Plague as Well

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


So, based on my own interactions with this form… It’s good for getting out of a tough spot. However, I like the idea of this being a mobile well (a la Ventari’s Tablet – an idea mentioned in a thread I cannot recall)

In making it mobile, it would become more useful as a well elite. Or, barring that, (and this probably fits more thematically with wells) a very large well that pulses stability to allies + some other affect. Very specific idea, I know. But I really think we need an elite well, personally. Would really round out a wellomancer build

Sylvari Power Reaper

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Nope. A mobile well makes no sense, that isn’t what a well is, and making plague a well would make it suck, plus it is literally just Well of Darkness + poison.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


Nope. A mobile well makes no sense, that isn’t what a well is, and making plague a well would make it suck, plus it is literally just Well of Darkness + poison.

Fair enough. I figured that wouldn’t really work. What about an actual elite well, then? Would there be a set up that would make sense?

Sylvari Power Reaper

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I’m sure there is some idea for a well that would be fine as an elite, I can’t think of it right now but there has to be one that works well and doesn’t step on the toes of our other wells and CPC (which is very well-like).

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

I actually like the idea of Plague as a Well but it would have to change. Thematically you could say you are using your body to channel a well around yourself. Here are the things to consider:

- Would need a cast time, like all Wells. No more stomping mid-cast.
- Traitable to have lower cooldown
- Traitable to heal on every hit
- Traitable to spam Protection in radius.
- No longer transform, so Moa shouldn’t end it

I think it could be pretty easy to work in. Lower duration, reduce Stability, and there you have a pretty decent and useful Elite. In large groups you can heal yourself and do moderate damage, reduce the effectiveness of Rampage, and give team support with protection.

Alright meow, where were we?

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Akrasia.5469


I actually like the idea of Plague as a Well but it would have to change. Thematically you could say you are using your body to channel a well around yourself. Here are the things to consider:

- Would need a cast time, like all Wells. No more stomping mid-cast.
- Traitable to have lower cooldown
- Traitable to heal on every hit
- Traitable to spam Protection in radius.
- No longer transform, so Moa shouldn’t end it

I think it could be pretty easy to work in. Lower duration, reduce Stability, and there you have a pretty decent and useful Elite. In large groups you can heal yourself and do moderate damage, reduce the effectiveness of Rampage, and give team support with protection.

Give it a cast time of 1-2 seconds and invulnerability while casting and you have a winner.

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


Alright, Devs. If you would kindly give us a nice new well, we’d love you forever

Sylvari Power Reaper

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I would love an Elite Well and an Elite Signet. Either would work on my build better than any of our current elites.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Stop trying to change plague! Its good as is. If anything a new elite well would be a suggestion but doesnt have to be linked to plague.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I don’t understand why anybody would say that plague could be worse as a well… It loses the self debuff and it really can retain every other aspect of itself. You basically transform into a mobile well. It would gain the potential to pulse healing, protection, and stability as well as a choice of blind/poison or one of the other, less useful pulses. This would make plague a “good” elite skill, especially if it retained its stomping potential.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


I don’t understand why anybody would say that plague could be worse as a well… It loses the self debuff and it really can retain every other aspect of itself. You basically transform into a mobile well. It would gain the potential to pulse healing, protection, and stability as well as a choice of blind/poison or one of the other, less useful pulses. This would make plague a “good” elite skill, especially if it retained its stomping potential.

Because wells aren’t mobile, that’s why they are wells.

A good elite well could be like:
Well of Thirst: A well that siphons large amounts of health from enemy players, and heals allied players within 600 units outside the well each time it steals health.

Well of weakness: A well that pulses weakness, vulnerability, and cripple.

(not so good but I think it’d be funny)
well of horror: a well that spawns a jagged horror if it hits an enemy. (no icd on the jagged horror spawns, could get super silly with a bunch of enemies stacked on it and death nova).

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I don’t understand why anybody would say that plague could be worse as a well… It loses the self debuff and it really can retain every other aspect of itself. You basically transform into a mobile well. It would gain the potential to pulse healing, protection, and stability as well as a choice of blind/poison or one of the other, less useful pulses. This would make plague a “good” elite skill, especially if it retained its stomping potential.

Because wells aren’t mobile, that’s why they are wells.

