Nerco in top tier PvP

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


First, no one is forcing any of you to play the class if you’re so convinced that it’s bad. If you don’t like it, I’m sure that no one will notice another warrior or ele running around. I have no idea why anyone would continue play something that they complain about so much, it’s a game afterall. Play it for fun or don’t play it. It’s like the video game equivalent to an abusive relationship.

Second, I am not convinved – a week into the meta (LOL this thread)- that things are so bad. Has no one else noticed that shoutbow or dps medi guards are gone? That engineers and thieves, who were thought to be so much stronger post patch, actually both seem weaker, defensively? That since unpredicatable burst is so possible that having a high HP pool actually is very helpful defense? That condition transfers are ridiculously powerful? That the spite tree alone allows necros to take more defensive amulets due to the might stacks?

This meta isn’t even close to settling. Maybe necro ends up at the bottom again, but I’m seeing a lot of classes who were at the top suddenly seeming to be a lot worse (probably because they lost a lot of defensive stats), and necro feels noticeably better, because we never took defense to begin with.

Nerco in top tier PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I would like more pulls on weapons like the one planned for great sword. Spectral Grasp is weak enough to be rolled into axe 3. It is slow and easily dodged at 600+ range.

Necro does not need leaps if it can force gap closers on targets. Fear is an opener but not an escape. An equal number of pulls as fears would work.