Nerco in top tier PvP

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Forsaker.9213


So guys after few days i sure that necro is still completly usless class when it comes to pvp. Necro is still walking target. Condi necro even tho good in 1v1 , copletly usless in team fights , dps necr4o good in team fights is ezy to focus down (still). Our blood trait lane got some nice changes , to bad all those change have no spot in pvp becouse every other profesion will do same as neco but 10 times better.

Ezy mode Cele eles 25 stack of might doing rly big direct and condidmg + great team support + mobility + insane sustain.
Thief spaming steal and daze over and over
Mesmers porting around , insta daze from stealth with no counter play to set up 1 shot burst
Warriors pressing elite skill and going hulk mode.

This is just patethic , i lost whol hope that necro can be vaible class in pvp.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


We knew necromancer wouldn’t be viable in top tier Pvp, because mobility concerns weren’t met.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: vlad.4871


time to quit!necrotrashconfirmed!

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taiyetos.3260


Kind of sad, necros got some of the most interesting trait changes. Though unlike mesmers, necros are limited by weapon and utility skills not traits.


Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: velocity.4621



well it’s not a top tier pvp, it’s not a ranked pvp, neither i’m a skilled player, but i don’t think it’s completely useless…

i left all my alts for this, deleting 4 my 100% map completion alts, ditching my main guardian, so i can focus with necro as my new main, dissapointed yes, i know how stressed i am with necro and the latest patch, but after all, it’s fun beating other people with something they looked down upon…so i decide not to running away…

ps : i dont do dungeons or fotm so i dont have to worry about how people cry don’t like having a necro in their party…


Life will be easier if guardian have 25% passive movement speed.

Raavaholic | [MM] Metro Mini Transformers Founder & Leader | SEA |

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Mobility isn’t what’s keeping us back, lack of scaling defenses in glassy builds, lack of pressure in condi, bad AI and wonky interactions in MM, and a lack of damage/support/proper CC in bunker builds are what’s keeping us. Generally speaking, its our weapon skills that are holding us back, though in some cases our utility skills also aren’t filling the roles they need to, and Death Shroud still has issues.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arche.7326


The thing is, that movement is king in games similar to GW2, and necros have nearly no movement skills. From a balance perspective this should be offset by something else, like massive damage, huge buffs or any other area in which the Necromancer should excel in. Problem is that the Necro doesn’t really excel in anything. Signetmancer is quite nice in 1v1 and becomes very good if the opponent is condi specialised. But that’s it, no good party support, no movement, no real damage (compared to other classes, it is all relative).

Hopefully this becomes adressed soon, because it has been a problem for some classes, not just necro (even if necro is by far in the worst spot).

Our uppcoming elite spec, Reaper, looks nice on paper, but it suffers from the exact same problems as the normal Necro, no moblitiy and no party support. But the damage numbers looks nice in theory. Problem is “nice in theory” is not good enough. To be specific, “unparalleled damage in reality” is probably needed. And that means that they should be night unbeatable in close quarters.

But that probably wont happen, beacause for Necros it seems to be two steps forward and one and a half step backwards. But as always with Anet, expect nothing and be sometimes you will be pleasantly surprised. But you probably need to wait for HoT to get some more good news for Necros.

Gee, thanks, you let the reaper out of the basement.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: iSmack.1768



well it’s not a top tier pvp, it’s not a ranked pvp, neither i’m a skilled player, but i don’t think it’s completely useless…

i left all my alts for this, deleting 4 my 100% map completion alts, ditching my main guardian, so i can focus with necro as my new main, dissapointed yes, i know how stressed i am with necro and the latest patch, but after all, it’s fun beating other people with something they looked down upon…so i decide not to running away…

ps : i dont do dungeons or fotm so i dont have to worry about how people cry don’t like having a necro in their party…


Best in red team is a Necro.
Last in blue team is a Necro.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Well…we predicted that just after the preview, no wonders.

It’s fun from time to time though. Conditions didn’t make it to the PvP top tier, so we’ve lost a lot for Signet builds.

I keep my secret support builds and have fun, though At least Plague counters Rampage Warriors, guys!

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Necro has no good heal. In fact it has no semi good heal. So it isnt viable at all

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Unless we get some mobility (which won’t happen) or some way to actually stop opponents from just going “Nope! I’m out! Peace!”, or at least reliable stability, we probably won’t ever be top tier in PvP. The problem is, giving us mobility is against ANet’s class design for necros, while giving us lockdown seems to be away from letting people play how they want, and denying people the ability to escape can be extremely overpowering in and of itself. (And most classes that rely on mobility are super squishy).

