New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tagekable.7053


First of all I’m a new player to the game, I’ve been playing WoW before this.
My question is, what should I look for in builds, “specs” and attributes?
I kinda been fooling around with a reaper build of my own, but I can’t find any strategic advantage in it. I mostly play PvE and the reason for me asking is that my guild is looking into raiding.
So to get to the point, I’m looking for a good all around PvE build.
Sincere regards

New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tagekable.7053


You can find a lot of builds and guides here

Thanks for the update. ^^

New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Slalom.3174


First, Welcome to a whole new world. Glad to have you here.
Tyria (GW2) is not what you are used to so, for your own enjoyment, set aside how you did things in that “other” game and approach this game with an open mind.

Second, please take your time to level up. In GW2 the journey is very entertaining and rewarding. There’s lots to do at endgame, but just as much along the way. You can always speed level alternate characters.

Third, the Elite Specializations (like Reaper) do not unlock until level 80. Prior to level 70-or-so, focusing on DPS is typical route. You can test other builds along the way, but Power, then Precision and Ferocity will likely be the combination that keep you going. Health and Armor is not so critical in PvE (you have a second Health bar after all ).

Finally, I am on NA. If there is anything you have trouble with feel free to ask in game.

“Please accept my text in the jovial, friendly manner that it is intended.”

(edited by Slalom.3174)

New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


New Player Necro/Reaper help is needed

in Necromancer

Posted by: vicious.5683


want an advice? Re roll a guardian, revenant or engi.

Reapers are gonna be nerfed into necromancer tier over the time.