Noob Necro Suggestions!!

Noob Necro Suggestions!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Orphan.6278



Hey guys,
So me and my friend decided to dust off our old GW2 Accounts and were back at it.
I’m a guy and my friend is a girl.
She’s not super great at games and I’m pretty good at most everything I play.
She LOVES GW2 though, so far. She wants to play a necromancer (i tried to get her to play something a bit more direct but this is what she wanted)
Most of the guides i’ve read have encouraged me to encourage her to try things. But I’m playing a thief and she a necro.
She’s getting better!

I had some questions and maybe you guys can help as she’s very specific with how she likes to play her necro….

She loves the staff. It’s all she wants to use. I tried getting her to Scepter/Dagger but she wasn’t into it. I can try other forms but she’s pretty set on just that Staff and she also has said she prefers ranged combat (hence why I haven’t tried to make her use a axe/dagger/ blah blah.)

She’s getting better at dropping her skills (were both close to lvl 15) and she likes her minions and using ranged combat.
I was trying to figure out … Knowing she prefers a staff what is the best trait line for her to level up with.
We put all her points into blood so far as I wanted her to have more survivability.
What do you guys recommend once she finishes that? Or should we get rid of the blood points and place them elsewhere?
She really just enjoys questing and finishing fights alive. ahaha.

Any weapon types you think she might like for a reason besides the staff??
I haven’t played necro myself, just done a lot of reading. Would really love tips.
We will try pvp later but I just want her to enjoy questing and possible dungeons soon.

Thanks!!! <3

My parents never loved me

Noob Necro Suggestions!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


gl hf

When leveling: the first trait I’d go for is Staff Mastery, then get as much power and condition damage as you can. Carrion gear is first available at lvl55, I think.

(edited by flow.6043)

Noob Necro Suggestions!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bogey.5423


I would go scepter + focus/dagger with another set with staff. Both ranged and would make good condition build. Like said if scepter is not interesting enough then with lack of options it is axe + focus/dagger.

Death Magic master trait Greater Marks (VII) and adept Staff Mastery (V) is great with staff and if none of the other weapons seems like fun then can easy switch between staff and Death Shroud. Staff skills recharge so quickly that no need to switch to other weapons. Although I would encourage to learn other weapons even if they seems like useless at the moment. Same goes for traits, it is not that expensive to re-trait, so try out different combinations to find one that suit her play style.

Minions might help “tank” and help necromancer to keep her distance. Learn to switch in and out of Death Shroud, it really help to survive even hardest fights.


(edited by Bogey.5423)

Noob Necro Suggestions!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ipkus.4590


If you want to use staff use minions. They synergize well.

Noob Necro Suggestions!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Orphan.6278


thanks all the replies were very helpful. She’ll be moving her points to death magic ASAP and we’ll focus on that for her!

My parents never loved me