We’re in a better spot than we were, but also a tough one as it still seems like Anet is afraid of giving us the ability of not letting people run away like cowards, especially with the mobility changes.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


At least Plague counters Rampage Warriors, guys!

looks at rampage cooldown reduction trait , looks at plague coold won reduction trait. starts crying
Sees a rampage warrior with berserker stance.
crying intensifies
Sees a rampage warrior using a stomp.
huddles into a corner crying for the unfairness of it all


Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ara.4569


Pinball necro never lacked mobility through knockbacks, just pick your opponents well.

Anyway, maybe it’s about time to riot ? Imagine every single (remaining) necro opening a thread in the pvp section to complain, we may drown them all.

Still, I think bunker necro is a force to reckon with (even if moa destroys us and the healing of Unholy Sanctuary is laughable).

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975



well it’s not a top tier pvp, it’s not a ranked pvp, neither i’m a skilled player, but i don’t think it’s completely useless…

i left all my alts for this, deleting 4 my 100% map completion alts, ditching my main guardian, so i can focus with necro as my new main, dissapointed yes, i know how stressed i am with necro and the latest patch, but after all, it’s fun beating other people with something they looked down upon…so i decide not to running away…

ps : i dont do dungeons or fotm so i dont have to worry about how people cry don’t like having a necro in their party…


Best in red team is a Necro.
Last in blue team is a Necro.

xD was just about to say that

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: RlyOsim.2497


Necro has no good heal. In fact it has no semi good heal. So it isnt viable at all


I know in top tier it probably isn’t a huge issue but for anything outside of that our best heal having a 30s c/d that has a 1.25s cast time and increases your damage taken by 10% is just silly.

That said, I am enjoying the ‘new’ feel of necro a bit, pretty sure that will wear off when I jump back on mesmer :/

And death shroud, always death shroud :’(

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sync.8271


Plays sentinel necro for days→goes QQ on forums how necro is not viable XD

Just because you cannot make a build for necro doesn’t mean it is bad. I have been enjoying necro ALOT after patch, tankier than ever and aoe cleave is rly good still.
With the build I’ve been playing I don’t even notice heal has longer cd, nec is so tanky with blood magic etc, also dagger 2 healing for 4k on 12s cd should help alot.
The thing that necro has but d/d ele doesn’t is huge aoe cleave and CC, that can help team alot. (Unless you play sentinel build with 0 dmg)
Ofc necro will always need some support from team time to time because it lacks mobility, but that is totally fine and you should just adjust your playstyle for it.

Condi is not viable in teamfights just as it is not viable for any class, power builds will still be meta because there is so much condi cleanse in the game atm.
Plague pretty much cancels warriors rampage and if you don’t play condibuild you don’t even notice that self bleed.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: leman.7682


Generally speaking, its our weapon skills that are holding us back, though in some cases our utility skills also aren’t filling the roles they need to, and Death Shroud still has issues.

What Bhawb wrote. I’ve been saying it since the game launched on the forums that necro weapons have boring design with no inner and outside synergies that you can play around. Not only does it lower the skillcap, it also makes the profession less fun than others in the long run, because there’s only that much you can do with your stuff.

What is the other profession that is so heavily based on autoattacking? I pay 10g to the first person that gives me a viable necro build that isn’t based on dealing most of the damage with auto-attacks.

Anet’s initial design borks the profession and they are too stubborn to change it. Whether it’s a matter of the amount of work required to change it, blind belief that they can hit the right note with balance one day, sheer ignorance or just them being bad designers remains to be seen. I believe, looking at the evidence, that it’s a combination of all of the above.

That’s why I switched to ranger, which also has problems, but at least offers a skillcap and fun gameplay, something that necro doesn’t really have.


(edited by leman.7682)

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

Most of the people who know the necro and play PvP already knew it wouldn’t be viable form the spec update. Like many of us have said things like our weapons, lack of active defenses especially since we have no mobility, lack of meaningful support, lack of team synergy will always hold it back in conquest.

Also we now lack a proper viable heal for top tier pvp.

If you think about it we are probably one of the worst zerker classes, since everything has more active defenses/mobility in their zerker builds and even team support. Probably one of the worst at condi application classes aside from our transfers. But if the enemy comp isn’t running conditions it’s deadweight. And if you try to make a tanky necro it’ll be really selfish compared to most other bunkers and less survivable because we lack active defense. We just have a second health bar. Huehuehue.

