PET Control UI

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vangy.7403


ANET Developers Are you Planing to put in Some Pet Control UI in the Feature?
I wasn’t Playing for some months and I was Expecting till i get back i would see that nice add….
Pets are really stupid as they are now. and In sPVP/WvW enemys take advantage of that and luring them on terain and mess up with their AI.. It would be good if i could command them to come back to me. or attack this enemy or dont go to attack there just now cause there is a bloody deadly Well there or a catapelt is about to hit that enemy spot…
And most of all for the same reasons in PVE specificaly dungeons MM Necros is completely unplayble… Its Sad to be like that because of the lack of Control over the Pet.
In GW1 you didnt had ui as well but it was an old game anyway and you could very very easily create a bounch of more minions easily! now we have to stand that awful long CD.
Either Give us PET UI for the basic commands Attack/Follow/stand or Put OUT the CD on PETS completely… i wouldn’t mind if my pets die in a dungeon if i could make another one immidietly or in a CD of 5 sec.

It would be cool to have an official statement about it since its obviously you cannot improve the pet AI anymore..

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tobbygnome.6793


We don’t actually have any pets, we have minions instead.

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Maltos.5789


Its funny, I always thought rangers having pet UI was silly and Necros not having any to be weird.

Ranger Pets – Sentient beasts they tame to work with them. Creatures you would expect grow and learn with the trainer to eventually work with them. They form a symbiotic bond.

Necromancer Minions – Mindless creatures who were brought into the world to serve. They listen to their master and respond to their will without thinking.

This is how I always visualized it. Seems so awkward that they are backwards. Nothing against it, I mean you could twist those words to be what you will, but it is just how I see it. Minions are controlled and sentient beasts make their own decisions.

To be honest if Necro ever received UI for them, I think it would be neat for Rangers to have their pet AI adjusted. SImilar to Mags in PSO, where the beast uses skills on its own when the Ranger does. The pet could even work specifically to combo with the ranger.

Just my opinion and dreams.

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


I’m still trying to figure out why you never hear this demand made on Guardian forums regarding spirit weapons. Is it just a lack of popularity?

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Maybe they already got the memo that this will never, ever happen.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


It would be too hard to implement, for necros and guardians. Think about it, how would you control said UI f1-f4? well then what about death shroud? On a necro it may fit but on a guardian there is no way. I think thats the real reason the devs have not placed this in the system.

Dont get me wrong I want to have something like this for my necro, i really want to love my pets and i hope the devs do something but i dont think this is a plausible solution.

IMHO the biggest issue with pets viability is there survivability. I think if our “Minions” had a large 50-75% resistance to AoE dmg and an improved health regeneration (maybe through traits) that would go a long way to fixing our issues in PvE and WvW.

Also the Minion master traits are useless, honestly who cares about a little poison when your pet is dead…

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I think thats the real reason the devs have not placed this in the system.

They don’t implement it because controlling is strictly for pet classes, which we are not. We have summons, but they are not pets, only Rangers have pets.

Also the Minion master traits are useless, honestly who cares about a little poison when your pet is dead…

Yes, I too hate spamming poison fields easily keeping 100% poison uptime, doing 1.5k damage per death and high weakness uptime. Seriously, Death Nova is the best minion trait we have.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vangy.7403


It would be too hard to implement, for necros and guardians. Think about it, how would you control said UI f1-f4? well then what about death shroud? On a necro it may fit but on a guardian there is no way. I think thats the real reason the devs have not placed this in the system.

Dont get me wrong I want to have something like this for my necro, i really want to love my pets and i hope the devs do something but i dont think this is a plausible solution.

IMHO the biggest issue with pets viability is there survivability. I think if our “Minions” had a large 50-75% resistance to AoE dmg and an improved health regeneration (maybe through traits) that would go a long way to fixing our issues in PvE and WvW.

Also the Minion master traits are useless, honestly who cares about a little poison when your pet is dead…

The controls would be ofc Universal..u wouldnt have to control each minion seperatively.

And for some people that say we are not pet class well….i dont know if there is another class in game that can have 6 pets/minions at the same time..
We deserve Control over our minions. even more than ranger does.
And I dont mind about the guardians have control over their summon swords or whatever they got.
In EVERY game Necromancers/Warlocks/Summoners Consider Pet Classes…. and guess what they got Pet/minnion UI for controling them.. And with a Poor Minion AI there is NO EXCUSE that justify the lack of Control over Minions!

(edited by Vangy.7403)

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


In EVERY game Necromancers/Warlocks/Summoners Consider Pet Classes…. and guess what they got Pet/minnion UI for controling them.. And with a Poor Minion AI there is NO EXCUSE that justify the lack of Control over Minions!

