Need help with necro WvW commander build.

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eolh.5436


Hi all, i’ve always used the ascii’s wellomancer for command, with some adjustment:

but stability is a big problem, so i’m going to put 6 on trait line 5 and using chill darkness.
Melandru also are a waste of money, Consume Condition and lemongrass is enough.
So, i’m thinking about something like that:

but, 2500 toughness and 20k hp is enough for a commander?

(edited by Eolh.5436)

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


On a necro melandru is not a waste of money. If your worried about money maybe being a commander isn’t right for you.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eolh.5436


LOL, use your sarcasm out of here.
If i said that so far i’ve used the ascii’s build, with melandru runes, maybe my problem is not money.
I said that it seems to me that the runes of melandru are usless becouse Consume Condition and lemongrass are enough.

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I wasn’t being sarcastic. If your in a zerg and you want to command as a necro you want as much condi reduction as you can get especially with our lack of stability available. I also just don’t think a necro should be commanding.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


I wasn’t being sarcastic. If your in a zerg and you want to command as a necro you want as much condi reduction as you can get especially with our lack of stability available. I also just don’t think a necro should be commanding.

In theory the profession shouldnt better for commanding since it is more of a strategy/tactic thing. But in praxis frontline professions (warriors/guardian) do a much better job. My guess it is easier to follow someone charging in the following orders from someone behind you since the ingame command system is not the best. Sadly necros lack a longer duration self stability application though necros can be build tanky enough for the frontline. Not having melee/close range cleave makes it even worse.

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


You can push well enough with plague, especially since it’s relevant to zerg clashes as an ability and a commander. Lich can technically work if it weren’t for that whole being a giant green target. But plague works fine and even makes you harder to see.

The way I see it is that you can push with plague just fine and survive quite well with DS and normal defenses. If you’re afraid plague can’t protect you, perhaps it’s a fight you won’t win regardless of which class you are.

Plus remember that now enemies can’t see who is commanding. Necro might not be ideal in every way but there are far worse choices.

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: seanshine.8791


This is what I would run (I tweaked your build slightly). The changes being running sentinel armor (assuming you can afford it) and swapping 2 zerker trinkets for PVT. This puts you at 2700 armor and 26k hp before guard stacks. Plus vitality scales with your DS. There’s no way you will survive engagements at 2500 armor being a front runner. You might survive the first run through but when your wells are on cd and you don’t have the protection from it then you won’t be doing much of anything.

Also tweaked the traits slightly. I’m assuming you are pug commanding and not in an organized group. Tossup between transfusion and vampiric precision. But seeing as you will be front line commanding, be selfish.

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


If your commanding pugs, wells are obvious, and that includes well of blood. With group cleanses the healing is absurd, and it outshines consume conditions. Stability is almost mandatory so that’s 30 trait points. Gotta have well cooldowns and protection so that’s another 20, and chilling darkness is just to good, so your done. As far as gear, sentinels or soldiers are both way way way better than knights. Knights is a very overrated set. Your EHP isn’t that high, and you actually get more effective power from soldiers. Staff is mandatory, the other weapons set is really up to you, but I run d/d cause it looks bad kitten (fractal daggers), aoe weakness, multi hit blind. I don’t like warhorn that much without the trait. You could take axe instead of dagger, but it doesn’t matter too much. I recommend focusing on protection duration with runes, and healing power doesn’t hurt either because of well of bloods absurd scaling. Sigils, momentum or maybe life, energy is great if you can afford it otherwise leech or heal on swap/hit. This leaves you with this build:
Tankier then thiers^

While this isn’t the be all end all, and you could certainly trade sentinels for exotic soldiers if you wanted it to be much cheaper, it is a good build for pug commanding. You have 25 seconds of aoe blind, 17 seconds of protection, 8500 heal with 3000 in aoe, boon corruption, condition purification?, stability, and around 20k death shroud health without guard stacks. Your armor isn’t quite to 3000, but if you want you could drop chilling darkness for 100 more, or change runes.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


All you need is 6 points into soul reaping for stability and grab a guardian.

Lol at necro shouldn’t be commanding. Why not have 37k health, 30k DS and plague. Running full PVT isn’t needed, but still lol funny. Survive for days. I find it much easier to necro command than guard or warrior.

Much safer considering the commander doesn’t take the brunt of the damage (unless they focus you). The people directly behind him do.

Also, if you are dying to condi in a zerg as any class, you seriously need to get your shout guards/warriors on the same page. There is literally no reason for a zerg guild to be running melandru runes…

Skritt Happens

(edited by Omnitek.3876)

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eolh.5436


With two guards in a party I do not think I need 6 point into soul reaping.
Before the patch I have always commanded with ascii’s build (no point in soul reaping) and two guards in party, and I’ve never had any problems with stability.

But if i don’t have two guard providing me stability I have some obvious problems to push.

So what do you think about that?
Should I continue to use ascii’s build whit two guards in party, or I should change the build?

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Ok well when your in t2, fighting against maguuma and sos with half their numbers you try running without melandru and lemongrass, I don’t run full ptv though. If I was playing on some kitten server I’d probably be able to run in full scholars and zerker.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Need help with necro WvW commander build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: alamore.1974


U can easily get 30k hp 3k armor, for WvW readers protection Is a beast, staff is a must, grater marks making them plus wells unlockable,
Consume.spectral wall, well of.corruption, sig can get changed out.if you with a.perma swiftness group.
I’d focus most ration DS, rental DS piercing and might. Cammanders jobs is lead.
I’m ganna be testing out a siphon build( don’t.ask me why I love blood magic so much) but that will have to wait.till I lvl up necro and.get time o play.