Need a wvw build

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stabu.1763


I’ve been tying to make a conditionmance but i feel i lacks in wvw, i was wondering how to go about making a power build, all the builds i see seem kinda out of date. maybe im using the wrong condition build also. any help would be great

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dylninja.4216


i like 10/30/0/30
i use axe/focus and dagger/warhorn. if defending i switch out my dagger for the staff.
Reapers mark. Lifeblast grants might
Reaper Precision 33% chance to gain life force on critical.
Banshees Wail warhorn skills cd reduced/last longer
(switch this one for Focused Rituals when defending well use ground targeting)
Withering Precision 25% chance to cause weakness on crits
Soul Reaping
Vital Persistence Life force drains 25% slower while in death shroud.
Spectral Mastery Spectral skills recharge 20% faster. (in combo with Banshee Wail, pretty much endless swiftness)
Unyielding Blast Life Blast pierces and causes vulnerability.
(sometimes i switch this with Soul Marks when using staff for gaining fast LF with staff)

my armor is exotics that is precision focused with power and condition damage as secondaries with rune of the eagle attached to my armor. my amulet, rings and earings are power focused with precision and crit damage as secondaries.

My axe is precision focused with power and condition damage with Superior Sigil of Perception and my focus is superior sigil of fire.

Dagger has bloodlust and warhorn has sigil of battle.

staff has sigil of force.

Usually Consume conditions, however if im in staff mode im more likely sitting back farther so i use well of blood to help me allies.
I always have spectral walk
between the other two slots i change between blood is power, well of suffering, signet of spite, and epidemic with plague or lich for elite

i use axe the most. with full stack of 25 on sigil of perception ive seen crits in the 7k range with axe skill #2

[PRO] The Protectorate of Fort Aspenwood
Shrouded Bomber

(edited by Dylninja.4216)

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stabu.1763


Thanks, so your exotic armor is rampager?

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dylninja.4216


yeah i think its from mostly AC and a little from TA, i know mixed armor sets but whatever not worried about looks right now just stats.
I dont play all day everyday so for me it takes a bit longer to get to where some others are gear wise

[PRO] The Protectorate of Fort Aspenwood
Shrouded Bomber

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

I go
30 – for 20% damage below 50% hp
15 – blinds trait
10 – staff marks
15 – armor at 50% hp

I don’t have all my gear, but I’m building berserker’s gear with beryl orbs. I use soldier accessories too I think? I have 1.3k toughness, 20k hp, 33% crit chance, 66% crit damage. Go dagger/warhorn and staff. My highest crit so far with staff 4 has nearly been 5k. On dagger use sigil of rage.

No matter what build you use as a necro you need to be in DS as much as possible. kill a mob or two and get a full bar. When engaging an enemy, drop marks and immediately go into DS. Dps til it’s out, then immediately use that armor skill that gives prot and LF when hit (cant remember the name). This will supercharge your LF back up along with taking 33% less damage. Remember when your health reaches 50% you will get another armor proc, so that’s even more LF. When your rage sigil procs you will dps almost as fast as a thief. Drop well of darkness when needed. I like teleport utilities so I carry around spectral walk.

It’s a great 1v1 and small group build, and with your dps your marks will be dangerous when pressuring front lines in zerg combat. Tank builds work very well too, but I’m too poor to get two sets atm.

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796
