necromancer trait changes

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


Feedback is always welcome, try to keep it constructive
If a Anet personal visit this forum thread I know you guys don’t have time to read a wall of text so i suggest just looking at One of the trait lines
(grandmaster)Meet the Grave
Your attacks inflict Vulnerability
Vulnerability 5 sec
(XI)Dhuumfire 10 second recharge
Lifeblast will inflict burning on your target
Burning 4 sec
(V) Spectral attuement
sprectral skill have longer durations and grant life force on use
life force 5%
duration increase 50%
(X)reaper’s precision 15 second recharge
gain life force and apply weakness on critical hits
Weakness 5 sec
Life force 3%
note i feel both of these traits are to powerful for adept teir
(XII)note: i haven’t thought of a replacement trait for the grandmaster
Death Magic
(VI) Shrouded consumption
Condition converted to boons : 1
(XII)Necromantic Corruption
lifeblast will remove a boon on your target
boons removed 1
(XIII)Unholy martyr
Remove conditions from allies while in death shroud, gaining life force each time a condition is removed
condition removed 1
life force 5%
number of targets 1
interval 3 seconds
radius 600
note unholy sanctuary is moving to blood magic trait line

(edited by Tadsoul.6951)

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


Blood Magic
(grandmaster)Blood to power
Increases damage to bleeding foe
damage increase 5%
(I) note I havent thought of a replacement
(V)vampiric thirst
your next attack skill steals health after using your heal skill
damage 1000
healing 1000
(X)quickening thirst
Increases movement speed for wielding a dagger.
reduces recharge in dagger skills
movement speed increase 25%
recharge reduce 20%
(XII) Vampiric rituals 15 second recharge
steal heal after using a well skill
duration 5 seconds
healing 200
damage 200
note this isnt limited to one hit, you steal health with every hit achieved for 5 seconds after the well has been use
(XIII) Unholy sancturary
see link
note its only moved nothing changed
Soul reaping
(V) change speed of shadows

(edited by Tadsoul.6951)

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Honestly, I feel that Reaper’s Precision change is still too weak (and significantly weaker than the current trait). I would rather Withering precision just get restored to its original form (25% chance on crit to inflict weakness, no cooldown), with maybe 3 seconds base instead of the original 5.

For Speed of Shadows, my personal idea was to have it also remove cripple, chill, and immobilize on death shroud entry and make you immune to immobilize while in death shroud. Helps to prevent being locked down, but it is not so strong that it crowds out everything else in the slot.

Everything else, I can agree with.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shiki.7148


Unholy Sanctuary : Removed – Grants Regeneration while in Deathshroud. Added – Allows healing through Deathshroud with 60% efficiency. This includes healing from Vampiric traits. Excess Life Force generated while in Deathshroud will go into healthpool (that way using Life Transfer+ Locust Swarm while having full DS would heal you for quite some bit, but would still leave the counterplay of “starving” a Necro).

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

(edited by Shiki.7148)

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951



How about this then
reaper’s precision
you have a chance to gain life force and apply weakness on critical hits
chance on critical hit 25%
life force gain 1
weakness 3 sec

for speed of shadow i was thinking of a similar thing however i think immunity to immobilize would be to strong instead it prevents the next immobilize I think would be better balanced


Quick question did you mean life transfer instead of life siphon?
I think making a trait that allows healing in death shroud would be poor game design for 3 reasons.
1.from a pug view you do not know if the necromancer can be healed while in death shroud
2. all heals that allies apply are done rapidly. This means it is skillful play for the necromancer and his team to either coordinate or watch for when his teammates are going to do group healing
3. being able to recieve heals from teammates while in death shroud would probably be far to strong
This being said while i do agree with regen persisting through death shroud with the trait suggestion i mentioned we would no longer need the vampiric traits to function in death shroud to be useful

(edited by Tadsoul.6951)

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shiki.7148



How about this then
reaper’s precision
you have a chance to gain life force and apply weakness on critical hits
chance on critical hit 25%
life force gain 1
weakness 3 sec

for speed of shadow i was thinking of a similar thing however i think immunity to immobilize would be to strong instead it prevents the next immobilize I think would be better balanced


Quick question did you mean life transfer instead of life siphon?
I think making a trait that allows healing in death shroud would be poor game design for 3 reasons.
1.from a pug view you do not know if the necromancer can be healed while in death shroud
2. all heals that allies apply are done rapidly. This means it is skillful play for the necromancer and his team to either coordinate or watch for when his teammates are going to do group healing
3. being able to recieve heals from teammates while in death shroud would probably be far to strong
This being said while i do agree with regen persisting through death shroud with the trait suggestion i mentioned we would no longer need the vampiric traits to function in death shroud to be useful

MB, of course I meant Life Transfer t.t Thanks for pointing out my mistake, fixed it.

As for 1. : Easy, just display “Unholy Sanctuary” as a buff-icon like it is done with various traits.

For 2. : Actually, no. Because you die before any major healing can be done currently because you get focussed down so quick, and if you go DS to avoid that you will have very low health and be killed instantly after your LF reaches 0.

Concerning 3. : Thats why i said only with 60% efficiency. You could easily lower that % depending on how strong it really is. And every class with blocks, invulnerability, stealth etc. can get healed while they are indestructable, and with 100% efficiency. And heal themselves, a thing you cannot do in DS even with that change (except for Vampiric Traits and Life Transfer, but then again, they could just leave those disabled as they are now so only getting healed by teammates will matter → + teamplay).

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

(edited by Shiki.7148)

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Feedback is always welcome, try to keep it constructive
If a Anet personal visit this forum thread I know you guys don’t have time to read a wall of text so i suggest just looking at One of the trait lines

I thought we established that Anet does read our forums when we saw the new class Revanant coming out.

LOL <3

A lot of good suggestions, hopefully one day some will get implemented.