Anet needs to look at the design of a lot of things on necro and change some of their visions for it for us to be viable in conquest PvP. Also let’s not forget these same things also make us the worst PvE profession.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I pay 10g to the first person that gives me a viable necro build that isn’t based on dealing most of the damage with auto-attacks.

Unless you’re playing PvE, every build does most of its damage with non-aa skills.
Also, I use staff + axe and I don’t rely on Life Blasts for damage. I’ve been using this build before the patch and I still do now.

On topic, imo it’s still too early to complain about the meta.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: leman.7682


I pay 10g to the first person that gives me a viable necro build that isn’t based on dealing most of the damage with auto-attacks.

Unless you’re playing PvE, every build does most of its damage with non-aa skills.
Also, I use staff + axe and I don’t rely on Life Blasts for damage. I’ve been using this build before the patch and I still do now.

On topic, imo it’s still too early to complain about the meta.

Keyword: viable. Hint: Having to generate life-force to be able to survive to do damage also counts.

Just to clarify: I don’t know if you play other professions but it is rare to see other professions play using autoattacks. On my ranger, ele, engie, thief, warrior, thief and I presume mesmer (although I don’t play mes) I spend most time executing combos and thinking on how to outplay the opponent with timed blocks, evades, skillshots. On necro, it’s always the same: generate life force, do some damage with autos, cleanse conditions, do some cc. There is no ingenuity in it and when you have used your available skills, you always end up doing autos, because all other skills are either on cooldown or some of them are not worth using (either because of the opportunity cost – Fears/Chillblains or their non-viability – Life Siphon, wink wink).

Thanks for trying though!


(edited by leman.7682)

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Targuil.3741


What is the other profession that is so heavily based on autoattacking? I pay 10g to the first person that gives me a viable necro build that isn’t based on dealing most of the damage with auto-attacks.

Condition minionmancer. Most of my outgoing damage comes transfers, death novas and various bleeding burst combos. Definetly viable for soloQ at least. And you can’t really expect necromancer to be viable anywhere else anyway, autoattacking or no autoattacking.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amityel.5324


necro will always suck because class has major flaws in design and anet wont change it…..unless there will be 2vs2 3vs3 arenase necro wont be used in pvp teams…….I played 3500 games as a necro untill I rerolled to mesmer/guard year ago

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thustlewhumber.7416


There is no ingenuity in it and when you have used your available skills, you always end up doing autos, because all other skills are either on cooldown or some of them are not worth using

So, basically, after you have used ALL OTHER AVAILABLE SKILLS AND THEY ARE ON COOLDOWN, necros will default to auto attack? Just like every other class in the game? And you are QQing because why, exactly?

You already said you are on ranger now… go back to that forum plz.

WvW Necro

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


Viable: capable of working successfully. Feasible. The bar for comparison that always shifts just above someone’s reach when arguing design/balance on forums.

Also, it’s OK if you don’t like Necro. You don’t have to try to convince us that we don’t like it either in some crusade to show ANet that no one likes Necro and it should be changed to what you like.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


The mobility changed hit us worst of all since it pretty much removed any way for us to hinder an opponent’s escapability. Meanwhile we still don’t have reliable stability, and no mobility. Until we get one of those (I’d prefer stability), we won’t be viable for top tier PvP. I keep saying they should also change foot in the grave to give us stability every 3 seconds or let weakness prevent CC. There is so much crowd control nowadays it’s unreal.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Traited Spectral walk with pack runes is something like 39s of swiftness on 48s cool down & has port uptime of 12.5 seconds.

It’s almost mobility.

I think our mobility issues are closer to being solved if anet would fix broken z-axis teleports.

But even then, if anet is going to make us take a whole utility just for a stun break and less than 100% swiftness uptime, then there’s gt o be something more to recommend in the weapon skills. There isn’t.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Generally speaking, its our weapon skills that are holding us back, though in some cases our utility skills also aren’t filling the roles they need to, and Death Shroud still has issues.

What Bhawb wrote. I’ve been saying it since the game launched on the forums that necro weapons have boring design with no inner and outside synergies that you can play around. Not only does it lower the skillcap, it also makes the profession less fun than others in the long run, because there’s only that much you can do with your stuff.

What is the other profession that is so heavily based on autoattacking? I pay 10g to the first person that gives me a viable necro build that isn’t based on dealing most of the damage with auto-attacks.

Anet’s initial design borks the profession and they are too stubborn to change it. Whether it’s a matter of the amount of work required to change it, blind belief that they can hit the right note with balance one day, sheer ignorance or just them being bad designers remains to be seen. I believe, looking at the evidence, that it’s a combination of all of the above.

That’s why I switched to ranger, which also has problems, but at least offers a skillcap and fun gameplay, something that necro doesn’t really have.

Yeh bhawb is correct about that. I think our traits are in a good spot. It is our weapon skills and utilities which are lacking. There are no team support utility options really. And not really any tanky options to give us healing.

Our weapon skills are seriously lacking. Scepter 3 doesnt hit hard enough. In general our skills have too low power coefficients. Staff auto attack is too slow, cast time is too long. Focus cast times are too long. Warhorn untraited is just underpowered in terms of the cooldowns.

I have seen cele classes hit for 6k with things like final thrust, pry bar and fire grab (and not even on glass classes). We dont have a single skill on zerker which hits for 6k as far as I am aware. Or not spammable. Ideally scepter 3 should hit for 5-6k on celestial with might to be in line with these other skills.

We all know the issue with curses is holding us back massively. But I agree in general the weapon skills and utilities are more of an issue.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Traited Spectral walk with pack runes is something like 39s of swiftness on 48s cool down & has port uptime of 12.5 seconds.

It’s almost mobility.

I think our mobility issues are closer to being solved if anet would fix broken z-axis teleports.

But even then, if anet is going to make us take a whole utility just for a stun break and less than 100% swiftness uptime, then there’s gt o be something more to recommend in the weapon skills. There isn’t.

That isn’t mobility though. Mobility is getting focussed and porting to the top of clock tower like mesmer/thief. Or leaping and rushing across the map like a warrior.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


I agree, but at some long enough duration the spectral walk port becomes mobility similar to a self portal. 12.5 seconds is almost there.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


I agree, but at some long enough duration the spectral walk port becomes mobility similar to a self portal. 12.5 seconds is almost there.

The amount of setup and prediction required for it to work is way higher then any other mobility skill in this game. Portal is like 90 sec and you can even port back if neccessairy.


Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I pay 10g to the first person that gives me a viable necro build that isn’t based on dealing most of the damage with auto-attacks.

Unless you’re playing PvE, every build does most of its damage with non-aa skills.
Also, I use staff + axe and I don’t rely on Life Blasts for damage. I’ve been using this build before the patch and I still do now.

On topic, imo it’s still too early to complain about the meta.

Keyword: viable. Hint: Having to generate life-force to be able to survive to do damage also counts.

Just to clarify: I don’t know if you play other professions but it is rare to see other professions play using autoattacks. On my ranger, ele, engie, thief, warrior, thief and I presume mesmer (although I don’t play mes) I spend most time executing combos and thinking on how to outplay the opponent with timed blocks, evades, skillshots. On necro, it’s always the same: generate life force, do some damage with autos, cleanse conditions, do some cc. There is no ingenuity in it and when you have used your available skills, you always end up doing autos, because all other skills are either on cooldown or some of them are not worth using (either because of the opportunity cost – Fears/Chillblains or their non-viability – Life Siphon, wink wink).

Thanks for trying though!

I do play other classes, but I disagree on them being different in regards to how you’re using your skills. Yes, you have to generate life force, but that doesn’t force you into a boring or predictable rotation.

Clearly you are implying that my build isn’t viable. So here’s my counter proposal:
10g for every time you beat me with any other class or build, and I will not use my weapon’s auto attacks.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Forsaker.9213


Well lets be honest , necro is bad designed class and will never be vaible.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


I agree, but at some long enough duration the spectral walk port becomes mobility similar to a self portal. 12.5 seconds is almost there.

The amount of setup and prediction required for it to work is way higher then any other mobility skill in this game. Portal is like 90 sec and you can even port back if neccessairy.

They should really just make spectral walk work like how the necromonger leader uses it in chronicles of ridkitten. He seperates his soul from his body, and it moves at insane speed, then his body immediately follows, being pulled to his soul’s location. It’s just ridiculous they way spectral walk works right now. In fact I wish they’d base the spectral side of the necromancer more off the necromonger.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


The reliance on the staff is something that bothers too I think. It is our only two-handed weapon, and basically every build uses it, while it is actually not that good although necessary. They buffed it a bit with the patch, but still I see it as a condi oriented weapon, while power builds have to use it very often too.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: leman.7682


Also, it’s OK if you don’t like Necro. You don’t have to try to convince us that we don’t like it either in some crusade to show ANet that no one likes Necro and it should be changed to what you like.

