Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Hello everyone,

Even though it’s been a while since i last posted here, i’m still lurking around…
There was this PvP series i wanted to start a while ago, but soon after the pilot episode (episode 0) the necromancer got nerfed really badly, we all remember that right ?…
I even made a video proving this fact, and my guides got removed from the official forums… anyway…

As a sign of protest i stopped playing PvP, as some of you know… The recent updates, however, that have come in Guild Wars 2 got me thinking that maybe ArenaNet is not totally abandoning their game, maybe the game will actually get better in the near future…

With that in mind I decided to continue the series…

Guild Wars 2: The good, the funny and WTF… episode I

So… let me know what you guys think ? I could make more if you guys enjoy them…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

I personally like watching content you put out and would not mind watching more given that you are willing to provide :p

I enjoyed watching the last 2 games the most. can never enjoy slacking on trebs and keeping the hammer in check xD

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I’ll be honest, I started watching these expecting some of the more interesting Nem builds…. I suppose those were mostly PVE, but still… and saw the classically overused condition build and the widely accepted and overpowered Lyssa runes.

I don’t blame you for running that setup, but it is the most abused setup that so many others are running, and most forgiving. This seemed more like a video about the most powerful build, with the greatest opportunity to make mistakes and still come out on top.

It is a shame the innovators in this game are reduced to this in PvP, to be successful, because of the imbalance of the other classes specific builds and other rune sets. At least they are looking into one part of that equation soon.

Every single balance change to necros since the burning patch has been around balancing and making THIS build weaker, at the cost of other possible builds. Now, I actually find even with the lyssa runes, this build is reasonably well balanced in PvP, because of the reduced burning time and reduced bleed stacks.

Anyhow not dogging the videos, they are always well done and well explained, just a little put off by the build.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Im glad youve made it back from the lower %. You just had a unlucky start after reset.

Nice highlights.

If you want some good “wtf” moments, try power necro

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: balmung.6217


I enjoy your vids Nem that said…try a power build…since dhuumfire and then nerfs to everything to go with it then nerfs to dhuum itself i don’t know if you’ll enjoy condition builds much.Since the powers gone to hide behind glaring problems like slow cast animations and meh utilites besides plag sig or spectral armor you might get a bit fustrated.Were still good in team fights because of aoe condition but even then im noticing people are choosing engineer for aoe condition grenades over us….lastly thiefs…i duel a friend alot and we came to realize if you have no LF and one catches you thats it..6-8k backstab into blind and invisi then if you even try to hit heal youll get stunned putting it on cd…eh you’ll see.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Remembered something.

The cheatcode for when you get stuck/bugged is " /dance "

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zzod.5791


Hey Nemesis,

I was going to PM you this but your inbox is full. Did you ever give me the shout-out in one of your pvp videos for helping you out with signet of spite and some other adjustments for your pvp build? Just wanted to check it out in your video if you did.



Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


I personally like watching content you put out and would not mind watching more given that you are willing to provide :p

I enjoyed watching the last 2 games the most. can never enjoy slacking on trebs and keeping the hammer in check xD

I just don’t feel like my team’s treb is safe unless i am on it… lol…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


I’ll be honest, I started watching these expecting some of the more interesting Nem builds…. I suppose those were mostly PVE, but still… and saw the classically overused condition build and the widely accepted and overpowered Lyssa runes.

I don’t blame you for running that setup, but it is the most abused setup that so many others are running, and most forgiving. This seemed more like a video about the most powerful build, with the greatest opportunity to make mistakes and still come out on top.

It is a shame the innovators in this game are reduced to this in PvP, to be successful, because of the imbalance of the other classes specific builds and other rune sets. At least they are looking into one part of that equation soon.

Every single balance change to necros since the burning patch has been around balancing and making THIS build weaker, at the cost of other possible builds. Now, I actually find even with the lyssa runes, this build is reasonably well balanced in PvP, because of the reduced burning time and reduced bleed stacks.

Anyhow not dogging the videos, they are always well done and well explained, just a little put off by the build.

Well… i know what you are saying, i even got into a big argument with a lot of people from the dungeon forums over diversity. I even made videos about it and i definitely accumulated a lot of haters because of it… so… no one can say i am not up for diversity.

But… at the same time i’ve been running this build ever since dhuumfire… other builds got weaker meanwhile, just to nerf this build, so now it’s like the only good thing i could play, imo. So… i get what you are saying, but in PvP, if you are not going to bring your best… you are done for, cause the other players/classes will bring their best…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Im glad youve made it back from the lower %. You just had a unlucky start after reset.

