Need Help on Build for SPVP

Need Help on Build for SPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hi All,

Ok, so I am currently running this build:

For spvp. The runes used are centaur, krait and Afflicted, 2 of each for the condition duration and sigils in off hands are hydromancy for the melee range chill application. Scepter’s rune is Agony and Axe’s rune is Peril for both the condition and Vulnerabilty damage & Duration.

Although it’s fun to play this with loads of switching, I tend to die often. 1v1’s aren’t really much of an issue, i cam handle most, but anything more than that and I am dead. Here’s what I am doing:

Start of with Auto attack Scpeter —> Stack 3 bleeds --> Spinal Shivers + Grasping Dead + Repear’s Touch + Feast of Corruption—> activate BoP, Corruption (if there are multiple boons on target and there always will be) & Epidemic —> Switch to War Axe + Dagger --> Activate Deathly Swarm to transfer conditions (at mid melee range) + Enfeeble —> Rending claws (War Axe auto attack) + Ghastly claws for life force.

If i get targeted:

Unholy Feast + Death shroud —> Claw + Fear + Life force Drain + Auto Attack

Can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong? I suck at targetting with staff and this is also one of the reason why I don’t run with Scepter/ Dagger, cause getting 2 targetting in a row is too much of a pain.

Is there something you guys can recommend?


Need Help on Build for SPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Are you solo queuing or running with a group? If you’re going in solo, you’re going to have a hard time in sPvP as a necromancer. We’re more of a support class that your team has to protect. Our lack of mobility skills and inability to avoid damage makes us a very easy target to take down. The minute we get focus fired by 2 or more people, we go down extremely fast, and there is really nothing you can do about it.

As for your build, its not the most optimal build I’ve seen. The necromancer life steal traits are pretty weak for sPvP since there is so much burst damage going around. The 10 points in spite as a condition spec isn’t going to help much either.

I would suggest this build. I’ve had the most success running this so far.;TsAAzCpoiyElIKbUuokRtqYUxcBA

Reaper’s Protection is by far one of the best traits to have in PVP. Its a base 2 second fear and has saved me so many times from warriors bulls rush and thieves basilisk venom. If you’re quick, you can time your Doom and Reaper’s Mark to stack the fear up for some pretty wicked damage. Like most other conditions, fear stacks in duration so don’t be afraid to use another fear if your target is already feared. Also remember that stability will corrupt into fear. Use that to your advantage for not only breaking bunker builds, but for added damage as well.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

Need Help on Build for SPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Are you solo queuing or running with a group? If you’re going in solo, you’re going to have a hard time in sPvP as a necromancer. We’re more of a support class that your team has to protect. Our lack of mobility skills and inability to avoid damage makes us a very easy target to take down. The minute we get focus fired by 2 or more people, we go down extremely fast, and there is really nothing you can do about it.

As for your build, its not the most optimal build I’ve seen. The necromancer life steal traits are pretty weak for sPvP since there is so much burst damage going around. The 10 points in spite as a condition spec isn’t going to help much either.

I would suggest this build. I’ve had the most success running this so far.;TsAAzCpoiyElIKbUuokRtqYUxcBA

Reaper’s Protection is by far one of the best traits to have in PVP. Its a base 2 second fear and has saved me so many times from warriors bulls rush and thieves basilisk venom. If you’re quick, you can time your Doom and Reaper’s Mark to stack the fear up for some pretty wicked damage. Like most other conditions, fear stacks in duration so don’t be afraid to use another fear if your target is already feared. Also remember that stability will corrupt into fear. Use that to your advantage for not only breaking bunker builds, but for added damage as well.

Looking at the build, I can appreciate the fact that you are taking death magic for the toughness… however it seems to be wasted points, due to the fact that i don’t have any minions under me?

Perhaps the abilities from 6-9 can be tweaked?

Need Help on Build for SPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Looking at the build, I can appreciate the fact that you are taking death magic for the toughness… however it seems to be wasted points, due to the fact that i don’t have any minions under me?

Perhaps the abilities from 6-9 can be tweaked?

You’re not taking Death Magic because of minions or toughness. The toughness is just an added bonus. You’re taking Death Magic so you can get bigger unblockable marks and Reaper’s Protection. Its not just a minion tree. You want Reaper’s Protection for the simple fact that it automatically fears warriors and thieves away from you when they do their big opening move, which will negate their burst, or get anyone else thats close to you away from you when you get CCed. You’re also taking it because its a free 3-4k damage from the Terror trait. The fear from Reaper’s Protection will last 3 1/2 seconds with this build. In sPvP terror will hit approx. 1100 per tick as long as you have a second condition on them (easy to do and you should have on them anyway) when using the rabid trinket.

With unblockable marks you can hit warriors and engineers through shield block and it makes using marks much, much easier. The circle gets huge. It goes through Aegis as well. If you use Reaper’s Mark on them while blocking, it will end their shield block allowing you to continue to stack on the damage.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)