Need Necro tips, 3 years behind

Need Necro tips, 3 years behind

in Necromancer

Posted by: Escapade.5298


Hi Necromancer community,

So I stopped playing GW2 about 3 years ago, I got a Level 80 Necromancer and I believe I have gear for a Powermancer and Condition build, not sure if those builds are still around, but all the gear I have on me right now are like over 3 years old so I’m pretty sure they are outdated.

What are the current Necromancer builds floating around and how is the Necromancer currently in PvE. Would it be a good class to return to? I remember loving the Necromancer because of all the “forms” they had like the Lich form and the F1 form which was like a mass of shadow or something.

Pretty much would appreciate any Necromancer info that would help someone like me who is 3 years behind in the game.

Need Necro tips, 3 years behind

in Necromancer

Posted by: trixantea.1230


You can builds for all game modes here: