New to Necro

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hi All,

Am currently running a necro that i am utilizing for spvp and levelling up as per normal. Would like to know any recommendation of “damage over time”" like spec. And yes, in case you’re wondering, I am a WoW crossover, having played a warlock all my mmo life.

Would appreciated any help on this. Thanks.

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


What level and how much pvp time?
If under level 50 use minions to get levels while making tea, reading a newspaper, maybe even a novel and/or giving your significant other groin pleasure.
If over 50 and/or 200h+ pvp time on necro you can pretty much just walk naked with a scepter and learn to kite/dodge as prep time for fractals.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


erm, sorry, but what are fractals? I keep hearing this term… is it like an instance dungeon? Also, does minion do damage over time damage? I am more into this for the gameplay if anything else.

Though giving my significant other groin pleasure does sound ncie

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Impact.2780


Not to sound rude, but it would be much faster and easier for you to simply Google fractals for the wiki link and necromancer condition builds - conditions being damage over time - which will lead you to a variety of different condition damage builds. You can also search the forums for necromancer builds, there are a lot of people who have shared their builds, discussed ideas and written guides. Asking in a new thread will only mean other people will search for you and return those same results.

That being said, you sound new to GW2, and I would advise any new player to get to level 80 without using guides in order to get to know your class and experience a variety of different traits. Then, when you’re close to 80 you should have a few build ideas you can expand upon. At this point, looking at guides for more ideas might help, it’ll be more fun to find that a build you came up with on your own is already being used and is effective and popular, and most importantly you’ll be able to better understand the purpose and play style of the build just by looking at the traits and stats.

EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ocelot.6053


Hi Shadowcaster,

If you’re looking for DOT like mechanics akin to WOW’s warlock, try putting trait points into the Curses and Spite trait lines. These will boost your condition damage and duration and give you some trait abilities to play around with.

If it turns out you don’t like those trait lines, you can always reset your traits at the trainer later on for a small fee.

Hope this helps, and welcome to GW2.

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Don’t put trait points into certain things based on stats kk. Your where your stats will come from pick your traits based on what they do for your build. If it happens to have stats that help well whoop dee doo. Also never played wow but I have played some other mmos and dot damage is easily cleansed in this game and there is a cap on how much certain dots can do.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: borrok.9267


I agree with impact here, if you work on learning your class without guides it will probably help you in the long run. Asking about the mechanics of certain skills or traits is a different story, because several are misrepresented.

Teef master race

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Hey Guys,

After looking around and trying to understand the game mechanics of GW2, I have taken immense liking to SPVP and would want to focus on this area.

As such, I have come up with a build that i think might be of use, though i notice i die pretty fast 2 on 1 with some survivability on 1 on 1. Focus of this build is of course, DOTs & Life draining mechanics via direct damage.


I got a few questions though:

Is dhummfire an important DOT not to lose for SPVP?
Versus Vampiric Trait, is it worth losing vampiric in favor of Dhummfire?
Any critique on the build per se?

Would appreciate the support on this.


New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowcaster.9281


Apologies, i got some of the sigils mixed up. The build proper here:

Basically, I am getting the axe and dagger as secdonary, swapped for life draining hits and allowing health steal every time i switch for on demand heals.

Let me know your views guys and remember, this is for SPVP. Thanks.

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pelopidas.2140


So you’ve got some things mixed up:)
First of all scepter/focus and axe/dagger dont synergize very good. Focus strips boons in pvp and applies pretty fast vuln on opponent and some regen on you. vuln+axe #2 is the way to go. As for dagger as offhand its usually used with the scepter to apply extra bleeds with dagger #5.
Utilities are all changeable so you choose what you like
About traits…the 25pts spite minor trait (might when health drops to 25%) is absolutely worthless Also as second major trait instead of axe mastery take chill of death for pvp, i think it has 20s icd ? (the skill from the trait is the skill #5 from focus)
You dont really need that much condi duration from traits (20% bleed + 33% from scepter) especially since you have invested in spite which already gives cond duration. Use the grandmaster trait for 33% more condi duration on scepter for longer poison and cripple, switch the first major trait to Weaking shroud (casting dagger skill #5 on ds enter). The 5 points you removed from spite you can use to take blood magic 20 pts major trait, and take trait I for lower dagger skills cooldown (condi transfer+blind on dagger #4 on lower cooldown). The standard choice for pvp necros is to take the trait IX on Curses, Terror, to deal damage with fear, and its a way better choice than faster recharge on corruption skills.
The choice of runes shows you want duration on your bleeds, but there are way too many condi cleanses in pvp and duration isnt that important. Duration is important in pve while pvp and wvw you must focus on your condition damage. So with the rabid gear(lots of toughness) a solid choice are the runes of the undead, which convert 5% of your toughness to condition damage. Your sigil choices are ok, maybe change the 10% more vuln to something else, like Superior Sigil of Nullification (remove a boon on crit, 60% chance to proc) or any sigil which works on crit because you have a high enough crit chance.

That build needs changes
Anyway id suggest level your class first to learn it, look at some guides online, browse the forums (dont let the immense qq-ing in here affect your view of the class:D) and then customize your own build, according to your preference and experience.

New to Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


The strongest DoT is fire/burning but right now Dhuumfire requires a glassy build and fairly high level of skill because of the emphasis on dps.

After fire, bleeding is the next highest condition dps for Necromancer. The profession has a lot of ways to put bleeds on targets and that tends to outweigh…

… Poison, which the Necromancer has access to two weapons and a number of utilities. Poison does damage and also reduces the target’s healing amount.

There is also a new condition called Torment, introduced last year, which is a part of your Death Shroud skill set. Torment damage increases if your target is attempting to move.

Confusion is the last dps condition because Necromancer has almost no access to it. It is available on the Rune of Perplexity equipment upgrade item or by corrupting an opponent’s Retaliation boon. Rune of Perplexity only creates Confusion by interrupting an opponent’s skill and Necromancers have no official interrupts.