(edited by Rangerdeity.5847)
Next elite spec hopes and dreams
I can just approve this novel idea of an healing skill that cursed a group of foes for a limited timae so that a %age of their damage heal the necromancer. That’s purely evil, I love it.
I can just approve this novel idea of an healing skill that cursed a group of foes for a limited timae so that a %age of their damage heal the necromancer. That’s purely evil, I love it.
i love the whole utility concept of granting things to your enemies in exchange for you gaining very potent abilities.
I want next elite spec to use Hammer (will work with the new legendary and the fact hammer necro goes back to GW1).
I want blast finishers on weapon skills, invulnerabilities/evades/blocks, leap or shadowstep, a unique buff for raids. Thanks for attention
I want next elite spec to use Hammer (will work with the new legendary and the fact hammer necro goes back to GW1).
I want blast finishers on weapon skills, invulnerabilities/evades/blocks, leap or shadowstep, a unique buff for raids. Thanks for attention
Maybe after i want a ranged power option first and hammer might be ranged on rev but we all know its a face smashing weapon not a pseudo staff
of course i want the hammer to be a melee weapon and not a ranged trash like on rev
Id like to see a tank spec for the reaper
Hammer would probably be the weapon of choice
Main mechanic – Use life force to create bone armor to Mitigate damage
Oops i mean Necro – been playing as reaper for too long…
I’d love to see a highly survivable tank spec that’s designed to operate in melee range.
The hammer would be perfect, as it should be all about boons and conditions:
Gaining Protection and Regeneration.
Causing Weakness, Vulnerability, and Cripple.
Lifesteal effects (powerful ones) to both deal damage and sustain.
Utility skills could be Rituals: when a Ritual is used, it forms a “tether” to the nearest 5 allies within 300 range. If they stay within 600 range of the Necro for 4 seconds after the tether has been formed, the ritual completes and everyone tethered receives the benefit of the skill while simultaneously making it stronger. Rituals have short channel times to set up and require a condition to be met for them to complete, such as hitting a target 3 times within that 4 seconds, or causing both weakness and cripple within that 4 seconds. Once the condition is met, the ritual is guaranteed to take effect even if the Necro is downed or dies; otherwise, the ritual fails and goes on a short (5 second) cooldown.
In other words, I’d like a spec that not only encourages teamplay but makes people want to be near the Necro in a fight.
[BICE] Black Ice / Maguuma Server
death knight elite, hammer and bruiser type of necro…..bone armor skill, life leech, great self healing etc elite could be summon army of dead….i know i know too much wow but i like wow death knights
death knight elite, hammer and bruiser type of necro…..bone armor skill, life leech, great self healing etc elite could be summon army of dead….i know i know too much wow but i like wow death knights
Instead of death knight (for obvious reasons lol) I think Wraith Lord would be a good one
(oh kitten with that “that would be op” bs, if you think that would be broken then I wouldn’t buy pof or the next expan, Id end gw2 right here lol)
I’d like to see sword skills become a thing for necro or maybe even dual swords
I think the spec would be great as a defense/tank melee role
We have enough ranged attacks and our only melee skill set, well, the skill set is fine, but gs moves way too kitten slow compared to the rest and on top of that, that’s our only option for melee
If they make Mainhand Dagger Condition eventually and listen to suggestions, I’d like a Mainhand Sword power build.
The Elite would be called Scavenger, with a crow theme.
It would focus on Dark Arts and Marks. It would bring more access to Marks other than using Staff, being Life Steal focused.
The Shroud skill would be calling upon the spiritual power of crows to infuse with your body, giving you sharp claws to quickly attack your targets. It would be all black, covering you in feathers while giving you a shadowy crow like figure, and you’d have a beak. It would focus on teleporting and jumping into the air, then swooping down for massive damage and CC.
Mainhand Sword would have skills that all had Life Steal.
The auto attack chain would be Life Steal with Life Force generation, and would focus on quick double attacks. Skill 2 would be a Mark that called upon Crows to attack your target multiple times like the Ranger Warhorn. Skill 3 would teleport and leave a trail of crow feathers.
The Heal would create a crow feather aura that worked like the Guardian’s Shelter Heal.
The first Utility would be a Mark that blinded and chained enemies with crow feathers.
The second Utility would be a Mark that was a ground targeted leap giving Protection, and blinding.
The Third Utility would be a Mark that summoned a crow to fight by your side and transfer life to you on each attack, and fear your enemies.
The Elite would be a Mark that spawned sharp crow feathers around you hitting for heavy piercing damage, and crippling.
The Traits would focus on moving faster, with Superspeed, and adding range and damage onto leap skills. Also being focused on slowing enemies down, and attacking fast. It would be very bursty.
I know it’s edgy, but I want it xD.
(edited by Kam.4092)
Siphon Damage will always suck. It’s a broken idea that is either underpowered or overpowered in every game.
The moment anet releases a specialization with a Shield offhand, that will be the choice of every necromancer in pvp/WvW and even pvE (until weapon damage is increased to a realistic competitive level)
A short range condition weapon (mace) would fill gaps in the necromancer’s skill set, as would a ranged weapon that can do AoE damage and make fields and finish them (short bow)
I always wanted a weapon with a minion skill on its skill bar, but that looks like it can’t happen on an offhand now.
How about a specialization where skills just work 100% of the time?
Not getting fear damage from a trait because a warrior used a fear sucks. Not getting torment, because the enemy didn’t have boons, or had boons that expired or were ripped first sucks. Not getting power damage on your power damage focus weapon, because nobody is standing next too the enemy (or because two or more people are standing next to the enemy) sucks.
Siphon Damage will always suck. It’s a broken idea that is either underpowered or overpowered in every game.
I would disagree. Take a look at the renegade elite skill. It’s very well done, a strong siphon, with an 1s ICD and a controlled uptime. Thats a real good attempt for a siphon.
siphon damage wont always suck. it could be fixed by better scaling and allowing it to crit.
I want to be a life siphoning crow
There seems to be a lot of people looking for survivable tank specs for the next elite. Personally I see that as a shortcoming of reaper needing tweaking. I think the original intent was a slow inevitable death by a dude using a greatsword. When HOT came out I thought reaper would be a slow unstoppable (un CCable) melee class that chilled. So when you eventually caught up they could never get away. I also imagined a medium ranged chain hook skill that pulled the enemy toward you would be great for flavour and theme! But what we got was a squishy melee sponge that gets CC locked in PvP every time. My question is how is your vision of the new e spec different than the original intent of reaper? Would it be better to just ask for a reaper rework or change a few traits?
@Amityel when the necro leaks said scourge is a support spec with a health shield mechanic of some sort I was hoping for a disc priest with a gw2 spin on it. It would have a bone shield for allies that required a blood tax of some sort. So you have to damage enemies to build or maintain the shield heals in a certain time andbif not it comes out of your health bar. Maybe also have tons of synergy with blood magic vampirism traits. I don’t see it happening now with the scourge filling the niche but we will have to wait and see how effective scourge is.
I’m hoping they will one day fix core necro and shroud to be a legit long ranged shadow nuker. Not quite sure what I want as the next e spec. Maybe a very mobile high dps melee shadow wraith that jumps out of portals short distances away?