A good elite well could be like:
Well of Thirst: A well that siphons large amounts of health from enemy players, and heals allied players within 600 units outside the well each time it steals health.

Well of weakness: A well that pulses weakness, vulnerability, and cripple.

(not so good but I think it’d be funny)
well of horror: a well that spawns a jagged horror if it hits an enemy. (no icd on the jagged horror spawns, could get super silly with a bunch of enemies stacked on it and death nova).

There can be exceptions. Especially for the sake of it being an elite.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I don’t understand why anybody would say that plague could be worse as a well… It loses the self debuff and it really can retain every other aspect of itself. You basically transform into a mobile well. It would gain the potential to pulse healing, protection, and stability as well as a choice of blind/poison or one of the other, less useful pulses. This would make plague a “good” elite skill, especially if it retained its stomping potential.

Because wells aren’t mobile, that’s why they are wells.

A good elite well could be like:
Well of Thirst: A well that siphons large amounts of health from enemy players, and heals allied players within 600 units outside the well each time it steals health.

Well of weakness: A well that pulses weakness, vulnerability, and cripple.

(not so good but I think it’d be funny)
well of horror: a well that spawns a jagged horror if it hits an enemy. (no icd on the jagged horror spawns, could get super silly with a bunch of enemies stacked on it and death nova).

There can be exceptions. Especially for the sake of it being an elite.

After what happened to Consume Conditions and Plague I rather not take the risk I’ll take the self bleed over Plague losing it’s mobility.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


You’re asking for an ability that has literally nothing in common with a well except pulsing AoE effect. It makes no sense to label it as a well when the 11 other wells in the game function totally differently.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zantmar.5406


there’s 11 wells?

Life blast should hit twice and have its damage halfed
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


there’s 11 wells?

5 necro 6 chrono.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swan.9815


Nope. A mobile well makes no sense, that isn’t what a well is, and making plague a well would make it suck, plus it is literally just Well of Darkness + poison.

You’re asking for an ability that has literally nothing in common with a well except pulsing AoE effect. It makes no sense to label it as a well when the 11 other wells in the game function totally differently.

You are aware that a pulsing AoE effect is all that a well is right? Plague is already a mobile well with the label of corruption that let’s you choose what it pulses. And just because other wells aren’t mobile doesn’t mean that an elite one couldn’t be. Saying all wells must function exactly the same is as stupid as saying BiP can’t be corruption because corruptions can only give conditions and never boons.

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Misguided.5139


An elite well sounds great, but not Plague. Let them make something else.

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: A Volcano.2510

A Volcano.2510

Plague is fine as is.

If you want to buff something with necro, buff axe.

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


An elite well sounds great, but not Plague. Let them make something else.

It will never happen,future elites will come with a new skill category for the class,necro already has wells so no elite well unless they do a similar pattern for every class outside of elite specs.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Misguided.5139


shrug I just want Plague left alone. Thanks for the info, though.

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

An elite well sounds great, but not Plague. Let them make something else.

It will never happen,future elites will come with a new skill category for the class,necro already has wells so no elite well unless they do a similar pattern for every class outside of elite specs.

Exactly. It’s not like they are going to change the only usable Elite we currrently have.

I think it’s horribly lame that all that happens in Plague is you turn on Blind and run around for 20 seconds. No other button pressing required. Sure it’s useful, but it’s far from dynamic.

Alright meow, where were we?

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


You are aware that a pulsing AoE effect is all that a well is right? Plague is already a mobile well with the label of corruption that let’s you choose what it pulses. And just because other wells aren’t mobile doesn’t mean that an elite one couldn’t be. Saying all wells must function exactly the same is as stupid as saying BiP can’t be corruption because corruptions can only give conditions and never boons.

Every single one of the 11 other wells in the game function the same way, and none of them function like what you want Plague to be. Every one of them without exception is a pulsing circle on the ground that persists for a few seconds. Just like Corruptions are all Corruptions because they self-apply a condition, Signets are signets because they have a passive effect while not on CD, every skill type has a fairly clear rule to it, and Wells are even more defined than some others.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Plague as Well

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zantmar.5406


this aint fair chrono gets more wells than we do! heresy!

Life blast should hit twice and have its damage halfed
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move