Please don't fix minions

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

I’m serious. Don’t do it.

I am not and will never be a minion master. Even if the art didn’t look like it was straight out of Nick at Nite, spending my days supporting bots isn’t what I chose the class for.

Many of the people on the forums complain about minion AI… but back in the game they’re playing conditionmancers or freezers or power shrouds. The complaints aren’t because they’re secretly yearning to load their skillslots with blood fiends, it’s because the error is so glaringly obvious that we can’t help but point it out as visible proof of the neglect the class is getting.

So don’t fix MM’s and think we’ll be happy. We won’t. There will be like five necros who go “gosh, I better go change over to a minion build!” unless you screw up and make the minions OP. Especially since we’d then have to trait OUT of mm every time we enter a dungeon that feeds on minions.

Proof? Look at the patch notes thread. You addressed the insignificant issue of jagged horror life length, but ignored the far more pressing issue that you’re forcing them down our throats. Result? Anger. Change this already to let us opt out. I promise you that there aren’t any builds in the build thread that you’re going to screw up by moving reanimator to a higher minor or even to a major slot(with buffs).

Instead, fix the more substantial issues. You can find them easily, it’s not like we’re hiding the problems, it’s just that bashing minions is easy. We didn’t realize that you’d fix ONLY the minions, or we’d have kept our mouths shut.

Leave the minions dead and buried where they belong. And stop forcing us to use them!

(edited by Manticore Five.9867)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Onikage Dagoth.7859

Onikage Dagoth.7859

I actually like minions, that and lifesteal are the main reasons I chose this class :-)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Relair.1843


Speak for yourself, I and I’m sure many, many others play this class for the sole reason of having minions. Every game, everywhere, since the dawn of time has necromancers as a pet class. Just because you don’t like it don’t assume most people dont, why did you make a necro in the first place? If you want to pew pew go play an elementalist. I would be overjoyed if they fixed minions and made them viable…in fact I want nothing more than that to be their main priority. I could care less about DS UI, condition stacking or whatever else until minions are up to par. And I thought the jagged horror change was at least a nice bone they threw us, I actually had 2 up at once for the first time ever.

(edited by Relair.1843)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


I want to like minions, i loved my necro from gw1, I really do want to use them but id be blind to think they are ok. They have major pathing issues for melee minions, die very easy, and have long cooldowns. Even selecting all the traits to help them live and you using all clerics gear to try to keep them up with regans from our skills and life transfers they still die far to quick and remain dead for to long. Have you never seen flesh golem just run off and attack those mobs in the middle of no place before, or that rack of spears or something? Have you never seen the little cheerleader attempt todo the same as fleshie, or can you tell me how often those little bleeds of his have helped you? Heck have you never noticed how hard it is for melee minions to hit a moving player? Have you never noticed that boss with aoes will aoe more often the more player/pet/minions that are out? The ranged minion do respond at a decent speed ill give you that and flesh worm port has saved me a few times on lupi fight and in wvwvw but that is it. Minions are a joke, anyone who claims they work right should have his eyes examined and maybe a cat scan to see if they have any brain damage because for them to say they like minions for all the issues with them they have to something wrong.

(edited by gamefreak.5673)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

Most GW1 players have chosen the necro for his undead army. ( I’m included )
They make us strong and special.

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I’m serious. Don’t do it.

I am not and will never be a minion master. Even if the art didn’t look like it was straight out of Nick at Nite, spending my days supporting bots isn’t what I chose the class for.

Many of the people on the forums complain about minion AI… but back in the game they’re playing conditionmancers or freezers or power shrouds. The complaints aren’t because they’re secretly yearning to load their skillslots with blood fiends, it’s because the error is so glaringly obvious that we can’t help but point it out as visible proof of the neglect the class is getting.

So don’t fix MM’s and think we’ll be happy. We won’t. There will be like five necros who go “gosh, I better go change over to a minion build!” unless you screw up and make the minions OP. Especially since we’d then have to trait OUT of mm every time we enter a dungeon that feeds on minions.

Proof? Look at the patch notes thread. You addressed the insignificant issue of jagged horror life length, but ignored the far more pressing issue that you’re forcing them down our throats. Result? Anger. Change this already to let us opt out. I promise you that there aren’t any builds in the build thread that you’re going to screw up by moving reanimator to a higher minor or even to a major slot(with buffs).

