United Tourny Playaz [uPVP]
Team 16 & Pregnant [bUmP]
The last little tornado/plague patch you threw in completely broke Geomancy sigils.
Every time you enter plague while superior sigil of Geomancy are equipped to your weapons they go dumb and stop working.
They dont start working untill you RE-enter plague which is 120s cd. It completely nullifies my build atm and really sucks, I can either go with the pet or use plague only once per game.
And I don’t know whats up with corrupt boon but it works 40% of the time, and if this is working as intended can we get some basic guidelines on how it works and when it wont work so we know what we are dealing with.
(iv seen previous threads about this so I know im not the only one thinking this way)
Finally, somebody has discovered why my hydromancy sigils keep randomly ceasing to work for a few minutes. I would assume it affects all weapon-swap sigils, then.
Also I have heard that corrupt boon technically creates a kind of projectile, and so is subject to the issues associated with projectiles (meaning you have better success if you are close to and facing your enemy). I can’t confirm this though, just remember reading it somewhere.
I posted this in the buglist thread, but I realized you might not check back there:
Where is this happening, exactly? (PvE, PvP, WvW?) I like to try and test bugs myself, but I can’t seem to reproduce this in Heart of the Mists, and I’d love a little more info before I buy a Superior Sigil to test this. Do you have the sigil equipped on just one weapon? Both? What weapons specifically?
This is bizarre and I really want to nail down exactly what’s causing it.
This is actually not true but just a coincidence. All weapon switch sigils sometimes just stop working, but that doesnt have to be coupled with a transform skill. I for example often get the Geomancy proc when leaving Plague(if i run them, which i don’t do in PvP anymore cause tehy simply are unreliable)
if you are dual wielding weapons also keep in mind any sigil proc will put your other sigil on cd for the duration of the cd of the one that just procced. as an example if u are using dagger+warhorn and your dagger has sigil of air and your warhorn has sigil of leeching, if you hit someone and proc sigil of air your sigil of leeching is now on cd for 5sec with sigil of air and weapon swapping during that time will make your sigil of leeching worthless. also vice versa, if you swap weapons and proc your sigil of leeching and your other weapon is say axe+focus also with a sigil of leeching+sigil of air your sigil of air on that set wont work for 10sec(leech sigil cd)
This is Spvp bug report. Sorry didnt make that clear.
and I am fully aware of the cd and icd and all that. It is from plague form, I play 20-30 tournaments a day and know if I hit plague then my sigils are useless.
PS, I just tried something, it appears if I manually leave plague before the timer on it runs out then the sigils still work, its when I run it out to its full run time they cease to work.
This is Spvp bug report. Sorry didnt make that clear.
and I am fully aware of the cd and icd and all that. It is from plague form, I play 20-30 tournaments a day and know if I hit plague then my sigils are useless.
PS, I just tried something, it appears if I manually leave plague before the timer on it runs out then the sigils still work, its when I run it out to its full run time they cease to work.
Yep, that did it. I was leaving plague early when I tried it earlier. Letting it expire procced the sigil on leaving the form (as is usual) but then locked it out completely from all weapon swaps afterwards.
To be clear: Equip a weapon with sigil (In this case, an axe with Superior Sigil of Geomancy), then while using the axe, activate plague. Let plague time out. You should proc the sigil once when the form ends. While remaining in combat the entire time (Multiple target golems in heart of the mists), switch to your offhand weapon set, then after the 10 seconds, switch back to the sigil’d weapon. You should see a sigil proc, but in my case of testing this bug, I did not.
It’s kind of late here, but I’ll try and check tomorrow to find more details on this. I suspect that this sort of lock-out is happening on multiple / all transforms across classes and that it’s not just plague being affected by this.
Edit: I stopped being able to proc the bug. I suspect the sigil I added on my other weapon while testing things was interfering. What sigil combination are you using exactly?
(edited by Softspoken.2410)
The most broken thing about Plague is that it increases Power instead of Condition Damage. While in Plague you cannot use any other skill, so you do not benefit from Power that much except for that 100 damage hit. Not to mention the default poison by itself already does more DPS than that hit.
Here is how Plague “should” have worked: You get conditions like bleeding and poison on your target. You use Blood is Power. You go into Plague, which further increase your condition damage to further boost the damages that you already applied to your target.
Logical. This build work together. It just works.
Instead we get a Power increase, which doesn’t help you at all. Unless your enemy just happen to stand in your wells while you Plague him to death.
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
If you’re using plague for anything other than spamming blindness, you should play another class cause you dont get it.
If you’re using plague for anything other than spamming blindness, you should play another class cause you dont get it.
I do use it only for group blindness because currently it is the only thing it can do. For that purpose it is good.
I know how to use it. Does that mean I have to like it? Nope.
Plague increasing Power is a troll move by Anet more than anything, if you see what I mean. It is like Plague giving you healing power. It is like Plague giving you extra % of life force. Totally troll. :P
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
It would actually increase the damage dealt by retaliation. Obviously you’d have to acquire the retaliation before entering plague (or have a helpful team-mate) but it could happen.
Free, useless stat boosts that aren’t even in the skill description are mostly shrug-worthy, in my opinion. I just can’t bother to get annoyed abou—
Wait I just remembered, wells and things will actually increase their damage if you drop them then switch to lich form, the same principle should apply to plague.
Anyways. I still can’t bother myself to be annoyed about a free stat boost I can’t really use that the game never told me about or indicated in any way.
Edit: Wow that is not what this thread was about. Sorry!
(edited by Softspoken.2410)
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