Ohh, I love necro. I have thousands of hours played on my character and I play thousands of matches with it, but not for the barely existent engaging gameplay but for the challenge it has presented since the game started.

It would be nice if you got the point right, I’m not on a crusade to show that I and others should dislike the necro, but on a mission to let necro players realise that things could be better if they had a little more respect for themselves and kept pushing Anet for meaningful changes that improve the profession in general and not just by introducing one or two viable specs in balance patches that aren’t even optimal in the high-level play (Forsaker, Henry and a few others understand what I mean).

Simply being effective should never be the goal. Being effective, difficult and fun should be and right now necro is only sometimes effective and rarely difficult. Opinions may vary of course, and my point of view is by no means universal, but I think that at the high-level it is pretty valid.


(edited by leman.7682)

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


Leman, I’m not so sure you enjoy the Necro class. I think the Necro class has been an “underdog” in your preferred mode of play, and you enjoy being the underdog first and foremost.

“On necro, it’s always the same: generate life force, do some damage with autos, cleanse conditions, do some cc. There is no ingenuity in it and when you have used your available skills, you always end up doing autos, because all other skills are either on cooldown or some of them are not worth using (either because of the opportunity cost – Fears/Chillblains or their non-viability – Life Siphon, wink wink).”

You have no good things to say about the Necro playstyle, but you love Necro? What exactly do you love, if not the simple fact that they have been fairly absent from top-tier PvP play for a good while?

Also, I used the word “crusade” because you seem to think everyone needs to agree with you, and those who don’t either don’t understand or don’t matter. You say things could be “better”, and your idea of a goal should be “effective, difficult, and fun”. What if difficult isn’t always fun for people? Should everything in the game be difficult? What even is “difficult” to you? Is it having to put some effort into a bit of muscle memory, or pressing a couple buttons in a certain sequence for damage, or what exactly?

I don’t expect answers to those questions, but you’re layering the subjectivity on extremely thick under the seeming pretense of objectivity (EDIT: You added a thing to your most recent post that mentioned how opinions may vary. So nevermind on the pretense thing). It would be like you trying to tell me that I would have more fun running to rap music than my typical electronic selection. You point to a guy who also listens to rap music while he runs and say “See, he gets it. Just imagine how much more fun it would be to listen to rap!”. But I don’t like rap music.

It also isn’t that Necros who enjoy their time playing Necro don’t respect themselves. That seems a bit silly to say. I enjoy building Life Force and using Shroud as a defensive and offensive mechanic. I enjoy swapping utilities around to maximize effectiveness of whatever encounter I run into. I love pulling people off of WvW walls and immobilizing them immediately on landing. I love when I’m nearly out of health, then I pop Spectral Armor, go into DS, and float for several seconds, knowing that the other person is thinking “No no no, he’s almost dead, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”. I love when a class like Warrior forgets to save Zerker Stance for running away, and I chain-chill/boon strip them into oblivion, ruining their escape. I love trying to catch and crush slippery classes instead of being one myself. I love how I can do miracles against an enemy spamming boons.

I love the aesthetic, I love the playstyle, and I love how Necro feels in this game. It isn’t perfect, and there are a large number of QoL/design decisions I’d love to see made across the entire game. However, top-tier PvP is a unique animal, and that meta is probably going to be in flux until the expac releases and settles anyway.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Joker.9812


Necro is now one of the best PvP classes. I go solo Minion Master and always easy win. I have a lot HP, a lot of toughness and when they shramp me, I heal myself easily. Nice dmg with power focused and with Minions. And if there edge of death arrived, DS is always on my side.

Necro’s one the most powerful classes in PvP at the moment, mate!

Everything, which has its beginning…
… has also its end.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


Necro is now one of the best PvP classes. I go solo Minion Master and always easy win. I have a lot HP, a lot of toughness and when they shramp me, I heal myself easily. Nice dmg with power focused and with Minions. And if there edge of death arrived, DS is always on my side.

Necro’s one the most powerful classes in PvP at the moment, mate!

I’ll second that. Yeah, you can still be hard CC’ed, but that’s nothing new. And minion master, though AI is still trash, does do really well in team fights. I’d venture to guess that the reason is because it’s so hard to keep track of everything and you have attacks going from all angles. And a well timed golem charge can knock down two or three people. I’m actually enjoying MM again, something I’ve never done in PvP before. So, I’m pretty good with it. Though I do look forward to AI changes..

