Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Patou.9356


I’m wondering if it’s worth it to cap fear duration to achieve 3sec duration on our fear (staff #5, spectral wall, death shroud #3). I’m running a 6/4/0/0/4 terror/master of terror build, with perplexity rune and I would like to swap my rabid weapons to giver weapons to achieve 100% duration on fear (40% from food, 10% from toxic crystal, 30% from 6 in spite and 20% from 2x giver weapon).

What i’m wondering is: is it worth loosing some condition damage (around 200) for an extra tick of fear? How much damage is 200 condition damage?


Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


You should have 50% fear duration from your 4 point in Soul Reaping, which would give you 120% (obv only ends up being 100%) duration on fears.

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Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Patou.9356


Just tested it with 2 low level giver weapon(still gives 10% duration), and spectral wall tooltip says 3sec duration with giver scepter and giver dagger, but only 2 3/4 with my rabid scepter and dagger. Note that i’m using the toxic food and normal food while using both, and using the same spec for both. So my guess is that the 4 point in soul reaping doesn’t count in the 100% condition duration cap.

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


If you’re just looking to maximize fear damage, then the extra ticks are probably your best bet. This is because fear has a relatively short duration and you have limited sources of it.

Though the duration for fear seems to be calculated inconsistently. With a 64004 build with +100% fear duration (I used runes of the necromancer in this case), you can get the fear duration on something like reaper’s mark to read as 2.25 seconds even though it should only be 2 seconds. I’ve always chalked that up to a tooltip bug, though I could never verify if one of the bonuses was applied differently (i.e. multiplicatively instead of additively).

Furthermore, I’ve found that you’ll sometimes only get one tick of damage even if you have a 2+ second duration on a fear, and you can even get two ticks of damage for a fear that doesn’t last a full two seconds. Oddly enough, I found that if I hit a random mob with reaper’s mark as an opening, it would generally only tick one time, but if I used something like mark of blood and then followed it with reaper’s mark, it would generally tick twice.

In any case, you’re probably better off maintaining the +100% duration if you want to maximize your fear damage, which shouldn’t be that hard with master of terror.

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Patou.9356


Yeh I just did some more testing with both weapon set, I never managed to get 3 tick out of spectral wall with both set, but I was getting 2 tick everytime no matter wich weapon set. Even tho spectral wall says 3s duration, I only managed 2 ticks. It felt as if the fear with givers weapon was longer, but it was still only ticking twice, instead of once each second. So imo, i’m better off with rabid weapon and deal a bit more condi damage, compared to “a chance” at 3 tick from spectral wall.

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Well, the base fear on spectral wall is 1 second, so you would theoretically need +200% fear duration if you wanted to get 3 ticks of fear. But I don’t believe the game will even count any duration bonuses past +100%, so you don’t need to really go beyond that if you don’t have to.

I’m certain one of the bonuses must be calculated incorrectly in the tooltip (I think it might be linked to the master of terror trait) which is why it’s telling you 3 seconds even though it shouldn’t be, but I haven’t done enough testing to be sure about that.

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


i think that trait that add bonus duration don’t follow that 100% rule
for example you have condition food, 6 into spite, two giver weapons, master of terror and runes of the necromancer
that would add up as 40 + 30 + 20 + 10 + 10 = 100% (because you can’t go over the cap)
then 100 + 50 = 150% duration
ill test later to make sure

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Condition duration cannot be increased beyond 100%.

Your only fear that will be more than 2 seconds long is Doom at 600 range or closer with 3s duration.


ps: Always start with wiki, google and youtube.

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


so just tested with bleeds i have 100% duration from runes of the krait and food + agony sigil. when i attacked an enemy it would apply 9 seconds of bleed
when i equipped hemophilia it would also apply 9 seconds of bleed
however when i equipped lingering curse it would apply 13 seconds of bleed

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Lingering Curse doesn’t add bonus duration, it changes the base duration of your scepter skills’ conditions. It is the only thing that effectively raises you past 100% duration.

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Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Lingering Curse doesn’t add bonus duration, it changes the base duration of your scepter skills’ conditions. It is the only thing that effectively raises you past 100% duration.

That’s interesting that particular trait works that way. Is it possible it works the same way for master of terror? That might explain why, if you have exactly +100% fear duration with that trait, the tooltips report a previously 1 second fear as 2.25 seoncds.

Of course that still wouldn’t explain the damage tick inconsistency, but I’ve tried to reason that out for more than enough hours without arriving at any sensible conclusion.

Need opinion, 3sec fear terror build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Tooltips shouldn’t be trusted for 100% accuracy on certain things, condition duration being one of them. Master of Terror is just a 50% bonus fear duration, I’m very certain it adds towards the 100% cap, its just possible that you have 125% (or close, since the game rounds to quarter seconds on tooltips) duration and the tooltip isn’t obeying the duration cap, even though the skill itself still does.

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