Need some variation

Need some variation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sean.2604


Hey everyone to put it likely i love the necromancer but i need to do something else with it cause all ive done is play a scepter/dagger and staff conditionmancer and a powermancer.

I want to play a conditionmancer i think that role suits a necro the best but the whole scepter thing is really dull waving your arms from a distance with an ugly stick doesnt really appeal to me so id like to build a conditionmancer that uses d/d or axe/d with a staff secondary.

I know it wont be as effective as a scepter but im going for fun here rather than functionality my stats alone can keep me alive and putting out a decent amount of damage i dont really feel the need to be the best so if anyone knows of any builds or has some advice for me on building this class that would be greatly appreciated.

thanks guys

Need some variation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


If you go for a crit heavy build, you can still deal some decent condition damage while pumping out some actual raw damage from critting fairly often.

My current build is 20 20 0 0 30, with D/D and staff. I don’t even think about conditions normally, but if you take a few specific utilities like Blood is power (great bleed damage +might for some decent death shroud burst), corrupt boon (since according to Anet its finally working), and possibly epidemic.

If you get the trait that casts enfeebling blood when entering death shroud, you actually have a decent amount of ways to bleed, and with D/D and staff, + corrupt boon you have two ways to get rid of conditions, plus dropping all their boons. It’s a different playstyle, more power and crit oriented but with the right traits and utilities it can also be focused on managing your and the enemies boons, and passing them back and forth