Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Hey there all,

I am recently back to the game after a year or so lay off. I found that my p/d condi thief is utterly worthless and my ranger is not far behind. I played necro in spvp to try it out as mine is only 60 right now. but had a blast.

I know nothing of necro really, but what i had envisioned was a super heavy condi burst build. something i can blow every skill as a type of nuke. Is this possible? Would anyone mind sharing what weapons, traits, etc. I would need for something like this?

Also, I really only WvW, not much PVE or sPVP. Any help would be great. Thanks Much.

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silv.9207


Necromancer is a particular class, expecially in condition damage.
In theory had to be the master of conditons, but actually is the master of Corruption.
The necromancer can’t really inflict a Burst damage by himself but can be helped by the enemy to inflict huge condition damage.

There’s different ways to inflict conditons with a necro:
1) your conditions
2) corrupt boons
3) enemy condition

1) there’s not a really “burst” of condition for the necromancer. The only thing you can try is to spam some conditions with staff, swap scepter an active skill 3, active the Corrosive Poison Cloud (utility skill, really good but not frequently used), then go in Reaper Shroud (F1 while using the Reaper Elite Traitline) then active the skill 4 spamming poison from the skill and the Poison Field combo. Then AA in reaper shroud inflicting Burn (if traited in Soul Reaping traitline)
That’s the best condition combination. It inflict a lot of damage but you can’t repeat it frequently and is also really easy to avoid. Basibly good only in small areas against a enemy without blocks and immunity, or that don’t flee away. In a teamfight mid can work, but not always. is also a slow combination and need different seconds to be completed, making it not a immediate burst, only a high dps combination.

2) Corrupt boons give you the chance to inflict useful conditions (the best is corrupt stability into fear). You can corrupt with “Corrupt Boon” and traited Signets (2 boon converted every signet). If the enemy have different boons you have to be a little lucky to convert the right boons, but it give you useful conditions and weak the enemy boon spamming.
That’s the more used build (actually) why there’s a large amount of classes that abuse of boon spamming, granting you a large amount of boons to corrupt.
And also increase your condition damage granting you free conditions from they’re boons.

3) Plague Signet, Staff skill 4, offhand dagger skill 4, they’re really good to send back to the enemy. Thas is also the best way to inflict a “Burst” condition damage to the enemy.
Basicly you act like a kungkittenmaster: use the strength of the enemy against himself!
Expecially good against condition classes or when there’s condition builds in the enemy bteam during a teamfight, you have to wait till the enemy stacked on you a lot of conditions then you send them back to him!
That work really good but need timing. If you act immediatly you will send only few conditions but if you act too late you will die for the enemy conditions.
A little of practice can help you.

the necromancer (still if reaper) can’t really burst a enemy down with his conditions (if the enmy evade your 2 main condition skills you can’t inflict high condition damage by yourself) but can use the enemy boons and conditions to send back all, granting you a powerfull combination.

If you want a condition burst there’s better classes to do that, but that builds are frequently with a low defence (engi, ranger).

If you want to inflict a condition “burst” damage you can try the Revenant with Mallyx, that can spam a high amount of condition damage and quickly.
But they’re weak against the necromancer, that can send all that conditions back, corrupting they’re Resistance and killing them whti they’re own power.

I find the Necromancer to be a really funny and powerfull class.

Some Builds:

Signet master of corruption: (more used, mix damage and survavibility, with a large use of Reaper Shroud and good recharge of Life Force)

Condition dps: (really low defence, low recharge of life Force but best condition damage with scepter)

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Necromancer is not a condition burst profession. You can do way more condition damage in Engi or even Nerfed fire Ele.

As Silv said, Necromancer is better at corruption because Necro has shroud. It received a lot of soft CC conditions but is severely limited in condition damage, especially bursts, because soft CC and condition damage synergize using condition duration.

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Necro is a detrition class due to his own mechanic, Shroud, so you cannot “burst” with any build(if we dont count good ol’ procs :p). Also, condis by itself arent a burst dmg type either, you can just burst if you can stack a crazy amount of fire or partially burst by stacking high stack of other conditions, and while you lack this burst as a necro, you have access to nearly all the conditions of this game, so if you manage to burn the condi cleanses of the enemy you can then condi nuke them. All this ofc after fighting for a while, so nothing about spamming your sklls and killing the enemy in less than 10s.


Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Akame.1073


Lich form 4 + sig of spite + reaper auto with butning

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Thank you guys for all the feedback and sorry for just now replying. I guess I always assumed I was getting condi burst’d when i looked up and saw all the condi’s on me. So your saying that this probably wasn’t the primary thing killing me? So is a power build a better option for necro’s now? Ive envisioned myself with a condi/ siphon build, but seems the more I read I maybe need a power build to make the siphon(personal heals) build work? What weapons and traits should I be looking at for something like this? Thanks for all the info and the thoughtful time put into these post!

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Thank you guys for all the feedback and sorry for just now replying. I guess I always assumed I was getting condi burst’d when i looked up and saw all the condi’s on me. So your saying that this probably wasn’t the primary thing killing me? So is a power build a better option for necro’s now? Ive envisioned myself with a condi/ siphon build, but seems the more I read I maybe need a power build to make the siphon(personal heals) build work? What weapons and traits should I be looking at for something like this? Thanks for all the info and the thoughtful time put into these post!

I dont feel like siphon works that good on PvP. They are a dmg increase on PvE, but PvP related they dont give you that much of a sustain, and are tied to wells which are not that effective. BTW they scale with Power and Healing power, so yeh, they work better on a power build.
Anyway, actually condi reaper is way better than Power reaper, but I’ve played some Power reaper builds that can dish out some huge dmg and heavy boon corrupt, which is imo the most bursty approach you have on a necro.


Old Noob Needing Advice - Necro Condi Burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Thanks guys! Well I’ve had a few days to work on this, and Ive come up with this. I went power, reaper shroud, chill, and a bit of siphon. What do u all think?


~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight