(edited by Zenyoga.6910)
New Tpvp Vamp-Terrorist Build
Interesting build, I use almost a similar one myself : )
Hi, just wondering why you chose Mark of Evasion over Reaper’s Protection which would give an extra fear to work with the terror traits?
Also, would trading one of the spectral defense skill for something more offensive like a corruption skill or a well and changing the first soul reaping trait to the one that drains life force slower be viable?
Hi, just wondering why you chose Mark of Evasion over Reaper’s Protection which would give an extra fear to work with the terror traits?
Also, would trading one of the spectral defense skill for something more offensive like a corruption skill or a well and changing the first soul reaping trait to the one that drains life force slower be viable?
Ya by all means trading for a corruption skill is very usefull (I made a edit to show an example). However I do find that necro’s are first targeted alot and having the extra defense is very usefull all around.
I went for Mark of Evasion because its a more rounded skill that still provides equal if not more DPS and health/regen for you and your team and is up every 10 seconds as opposed to 90 sec. If you were just specing for 1v1 duels I may go with reapers protection instead but for Tpvp MoV is in my opinion a must have for any cond. necro.
In regards to the soul reaping trait that drains LF slower, I’m conflicted. I find that without 20% reduction in Spectral skills your less of a roamer and your Spectral Armor is up every other fight, instead of pretty much every fight at some point. Also since your not getting LF through marks your going to have a little less which means the times in which you have full LF bars to take advantage of the lower LF trait is going to mean it will help less (although it seems like it last an extra 8 seconds with a full bar, up from 6 seconds since I tested a while ago).
Hello, mind sharing the build of which you speak of here “the newer Hybrid full curses/Spite condition/power build”?
Hello, mind sharing the build of which you speak of here “the newer Hybrid full curses/Spite condition/power build”?
I’ll round out the topic so you can see the evolution to the build.
Here is the post I made a long while back and still holds most of its merit
While that build can work and has its place, the build I shortly after came up with is closer to what we see now days with a full spite investment (and which a PZ member uses or close to from what I understand. (not saying he copied since there are probably a number of people who run similar things under there own experimentation)
Now there’s little variances based on play style you can go for here int terms of utility. Also on a side note, most sheep will just blurt out toughness is better than vitality, but that is only true dependent on current health and how long a fight prolongs. While the differences are small-subtle sometimes because your the first focus target in Tpvp, having a immediate health pool through vitality to survive a short term initial burst/fight will yield greater benefits than a toughness build that will only slightly shine in long fights…. So again you gotta figure your play style and how the enemy tends to encounter you and how your speced.
(edited by Zenyoga.6910)
That build actually looks pretty cool thx, I did at some point consider using a scepter in a power build, just cause it does more dmg than an axe hehe
so maybe I wasn’t completely off on that thought.
Nice terror build as well, was also something I had considered and looks pretty much like the one you posted in the OP
That build actually looks pretty cool
thx, I did at some point consider using a scepter in a power build, just cause it does more dmg than an axe hehe
so maybe I wasn’t completely off on that thought.
Nice terror build as well, was also something I had considered and looks pretty much like the one you posted in the OP
Ya np, however to be honest I think the Terror build is “overall” the best bang for your buck since you get more damage and more survivability. But try them all out.
So I’m assuming the “more survivability” comes mainly from runes and the spectral utilities and not so much from use of death shroud? Sorry if these are stupid questions.
I guess that’s what I was getting at earlier because I have been messing around with DS type builds and was wondering whether it was viable to change this up a bit by replacing the spectral stuff with DS stuff. I love the condition builds for necro but find that if I’m without teammates (i’m a spvp person mostly) then I get taken down pretty quick!
I don’t know if some one brought it up but why do you have 2 on crit runes, thought they didn’t play nice together.
I don’t know if some one brought it up but why do you have 2 on crit runes, thought they didn’t play nice together.
The 2 Lyssa runes are for the 10% increase duration to conditions, which effects terror so that you get 2 ticks of 1k damage per fear.
So I’m assuming the “more survivability” comes mainly from runes and the spectral utilities and not so much from use of death shroud? Sorry if these are stupid questions.
I guess that’s what I was getting at earlier because I have been messing around with DS type builds and was wondering whether it was viable to change this up a bit by replacing the spectral stuff with DS stuff. I love the condition builds for necro but find that if I’m without teammates (i’m a spvp person mostly) then I get taken down pretty quick!
The survivability really comes from it all, but the spectral abilities really allow you to stay alive a little longer, but you do have to master D.S. What I mean by this is you want to time your skills so that the time your in deathshroud, your dodges and heal skill are recharging, and your using your fears to buy more time in between dodges heals/death shroud, unless you are putting a lot of pressure on a guy and use them to interrupt heals, downing your teammates or just like playing aggressive.
For example start each encounter with a bloodmark, followed by putrid and as they close in get off your focus skill that gives life force followed by a feast of corruption. This will give you a little life force, you can also pop your spectral walk at this time as they start to do some range damage to gain more life force. From here you have a stun breaker on D.S. that you can go into when knocked downed or stunned and still use a fear to gain ground, use your skill 2 and dodge backwards followed by life force gaining talent in D.S. (forgot the name), by this team you will have 5-8 bleeds going on them, at full health. Use your feast of corruption again followed by the focus life force skill when its off cooldown. You now have another life force buffer/stun breaker, your spectral armor and one at 50% health. You will have no issues with life force and if timed right, you can beat anyone 1v1 with mesmer being a very tough fight (but no one argues they are a little op atm). Disappearing thieves are troublesome, but with timed fears, dodges and usage of your defensive skills, you will win the attrition war and if he pops theifs guild use your elite and bleed down the theifs fast and work the player next unless he’s low to begin with.
I don’t know if some one brought it up but why do you have 2 on crit runes, thought they didn’t play nice together.
The 2 Lyssa runes are for the 10% increase duration to conditions, which effects terror so that you get 2 ticks of 1k damage per fear.
He meant weapon sigils.