Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Fixing the forum (sorry, 10m post inverval).

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheDevice.2751




Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


Another Update

I didn’t want to really update until a new balance patch but meh. IDK When that will be.

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: DEATHsCLAW.1978


this one here is more of a fun build for pvp,
looking at some pros:
2225 power, 60-70% critchance, 187.5% critdamage
perma swiftness, perma fury (->80-90% critchance), perma weakness and chill application, 4 condi clears on averaging 21s cooldown

I tried leaving out soulreaping and it worked surprisingly well. only thing Im missing is vital persistance..
lifeforce generation happens from getting might on crit and blighters boon. weapons are 1v1 oriented. tactic is forcing the opponent into defense from the beginning.

from all power builds I had the most succes with this one past season. what u think about it?

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: KrHome.1920


this one here is more of a fun build for pvp,
looking at some pros:
2225 power, 60-70% critchance, 187.5% critdamage
perma swiftness, perma fury (->80-90% critchance), perma weakness and chill application, 4 condi clears on averaging 21s cooldown

I tried leaving out soulreaping and it worked surprisingly well. only thing Im missing is vital persistance..
lifeforce generation happens from getting might on crit and blighters boon. weapons are 1v1 oriented. tactic is forcing the opponent into defense from the beginning.

from all power builds I had the most succes with this one past season. what u think about it?

It’s bad. Way too squishy. You’re down in 3 seconds under focus fire. And every block/Invuln. reliant build will outsustain you (DH, Mes, Rev, Warr). Condi Reapers hardcounter you as they melt your low HP/Shroud pool, and ignore your toughness. Thieves interrupt your heal and kite you to death, as you cant sustain for long in shroud due to dropping Sould Reaping.

You might kill some Scrappers…

I also experimented with Spite and Curses. The damage/debuff potential is insane (if you change your traits to Close to death and Path of Coruption) but you die the moment someone looks at you. Only viable in Amber sPvP or PvE.

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I am still playing this build:

Sage shoutmancer

You have very low boon corruption overall, which is probably why it is not meta. But it is way more survivable than the meta build, which is great in soloq. Does enough damage to keep pressure and has some decent support. I typically run NCSY instead of Suffer if I don’t fear too much condi pressure but expect a lot of boons or blocks.

Because it does a bit of everything, I find it a decent carry build.

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crinn.7864


I am still playing this build:

Sage shoutmancer

You have very low boon corruption overall, which is probably why it is not meta. But it is way more survivable than the meta build, which is great in soloq. Does enough damage to keep pressure and has some decent support. I typically run NCSY instead of Suffer if I don’t fear too much condi pressure but expect a lot of boons or blocks.

Because it does a bit of everything, I find it a decent carry build.

Yay, I’m not the only person that has looked at sage amulet.

I use a different variant.

WoC is very useful and very underrated. Works extremely well for shutting down rezzes and getting people (especially DH) to GTFO the point.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I am still playing this build:

Sage shoutmancer

You have very low boon corruption overall, which is probably why it is not meta. But it is way more survivable than the meta build, which is great in soloq. Does enough damage to keep pressure and has some decent support. I typically run NCSY instead of Suffer if I don’t fear too much condi pressure but expect a lot of boons or blocks.

Because it does a bit of everything, I find it a decent carry build.

Yay, I’m not the only person that has looked at sage amulet.

I use a different variant.

WoC is very useful and very underrated. Works extremely well for shutting down rezzes and getting people (especially DH) to GTFO the point.

I would love some added corruption, but you are doing it at the expense of a stunbreak! I just could not find any place in my utility bar for it…

Also, why do you use a healing power amulet but avoid the only traits which scale well with healing power (life from death and transfusion)?

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Yay, I’m not the only person that has looked at sage amulet.

I use a different variant.

WoC is very useful and very underrated. Works extremely well for shutting down rezzes and getting people (especially DH) to GTFO the point.

I would love some added corruption, but you are doing it at the expense of a stunbreak! I just could not find any place in my utility bar for it…

I don’t find stunbreaks very exciting in the current meta. Most CC nowadays is short quarter or half second interrupts rather than the long CC of pre-hot. On such short interrupts stunbreaks just don’t do much.

Also, why do you use a healing power amulet but avoid the only traits which scale well with healing power (life from death and transfusion)?

I didn’t use Sage for the healing power. I observed that over half of my damage was power (60/40 power/condi ratio usually), with much of that coming from leeches. Leeches scale off power and power only.

Since the build uses condi weapons and corrupts, I needed a amulet with majors in both condi damage and power. This left three options: Carrion, Vipers, and Sage. Carrion I eliminated because it had 150 less power which meant it was straight up worse overall damage than the other two. I wasn’t comfortable with the total glass of Vipers, so I settled on Sage.

Ideally the build would have a 3stat amulet with 1200 power and 900 condi damage, with 900 in either vitality or toughness, but such a amulet does not exist. (Anet plz)

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Off-meta sPvP Build Collection

in Necromancer

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Been messing around with an “Axecutioner” build. Designed to be tough enough to hang around in teamfights, but uses Close to Death, Eagle Rune 6th bonus and axe 2 to burst down unsuspecting foes once they hit 50%. Kinda designed to really hurt trap DH via NCSY! unblockable attacks and boon —> vuln. Knight’s amulet probably isn’t too popular, but with deadly strength you can get power equal to the quad-stat amulets.