Instead, fix the more substantial issues. You can find them easily, it’s not like we’re hiding the problems, it’s just that bashing minions is easy. We didn’t realize that you’d fix ONLY the minions, or we’d have kept our mouths shut.

Leave the minions dead and buried where they belong. And stop forcing us to use them!

you should ask for a WARLOCK class added to this game for your demands.

You seem to have no clue about “Necromancer” lore……..

Necro had and should always have undead Minions, not like in Guild Wars 2 tough because that class is something between Warlock and Demon Master.

I dont see Ghouls, Zombies, as Minions etc etc ….

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Haya jii san.1978

Haya jii san.1978

At least your pets are not linked class features so … yeah

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


At least your pets are not linked class features so … yeah

We have jagged horror forced on us if we want to use the toughness line. I really hate that cheerleader and it is forced on me just because i love greater marks.

(edited by gamefreak.5673)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


To be honest I played Blood Necro a lot in GW1 and Poison Nova Necro in Diablo 2.
Still, I’d use the minions more if their AI was better.


Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuhj.8372


ITT: Blatant disregard for the wishes of at least a vocal minority of fellow Necromancers that will not effect the OP’s playstyle in any way.

On that note – did anyone else feel it was kind of unsettling that Poison is a more noteworthy defining class perk than minions? Referring to the Patch footnotes of course and yes i am aware that they are probably just an on-the-fly appendix.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Manticore five… No, just no. I want my minions and I know tonnes of other Necro’s want their minions, so would you kindly shut the kitten up? Thanks

(edited by Brew Pinch.5731)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rebus Sohal.4108

Rebus Sohal.4108

Many of the people on the forums complain about minion AI… but back in the game they’re playing conditionmancers or freezers or power shrouds.

Of course we are, minions don’t work

The complaints aren’t because they’re secretly yearning to load their skillslots with blood fiends

This is partially true, it is not secret that I am yearning to fill my skillslots with blood fiends because I make it bloody obvious that I want to do this.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


I actually like minions, that and lifesteal are the main reasons I chose this class :-)

Yeah same here. I was giving Anet the benefit of the doubt until this last patch. But it looks like they are completely clueless when it comes to Necro. Minions were a showcase in their advertising. But they have never worked in Dungeons, WvW, or PvP. The only place you can get away with using the broken Minions is open world PvE, and even then they stop working and/or get wiped out by a strong wind.

I don’t expect a Minion fix. I am pretty well convinced the reason Anet is saying nothing about Minions is because they are not willing to spend the money to fix the collision issues. Instead they chose to focus the Necro completely away from Minion skills as a band aid.

And I will not play another band aid layer cake of an MMO. These greedy kittens make millions off these MMOs in profit. MILLIONS. They should deliver 99.98734259o87234789034578923457892345% every time. But they don’t. They just take the money and move on.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

See how much I’m helping, anet? I’ve already found the 10 people who actually like minions, so you can go convert them to ranger or something.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuhj.8372


See how much I’m helping, anet? I’ve already found the 10 people who actually like minions, so you can go convert them to ranger or something.

Is this some kind of horrible Troll Unguent pun where you are the troll?

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


I think the worry is that minons get buffed and they call necros fixed. Many of us dont use and dont want to be forced to use pets to be a complete class.

Not to take that option from anyone else…

OINK – Devona’s Rest
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Psychophant.5682


Honestly, I am dissatisfied with the minion variety and concept in gw2 as a whole. I really miss the days in gw1 where you could be an mm and mean it. I really hope they set up a system that allows us to have an army of 6-8, some buffs for them, maybe a heal. It would be what could feasibly revitalize our class.

Archon Moros
Lvl. 80 Abrasive
GM of [KAIN]

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


I think the worry is that minons get buffed and they call necros fixed. Many of us dont use and dont want to be forced to use pets to be a complete class.

Not to take that option from anyone else…

The option is what should be there. Every build that Necro can focus on should have the Option to incorporate a viable minion. Like a minion trait for each trait line that gives you something based on the trait line. Something just as useful as a Signet or a Well trait for example. And the minions should perform their role 100% of the time.