GW1 we had even less control. This isn’t WoW, this isn’t whatever other game you had in mind, this is Guild Wars, and the fact that you can even specify who you want your minions to attack is a step up from what we used to have.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vangy.7403


In EVERY game Necromancers/Warlocks/Summoners Consider Pet Classes…. and guess what they got Pet/minnion UI for controling them.. And with a Poor Minion AI there is NO EXCUSE that justify the lack of Control over Minions!

GW1 we had even less control. This isn’t WoW, this isn’t whatever other game you had in mind, this is Guild Wars, and the fact that you can even specify who you want your minions to attack is a step up from what we used to have.

How many minions u could have in GW1? and what CD u had to bring more? hmmmm……? necro in Gw2 is not step forward…is just mediocre necro class and partialy broken.

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


10 max, assuming you had the proper Death Magic, maybe 12 under stranger situations, and depended on your build; some spawned them every 15 or so seconds, some had longer CDs.

And yes MM is. Take off the nostalgia glasses and remember MM in GW1 for what it was; snowballing akittens worst. Useless to your team before you killed the first wave, completely overpowered if you kept it going. You were the definition of useless if you didn’t have enough corpses, and could solo teams with a supply of them. It was not well designed, and the current iteration is vastly superior, even if it needs tuning.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vangy.7403


as it is now. to be perfect it needs controls thats it.. and im not in nostalgia of necro in GW1… I had a necro alt that is but nothing more and i didnt like it so much anyway.
GW2 as a game is different and things to work needs that tiny addition like in all other games.. it is a must

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


The point is that minions have never been designed around having that kind of control. You are not supposed to have a UI to control them, you attack something, they attack it too.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


@ Softspoken.2410 → Think it’s because people don’t think a swarm of floating weapons when they invasion the class, and necro usually has a lot bigger trait/elite skill cost.

@tattoohead.3217 → [F5] Come BACK button would prob do wonders.

As for my 2cents.

Either a ‘come back’ button. OR something like D3’s answer to WitchDoc minions, which is %AoE dam removed & max damage taken per hit.
That way they don’t die to aoe splash damage/can camp in fire circles without control. Also don’t get 1 shot.

I’ve also not got any qualms about PvP & PvE different rules. I’d be happy as with them dieing to aoe splash damage, but say having to be 2 hit by players.
Where as PvE, I think they should be able to hold there own in a dungeon. Even if they don’t pull threat/tank to keep it fair.

Another thing that would stop me pulling my hair out… Elite got wet and is now on full CD because I stepped in a puddle, or worse, left the starting zone on Raid on Cap.

It would also be very nice to have them ‘off CD’ on res. Even nicer to have them summoned for me. ‘Oh you res’ed, be without your elite for 1min’, seems a little unfair.

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vangy.7403


@ Softspoken.2410 -> Think it’s because people don’t think a swarm of floating weapons when they invasion the class, and necro usually has a lot bigger trait/elite skill cost.

@tattoohead.3217 -> [F5] Come BACK button would prob do wonders.

As for my 2cents.

Either a ‘come back’ button. OR something like D3’s answer to WitchDoc minions, which is %AoE dam removed & max damage taken per hit.
That way they don’t die to aoe splash damage/can camp in fire circles without control. Also don’t get 1 shot.

I’ve also not got any qualms about PvP & PvE different rules. I’d be happy as with them dieing to aoe splash damage, but say having to be 2 hit by players.
Where as PvE, I think they should be able to hold there own in a dungeon. Even if they don’t pull threat/tank to keep it fair.

Another thing that would stop me pulling my hair out… Elite got wet and is now on full CD because I stepped in a puddle, or worse, left the starting zone on Raid on Cap.

It would also be very nice to have them ‘off CD’ on res. Even nicer to have them summoned for me. ‘Oh you res’ed, be without your elite for 1min’, seems a little unfair.

I totally agree on your points… At least a come back button for start would be awesome and ofc a stay or something… attack can remain automatic…although it wouldnt be optimal…
Elite being Wet despawn really annoys me as well…and even more the mesmer spell that make all my minions to get despawn and on their full CD…. i dont mind too much for the despawn but they should not trigger the full CD…maybe the 5 sec interaption at the most…

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I know there might be a few things to figure out, but they either need to fix their broken AI or they need to give you some sort of control, even if it’s a limited “sic em” and “return” button setup.

Make a new UI element if you have to but danged if the minions are more a novelty than an effective build as they currently are.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I dueled a thief (easily the worst class for AI because of stealth) and came back with this.

Aggro doesn’t seem even remotely broken anymore. In about an hour of dueling, not a single minion kitten ed out. They acquired aggro quickly, and every time it was dropped due to stealth, they re-acquired it very quickly as well. Not saying it doesn’t possibly kitten out due to pathing sometimes, but it is improved a lot.

I wouldn’t say no to some way to make them return.

Also, Flesh Wurm has wall-hax, he can see through stealth.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build