Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So I main a Guardain(though my second is a necro) and I usually play with Guildmate who mains Necromancer. And I notice ( and pretty much every person who has played necromancer in pvp knows) that Necromancers are the first to get targeted. Well I usually run meditations though for one of my last utilities I run Wall of Reflection with reflects range attacks so that when he getting harassed by lets say ranger he doesn’t get insta bursted down. I cant count the amount of times Wall of reflection has saved him. I have also found that like guardian it can lack a push against certain classes in certain situations. Common example I found is when my guildmate is pestered by thief’s and I try to jump with judge intervention to put pressure on the theifs.

So the reason Im posting this is to figure what other builds(in theory or in practice) that pair well with a Necromancer(of what ever build power,condi,minion,etc) to make it more for lack of a better term deadly. Also to serve as guide for newer Necromancers/soon to be reapers that when you pair up with certain classes/builds you can be more efficient.

Like example Bunker Guardian, ever seen what happens when you give Lich form might and quickness as half the enemy team tries to assult the point your on.
spoiler: the enemy team lost their assult and we held the point smiling.

Sorry if this post sounds random,disjointed and/or not a lot of sense only got bout 2 hours of sleep. So I hope you get the jest of the post.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Herald + Blighter’s Boon Reaper.

Enjoy the best time of your life.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


With Dragonhunter Changes Shield of Courage + a slowly creaping reaper inside that shield = true meaning of terror. Granted me and my guild mate still have to test this either on next beta or on launch. But imagine the potential for that.
Here is the link to the changes to see for yourself:

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

(edited by Zakhelm.4618)

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vigil.8205


As his Guildmate we might try out Herald + Blighter’s but that combo might be tough. if you hav a guild or build path post it.

Timekeeper’s Condi Reaper
David Mortem
Henge of Denravi

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Coffietire.2783


Herald + Blighter’s Boon Reaper.

Enjoy the best time of your life.

Might be one of the few cases where RPing might be a viable tactic in PvP.

Those boon sharing builds roam with their god(ess), a terrible force of death. Through their shouts, up keeps, signets of inspiration, and undying devotion, they feed their master to make it an undefeated beast…. until that jerk hambow stuns it.

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shiki.7148


Herald + Blighter’s Boon Reaper.

Enjoy the best time of your life.

Might be one of the few cases where RPing might be a viable tactic in PvP.

Those boon sharing builds roam with their god(ess), a terrible force of death. Through their shouts, up keeps, signets of inspiration, and undying devotion, they feed their master to make it an undefeated beast…. until that jerk hambow stuns it.

…Where it pops FitG and Infusing Terror and wrecks the hambow cause it is a Condi-Reaper

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140