Opinion on Closer to Death vs Scholar Runes
Pve or pvp?
Pve – u have choice between scholar or strength. most i thik take strength as its safer, permanent 5% + 6s of extra might.
If youre l33t and in l33t group who has no trouble maintaining 25x might, scholar is ofc the best option.
Pvp- scholar is unviable for necro.
Scholar works for thief/mesmer who do a lot of instant burst and they survive throguh invulnerability CDs. Their HP bar looks like this : 100%, evade, 100, invul, 100, dead.
Necro however,
is similiar to big punching bag. You always eat some opening damage, and even if you had 90% hp and went into shroud – the burst or rather sustained autoatacking is not reliable like a instant stealth burst.
THerefore, never take scholar on necro, as you will never get the 10% bonus.
You should be asking blood vs spite, if you dont take soulreaping youre losing more damage and huge survivability.
What survivability do you lose without Soul Reaping if you have all the lifesteal from Blood Magic?
Soul reaping has the larger DS/RS pool and vital persistance that makes it last longer
That could be what he is referring to
What survivability do you lose without Soul Reaping if you have all the lifesteal from Blood Magic?
Blood magic is unfortunately the only way a necro can play to support a team. All the other abilities are quite selfish in use. Even tho healing from life siphon<Healing from reaper’s “Blighter’s Boon”.
Now Soul Reaping, or Soul kitten line provides you with Vital persistance. Lifeforce decreases slower while in shroud. That counts from both natural degeneration and taking damage. Basically you life force pool is now your second health bar with 50% damage reduction on it. Add minions from “Rise” and mentioned above Blighter’s Boon, go Spite-Soul Reaping-Reaper and you will be the last man standing in heavy situations. Some1 calls you a noob for being tanky ? You ping full zerk gear with strength rune and everyone shuts up.
Now to finally answer OP question:
You can run whatever you like. Reaper’s shroud will work anyway. I was defending Death magic like crazy when expansion came out but finally switched to basic spite/soul reaping. 100%crit chance, perma 25stacks of might, perma 25 stacks of vulnerability, tankiness and self sustain from shroud/rise, Blood magic you get only to feel more like a team player. And its bad anyway.