Optimized condi necro

Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jayjaydee.3827


Now that viper trinkets are avaliable through raids, has anybody calculated the best gear? I’m currently running sinsiter trinkets, viper weapons, armor and mordrem loop, nightmare runes with 1 black diamond. Is it worth it to add viper trinkets and swap to Bezerker runes? I’m really only interested in this from a raid standpoint.

Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ceit.7619


Yes, it’s worth it to go zerker runes. If you can get your condi duration from trinkets instead, then you can scale up your condi damage more with it.

Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drakril.4058


GW2 build editor does a horrible job at scalling with Cond duration unfortunately so you would be best to test your dps in PvP (which has already been proven to show viper as superior).

for example your auto attack is kitten bleed (no buffs) traited in curses + sigil of agony = 90% bleed duration increase already. Fully geared with Viper = 40% (more with legendary back which the editor wont show) so a total of 130-135% cond duration (for bleeds) + 45% from runes/food/utility. Grand total of 175%(maybe 180% with back) cond duration increase.

that means each auto attack will scale to have roughly 12.5s of bleed rather than 4.5 with viper. now lets look at the power difference.

Viper = 1548 Cond Dmg = 120/s
Sinister = 1786 Cond dmg = 132/s

Viper outputs roughly 10% less dmg than sinister but would have 40% greater duration

Viper auto = 12.5s = 1,500 dmg/attack
Sinister = 10.5s = 1,386 dmg/attack

this is 8% more dmg, but over a longer period of time. now these numbers do not include runes/food boosting cond dmg so lets add that.

Viper auto = 12.5s w/2007 cond dmg = 1,787,5 dmg/attack
Sinister = 10.5s w/2259 cond dmg = 1,627.5 dmg/attack
W/Nightmare runes & top food/utility for condi duration

Necro auto = 2.4s/3 hits

Viper @ 15 stacks = 2145/s
Sinister @ 13 stacks = 2015/s

Viper speced Build


additionally viper will also increase dps for poison & torment + all other sources of bleed that necros have in their kitten nal (which is a kitten ton). I have seen bleed tics in excess of 14k which can be sustained quite easily.

the only other difference between viper/sinsiter that is notable is that viper has roughly 200 more pwr but 15% less critical chance.

Now berserker runes vs nightmare would need a closer look for testing, the 15% cond duration may or may not out perform the higher pwr +5% dmg increase (w/ both direct and cond dmg).

ive done enough theory crafting for the day so ill let someone else grab that oneā€¦

but Viper > Sinister for condi output all day.


Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aesa.4819


Grand total of 175%(maybe 180% with back) cond duration increase.

You do realize that condi duration has a cap of +100% bonus right?
Though with Lingering Curse and +100% condi duration, the AA bleed of 4.5 seconds becomes 4.5*1.5*2=13.5 seconds. So your math is not hugely off.
However putting in a sigil of agony is a real waste, as you can easily cap bleed to 100% regardless.

Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drakril.4058


Grand total of 175%(maybe 180% with back) cond duration increase.

You do realize that condi duration has a cap of +100% bonus right?
Though with Lingering Curse and +100% condi duration, the AA bleed of 4.5 seconds becomes 4.5*1.5*2=13.5 seconds. So your math is not hugely off.
However putting in a sigil of agony is a real waste, as you can easily cap bleed to 100% regardless.

yea my bad, literally pulling numbers out thin air for the comparison but i had a general idea… was just trying to put some math and numbers down… Basically showing that yes vipers is better by overall comparison. You would have +5% (wasted but only on bleeds) with barbed precision without sigil of agony if using nightmare runes w/ top consumables.

Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Baron Von Nikoli.7128

Baron Von Nikoli.7128

I’ve been wondering lately about the use of runes of the afflicted vs berserker. with the majority of condi damage coming from bleeds (with a decent amount from poison and to a lesser degree, torment) would it be a silly idea to cap the bleeds at 100%
and poison + chill to 80% (with afflicted traits/armour/weapons/food etc) then use sinister trinkets (instead of vipers) to bump up the condi damage? or does the 5% increase from Berserker runes work out more beneficial?

Optimized condi necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


How much is the boost from Berserker’s? In raids the periodic damage maintains 5 stacks of thorns from runes of thorns during the whole fight, giving a +250 condition damage boost and boosting your poison duration. Additionally with viper’s trinkets you get 100% bleed/poison/chill and 80% on everything else. I think this may edge out Berserker’s runes at least for condition damage in raids.