Nemesis Hybrid update?
Nemesis hybrid was bever the best. It was just Nemesis af all useful builds, not more.
To answer your question.
6/6/0/0/2 dagger/warhorn + dagger/dagger is the way to go if u want to play a hybrid.
U stack some bleeds all the time, while u do direct dmg all the time.
If u have any waponset that does only 1 kind of dmg for half of the time. The hybrid will never work well.
Engineer or warriors are other “good” hybridclasses. If u rly enjoy this playstile.
Thank you for you answer.
And what type of gear would you recommend? I noticed that it’s quite easy to have too much power or too much condi, but it’s hard to balance both. Also, I have the feeling that a hybrid build also needs some defense like vitality and toughness. Another thing I’m not sure is that Sinister would do better than Rabid, for instance.
Nah, I’m sorry for not searching better before opening a thread. I found some answers I needed on
From what I remember he got sick of staff removing anything slightly negative he said.
Don’t fully remember, but it was something along the lines of 300hrs of work he’d put in, got removed over something petty.
Anyway, there’s a few things that make hybrid extra painful.
Condi stacks are group wide, making them bad in groups.
DeathShroud still seems to be tied to ‘mainhand’ dam only, so staff is required or mass loss of dam in DS.
Combo fields/finishers. Staff has low proc, or minions required – Example, I love my warrior can stack condi’s with bow while self buffing a pile of might, then flip to a beefy power weap for dam/or a tanky setup.
Anyway, with the free repsec’s. It’s pretty easy to have a ‘few’ fav builds for diff situations and swap as you feel the need. :-) (Even if it takes a bag or 2 of gear and buffs)
Don’t fully remember, but it was something along the lines of 300hrs of work he’d put in, got removed over something petty.
His sticky thread was un-stickied, it wasn’t removed entirely. Also, that thread just contained links to his youtube channel, that’s where he put in his work.
He got banned in game twice because of acc security or something. Basically he rage quit after that. Wasnt really a loss for the community tbh. At the beginning he was alright but then he went down a path of anti meta propaganda and bashing of other players because of differing opinions.
I’m running this @ PvE (replace rabbid for all avaiable sinister pieces):
Pretty good cond. boost DPS from the might stack, and LB hit 3~4k.
Bleeding= 13 stacks, ~1.6k
Fear= ~1.2k
Burn= ~900
This whitout all the right sigils i’m atm. (still building this set)
(Of curse Zerker is optimal)
(edited by Dhogoth.1856)
He got banned in game twice because of acc security or something. Basically he rage quit after that. Wasnt really a loss for the community tbh. At the beginning he was alright but then he went down a path of anti meta propaganda and bashing of other players because of differing opinions.
You mean, he didn’t want to change his builds to your wishes and then you and others told everyone he sucks. Which you appearantly still feel a need to do.
I still use his hybrid build on one of my necros, just with traveler runes instead of divinity runes. It’s still great for almost everything, except if you wanna go dungeon speedfarming. Then again, necros are not great for that anyway…
He got banned in game twice because of acc security or something. Basically he rage quit after that. Wasnt really a loss for the community tbh. At the beginning he was alright but then he went down a path of anti meta propaganda and bashing of other players because of differing opinions.
You mean, he didn’t want to change his builds to your wishes and then you and others told everyone he sucks. Which you appearantly still feel a need to do.
I still use his hybrid build on one of my necros, just with traveler runes instead of divinity runes. It’s still great for almost everything, except if you wanna go dungeon speedfarming. Then again, necros are not great for that anyway…
If thats what you think my goal was then you have no idea. Do you really think its justified to create an attack video naming and discrediting me with cherry picked comments? Just because i simply had a disagreement with him on build philosophies? I merely requested he showcase the meta build as an extra on his channel because he had a large following. He took offense and started bashing the meta and players like me who just play the game for what it is.
After that he lost all professionalism. Started showing data with flawed testing procedures and when called out on it took further offense. Meanwhile his blind followers indiscriminately insulted and attacked anyone who disagreed with him without even acknowledging the counter arguements given.
So yeah i think i have a right to be bitter towards him. Especially when i had played with him before and he seemed like a nice guy on TS. Turns out he was two faced and quick to turn against me as soon as we had a disagreement.