No new shroud

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arzurag.7506


Well, it is safe, we get no new shroud.
I, personally, am a bit disappointed because the shroud always was a part of the necromancer and specifically of the reaper.
Anyway, I´m looking forward to scourge but with less excitement than before.

Walking’s good, fighting’s better, fcking’s best

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


It was obvious we would never get movement or other support / defence as long as we had shroud. I’m more interested in exactly what the new class mechanic is

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silv.9207


They had to do something new and the only new mechanic you can do with a necro is remove the shroud.
They did the same thing to the ranger, making him adsorb the pet to obtain it’s power.

I’m not shure about it’s survavibility in an enviroment like sPvP, we’re already slaughtered all the day still with the shroud, I hope there will be a serious amount of movement and defensive skills to grant us a chance to survive in sPvP without our old meatshield mechanic.

But that’s the only thing that scare me, I really like the theme and the new role. Finally we’re able to cover our biggest lack and obtain a way to support our allies in some manner.
Support builds are frequently defensive, then we’ll obtain ways to survive better… I hope…

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Durnik Dk.6301

Durnik Dk.6301

I’m just wondering what they will do with all the core traits that only works in shroud or on activation… Almost half of all the traits have to do with shroud in some way or another. Will they be changed or will they be worthless?

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taranotos.1567


I’m just wondering what they will do with all the core traits that only works in shroud or on activation… Almost half of all the traits have to do with shroud in some way or another. Will they be changed or will they be worthless?

Going to have to wait for a balance update sometimes before the expansion. Most likely for the anniversary that coming up later this month.. I hope.

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I’m just wondering what they will do with all the core traits that only works in shroud or on activation… Almost half of all the traits have to do with shroud in some way or another. Will they be changed or will they be worthless?

WP has shown on his current stream that we get 5 skills above the bar that will work with shroud skills. Keep an eye on reddit and dulfy will sure enough ahve all the screen caps from all the streams son enough

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


Well for ALL those who asked for using utiity skills in Shroud, now we get the reversed, the F1 (shroud skills) out of shroud… kinda like the new look, dont know how fast and easy it is to apply/setup those barriers.

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


They have no more excuses to not balance the necros correctly now that we’re shroud-less.

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


They have no more excuses to not balance the necros correctly now that we’re shroud-less.

so true

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Taranotos.1567


Give them time they going to try anyways.

No new shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hesacon.8735


They have no more excuses to not balance the necros correctly now that we’re shroud-less.

Except base necro and reaper will still exist. Just because a new specialization exists doesn’t mean it’s required to play.