Sylvari Power Reaper

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I’m having completely opposite experiences as far as MM goes…. my minions die when they get sneezed on on teamfights and any other fight my opponents just mess with the minions by abusing their axis issues.

In fact my beat experience as a MM since patch has basically been to go full dps and suicide the minions for death nova.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Login.5102


MM is terrible in team fights.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


MM is terrible in team fights.

Which means it’s terrible in any pvp game where your opponents aren’t complete morons.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I knew this was how it was gonna be… CC nerf made us an easier target and any buff we received is ineffective because everything else is still two steps ahead of us. Power builds can’t handle being focused, condi builds bring little to a team fight, and mm builds can’t handle AoE. Nothing changed for the better. I’m ready for a Necromancer CDI

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


You can avoid teamfights really easily on MM.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


Although I never play MM because the idea does not attract me at all, they could be the new turret engi as in masters of the 1v1’s. But then again, only being effective in 1v1’s is not enough for top tier pvp. I actually switched a while ago to Ranger, probably together with necro the class with the most issues in PvP. The lack of teamfight abilities of the ranger might be even bigger than with the necro, and it really hurts your usefullness in PvPmatches.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


We will never be top tier with things as they are now. Anet broke the mold with ele, engie, guardian burning and thief, warrior, mesmer burst. Wvw and pvp are stupid right now . Please God release crowfall or CU some can play a real pvp game. So tiRed of the favored classes ruling.

Better game comes along I’m gone, because this favoritism sucks monkey sack

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Why is the comparison with top tier? as if any of us will play on that level,. Most of us have lives, show more love to your class guys.

Ranger/Mesmer brother here feels you.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


Why is the comparison with top tier? as if any of us will play on that level,. Most of us have lives, show more love to your class guys.

Ranger/Mesmer brother here feels you.

Ideally, all classes would have at least one build that is top-tier competitive for each facet of the game. Each class missing from the top-tier meta stagnates said meta a little bit more from a lack of variety.

I’m honestly not sold that the problem is the Necro design. I tend to think the Necro class is designed pretty well with avoidable cast times, specific weaknesses, etc. If anything, all of the instants/immunities/multi-second blocks/blind spams/etc. out there are the issue. To survive as part of that world, Necro probably needs to end up adopting some of that world’s toolset.

Part of the issue could also very well be the game mode used in top-tier PvP.

I’m not saying Necro design is perfect, but I also think the design of many other classes is, at the very least, questionable. Plus, the game is cats and dogs living together right now from a balance perspective, it sounds like.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

Why is the comparison with top tier? as if any of us will play on that level,. Most of us have lives, show more love to your class guys.

Ranger/Mesmer brother here feels you.

Ideally, all classes would have at least one build that is top-tier competitive for each facet of the game. Each class missing from the top-tier meta stagnates said meta a little bit more from a lack of variety.

I’m honestly not sold that the problem is the Necro design. I tend to think the Necro class is designed pretty well with avoidable cast times, specific weaknesses, etc. If anything, all of the instants/immunities/multi-second blocks/blind spams/etc. out there are the issue. To survive as part of that world, Necro probably needs to end up adopting some of that world’s toolset.

Part of the issue could also very well be the game mode used in top-tier PvP.

I’m not saying Necro design is perfect, but I also think the design of many other classes is, at the very least, questionable. Plus, the game is cats and dogs living together right now from a balance perspective, it sounds like.

It’s much easier to give necro access to those things other professions use than design the other professions to be more like necro though.

I agree conquest could just be a big general problem for the necro though, a mode about rotation and mobility does hurt it more than any other profession. But mobility would be used in any game mode frankly. It mitigates so much damage allowing you to reposition yourself or to get to a certain area faster.

Let’s not just mention PvP though, Necros are by far the worst PvE profession too. When you’re the worst profession in 2 game modes (even though balancing isn’t for PvE) I think that says something about the necro design as a whole.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


I just want to say that although mobility keeps necromancer out of the conquest meta, the problems are worse with no capture points.

Necromancers are worse in small scale WvW and courtyard than they are in conquest.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


Best in red team is a Necro.
Last in blue team is a Necro.

That’s so misleading.

If you stay in point to double cap, you get extra points (for essentially being a bad player)
If you stomp rivals, you get extra points (necros shouldn’t stomp, unless there’s no alternative or they got stability from a guardian pal)

So being first doesn’t mean you are the best, being last…. it probably does mean you are the worst.