Nice highlights.

If you want some good “wtf” moments, try power necro

Oh god… don’t even remind me… i was winning and it said i went UP from like… 90% into 3%… yeah… because after 90 it’s the number 3…
It also said i won 200+ games and lost 100+ IN ONE DAY…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


I enjoy your vids Nem that said…try a power build…since dhuumfire and then nerfs to everything to go with it then nerfs to dhuum itself i don’t know if you’ll enjoy condition builds much.Since the powers gone to hide behind glaring problems like slow cast animations and meh utilites besides plag sig or spectral armor you might get a bit fustrated.Were still good in team fights because of aoe condition but even then im noticing people are choosing engineer for aoe condition grenades over us….lastly thiefs…i duel a friend alot and we came to realize if you have no LF and one catches you thats it..6-8k backstab into blind and invisi then if you even try to hit heal youll get stunned putting it on cd…eh you’ll see.

Maybe i will try power but… i don’t know… you’re talking about the melee build or the range one ? The melee one doesn’t work since the weakness nerf, imo… The range is… very team dependent…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


I enjoy your vids Nem that said…try a power build…since dhuumfire and then nerfs to everything to go with it then nerfs to dhuum itself i don’t know if you’ll enjoy condition builds much.Since the powers gone to hide behind glaring problems like slow cast animations and meh utilites besides plag sig or spectral armor you might get a bit fustrated.Were still good in team fights because of aoe condition but even then im noticing people are choosing engineer for aoe condition grenades over us….lastly thiefs…i duel a friend alot and we came to realize if you have no LF and one catches you thats it..6-8k backstab into blind and invisi then if you even try to hit heal youll get stunned putting it on cd…eh you’ll see.

Yes man i know… i even said it in the video, when i said thief can chose their fights because of their mobility… It’s upsetting sometimes to see thieves complain so much about necromancer, when they can do what you’ve seen in the video…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Hey Nemesis,

I was going to PM you this but your inbox is full. Did you ever give me the shout-out in one of your pvp videos for helping you out with signet of spite and some other adjustments for your pvp build? Just wanted to check it out in your video if you did.



Yes i did actually… i remember i did, when i made the PvP guide… when i got to the signet of spite part…
Do you have a youtube channel ? I’ll include that in the description of that guide as well, so people can check you out.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: bud.9246


Very entertaining.. ty =)

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dark FQ.1038

Dark FQ.1038

I’ll be honest, I started watching these expecting some of the more interesting Nem builds…. I suppose those were mostly PVE, but still… and saw the classically overused condition build and the widely accepted and overpowered Lyssa runes.

I don’t blame you for running that setup, but it is the most abused setup that so many others are running, and most forgiving. This seemed more like a video about the most powerful build, with the greatest opportunity to make mistakes and still come out on top.

It is a shame the innovators in this game are reduced to this in PvP, to be successful, because of the imbalance of the other classes specific builds and other rune sets. At least they are looking into one part of that equation soon.

Every single balance change to necros since the burning patch has been around balancing and making THIS build weaker, at the cost of other possible builds. Now, I actually find even with the lyssa runes, this build is reasonably well balanced in PvP, because of the reduced burning time and reduced bleed stacks.

Anyhow not dogging the videos, they are always well done and well explained, just a little put off by the build.

Well… i know what you are saying, i even got into a big argument with a lot of people from the dungeon forums over diversity. I even made videos about it and i definitely accumulated a lot of haters because of it… so… no one can say i am not up for diversity.

But… at the same time i’ve been running this build ever since dhuumfire… other builds got weaker meanwhile, just to nerf this build, so now it’s like the only good thing i could play, imo. So… i get what you are saying, but in PvP, if you are not going to bring your best… you are done for, cause the other players/classes will bring their best…

Well I run an condimancer Deathshroud build. No Lyssa just undead runes. I love people who think Lyssa is op; corrupt boon and bye bye Lyssa. My condi DS build isn t weak and easy to run in PvX.

Still Nemesis you make awesome content

Dark Fq (Desolation and Gandara)all classes condi.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I’ll be honest, I started watching these expecting some of the more interesting Nem builds…. I suppose those were mostly PVE, but still… and saw the classically overused condition build and the widely accepted and overpowered Lyssa runes.

I don’t blame you for running that setup, but it is the most abused setup that so many others are running, and most forgiving. This seemed more like a video about the most powerful build, with the greatest opportunity to make mistakes and still come out on top.

It is a shame the innovators in this game are reduced to this in PvP, to be successful, because of the imbalance of the other classes specific builds and other rune sets. At least they are looking into one part of that equation soon.

Every single balance change to necros since the burning patch has been around balancing and making THIS build weaker, at the cost of other possible builds. Now, I actually find even with the lyssa runes, this build is reasonably well balanced in PvP, because of the reduced burning time and reduced bleed stacks.

Anyhow not dogging the videos, they are always well done and well explained, just a little put off by the build.

Well… i know what you are saying, i even got into a big argument with a lot of people from the dungeon forums over diversity. I even made videos about it and i definitely accumulated a lot of haters because of it… so… no one can say i am not up for diversity.

But… at the same time i’ve been running this build ever since dhuumfire… other builds got weaker meanwhile, just to nerf this build, so now it’s like the only good thing i could play, imo. So… i get what you are saying, but in PvP, if you are not going to bring your best… you are done for, cause the other players/classes will bring their best…

Well I run an condimancer Deathshroud build. No Lyssa just undead runes. I love people who think Lyssa is op; corrupt boon and bye bye Lyssa. My condi DS build isn t weak and easy to run in PvX.

Still Nemesis you make awesome content

CB is not the answer to Lyssa, because it leaves up the most important part of Lyssa, the stab. In fact Lyssa has no answer at all, which is why everyone uses it. It just fits so well with Thieves in their burst rotation, and in warriors condition removal and fear immunity rotation.

You might get lucky and get a proc of COD and then CB, but a smart player won’t let that happen, and will just disengage when the stab wears off.

I don’t care for lyssa on necro because it doesn’t really enable anything. We don’t have a strong burst rotation that lyssa lets happen, and it just becomes a nice removal option, which we already have multiple choices for. It does help a lot against a stun lock rotation if you pre-cast it, or stun break into it.

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Infect.2738


Glad to see you’re still around Nemesis. Also happy my lyssa condi golem build is catching on. Been running it for months with people wondering why over plague :P Lyssa does need to be nerfed…bad.

@And at Rennoko it actually enables more then plague IF used right. You mainly use it defensively I.E. counter procing it when a war procs rage. Or if you some how are getting tunneled/out of position. Plague is still very good but the problem is there is so much condi immune, you still drop fast compared to just cleansing then rotating with lyssa.


Zombify – 2013 PAX NA and 2014 NA All-Star Necro
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blackmoa.3186


Glad to see you’re still around Nemesis. Also happy my lyssa condi golem build is catching on. Been running it for months with people wondering why over plague :P Lyssa does need to be nerfed…bad.

plague actually enables you to kill warriors 1v1 rather “easily” (meaning the matchup is in your favor if plague is off cooldown), well im no one to say somethign against golem as i used it quite alot myself, but i found that i was actually more effective when running nightmare and not lyssa. Golem might give you a little bit more 1v1 power (except vs good warriors where it just gets ratehr useless quite fast) and plague enable syou too pull of some nic eplays in teamfight environments(one stability stomp more with aoe blindness or also a nice rezz with the blind/weakness denying alot of corpse cleave can be gamechanging) aswell as a short stall window which you would otherwise lack. If you dont run plague you basicaly have to run double stunbreak (worm and walk) or you are just dead meat against good teams(not saying that double stunbreak is bad, even with plague you might want to run it)

German Caster,
never blinking “specialist”,

Nemesis TPvP series - episode 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


Very enjoyable video Nemesis! That last fight in particular was so tense and entertaining I actually cheered when you feared that dude off the map! Good to see you’re still around and keep up the good work!

Re: the Golem vs Plague discussion, I also prefer the golem by far, as it’s far more versatile than the stability offered by Plague. Not only can you use it to secure stomps (in combination with the stability from Lyssa), you can also use it to prevent enemy stomps even if your fears are on cooldown. The most amusing use is to interrupt revives by knocking the downed player back – works even if the charge doesn’t hit the player reviving!
And yes, Lyssa runes are arguably overpowered, but far less so on necromancer: it’s not like I need the full condi cleanse, which is the most powerful aspect of it (most necros have 2 transfers on their weapon skills, 1 full cleanse from CC, and some also run Plague Signet!), so the main use I get out of it is the 5" of stability. 5" stability, once every 60" (assuming the golem is alive and the summons is not on cooldown, which is a BIG conditional!), is hardly overpowered, is it?

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.