Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: LeetKony.5627


Hi all, I have searched around the forums and have always been getting different answers and want to get a finalized (more or less) answer regarding speccing for a full condition build.

Weapons are:
Staff (force sigil)
Scepter/Dagger PH (w/Earth and Corruption sigils)

I was thinking going 30 Precision, 20 Toughness, and the remaining 20 would be used for?

30 into Precision as the marks can crit on initial hit, and scepter crits will add bleed from the sigil.

My question is does POWER come into play in terms of damage? (Condition damage, duration, initial hit dmg, etc)

Just trying to figure out what armor I should get bc Im currently all Power/Vit/Cond Dmg but am considering going full Prec/Tough/Cond Dmg

Thanks very much all happy halloween!

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


This for PvP? PvE?

My spec (mostly WvW) is being built around a Toughness and condition damage build. Going 0/30/30/0/10 for my build picking up II, VII and XI in Curses and picking up II, V and something else (not sure yet) in Death Magic while picking up II in Soul Reaping

Of course going with Scepter/Dagger and Staff weapon combo not sure yet on Sgils, likely Precision, Corruption increasing ones for 2 of the weapons and something else maybe power or something for the 3rd

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

I would also like some input on this.
I run a scepter bleed build, 30 points in curses. I’ve always put a lot of points in blood, but my gear has virtually no toughness on it and (it might be my imagination but:) I still seem to go down more easily than I’d like in WvW.
Is it worth taking points out of blood and putting them into death? Thinking of going:

Alternatively: would it be a significantly better idea to go with ArmageddonAsh’s approach of putting the points into extra death shroud instead?

The trouble is I don’t really know how much toughness does, or what a “good” amount is. Will the 200-300 from extra traits give me a significant benefit? Stupid question I know but I’ll have to find out how this works sooner or later if I’m going to stop being living up to my name.

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I am going the toughness route due to doing alot of WvW so its kinda needed, in PvE i doubt it would be that useful and maybe going Power or even reaper would be the better option. I could put the last 10 points into something else but its more for the defensive/toughness option – slower draining DS + plus higher pool can be quite handy when getting nuked

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

So in WvW, high toughness > high HP?
Right now I’m running round with somewhere in the area of 28K hitpoints, but virtually no toughness on my gear/spec. I just don’t know how well X amount of toughness equates to damage reductions.

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Currently running with 21,000 health (lvl43) and 1,282 Toughness works quite well personally think more Toughness is better then more Health. I only get Toughness from my traits as im currently running around in mish-mash gear with Precision and Condition damage. Got 45% chance to crit

Once and for all -- Condition Build Specs

in Necromancer

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


@OP Power doesn’t affect the damage your conditions do at all. It’ll affect the direct damage your skills do (you know, like the staff autoattack, or your Life Blast, or when you trigger a mark you also do a little bit of direct damage as well as applying the conditions), but staff and scepter have so little damage that it’s not useful to you. It’s mostly necros that run dagger main hand or axe, or who spend a lot of time in Death Shroud that need power.

However since the Spite line improves condition duration as well as power, any points you spend there won’t be totally wasted, so if there’s any traits you want in that attribute line go for it! Generally you should go for the traits you want whichever line they’re in, because you’re going to get a lot more stat boosts from your equipment than from your attribute points. If you’re doing conditions you’ll probably go for Condition Damage/Toughness/Precision gear, though you have other options too.

But yeah, you’re right to want 30 points in curses. Every conditionmancer needs that. But everything else is up to you really. Personally I like to spend 10 points in Blood for Mark of Evasion and 10 points in Soul Reaping to get Vital Persistence (cause life force is hard to come by in pvp), but you can do anything you want!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.