That’s it. They don’t need a buff. They don’t need special attention beyond making them work and making them useful. That way no one is punished for choosing a play style.

You’d think after all these years these publishers would stop punishing unique playstyle with nonsensical mechanics, but they just keep on keepin on gathering those millions in front loader tractors without afraid of anything.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

Here’s another way to look at it:

All necro builds are fighting over scraps from the changes/fixes table. Only TWO of the changes in the patch were aimed at necros – the highly exclusive terror buff, and the reanimator “buff”. Tell me, are you dancing for joy? Is it offering more than occasional and fleeting utility? No?

The reason is that small fixes for MM builds don’t matter until the big issues get fixed. They really especially don’t matter to those people who are staying out of MM until the big issues get fixed.

Meanwhile, there are a wide array of small fixes to NON mm traits and skills that could actually impact how people are building now. If all we’re going to get is crumbs, at least let the crumbs go to someplace that’s useful for more necros than just you. Heck, some of those small changes would even help you guys, like buffing axe 1’s underwhelming vulnerability stacking.

Edit: Heck, look at the two posts above mine for proof. Both of them are focused on big changes, because that’s what you need before the smaller changes would impact more than a few niche players.

(edited by Manticore Five.9867)

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


You bring up a good points. I think a lot of people are just QQing because it’s something obvious to complain about that everyone can agree on.

However, I chose a Necromancer with minions in mind. I ran with minions for levels 1-30 until I realized that even after getting traits they still don’t work well. I would love to be able to play Minion Master and actually have it competitive in PvP or WvW. And why not? Each minion isn’t just a wasted slot – they all have an active ability, basically a free utility for each minion as well as the extra damage of having minions.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

QFT, but I think we can agree that it’ll take big changes before we see significant numbers of MM in WvW or sPvP, right?

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Bottom line this is what ArenaNet sold us as the Necro:

“Special Skills

Here are two sinister skills that are particular to necromancers:


Necromancers summon undead minions to attack foes and do their bidding. Whenever they wish, necromancers can sacrifice their minions for a powerful spell effect. For instance, necromancers can use the skill Summon Blood Fiend to create a minion that heals them while they attack, then use the skill Taste of Death to destroy the minion and receive a large amount of health.


These persistent, stationary spells allow necromancers to control the area around them. Well of Blood, for example, regenerates all allies within range."

Right now, Necro can’t do anything listed here. Minions don’t do your bidding or offer powerful spell effects, and you cannot control an area with Wells. You can annoy people in an area with Wells. You can buff or debuff with Wells… but you certainly cannot control an area and your Well Of Blood might as well damage your allies for as powerful as that pitiful healing is even at well over 1000 healing bonus.

Necro does not Necro. THAT IS A HUGE PROBLEM.

If McDonalds sold you a McRib that was made out of “Not-Food” they would get sued. And they did get sued a ton. Cause the McRibb was not really food. That is why it suddenly vanished off the menu even though it was hugely popular.

Why does Arena Net think it is ok to sell us Not-Necro? Shouldn’t the same rules apply? This truly is 100% false advertising. Yet somehow publishers have managed to subvert the false advertising laws with carefully crafted EULA and ToS agreements that aren’t actually legally binding but we all pretend they are based on more propaganda from publishers….

At any rate Necro is not Necro and Minions 100% need to be fixed because GW2 is selling the Necro quoted at the top of this post. Not the imaginary interpretation of it. They are literally selling this. It is a quote from the Professions section of the main website.

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


I actually did the same thing, went on the actual GW2 website Profession descriptions and had a good laugh at how they were selling the Necro.

Currently minions all DO have some sort of effect, but none of them are powerful, and they aren’t sacrificed for them. I would actually rather the ability to sacrifice a minion for say 20s of fury or protection or something. Something actually powerful. We all also know that the Blood Fiend does NOT give a “large amount of health”. It has an ok heal that we never get to use because it dies in any and all AoE crossfire, and PvE aggro issues.

Wells are my preferred utilities still, but they are extremely weak. They don’t control an area at all. Maybe if you dropped Well of Suffering, Well of Darkness, and Well of Corruption all on a capture point in sPvP the enemy would avoid it for the whopping 5 seconds it lasts. To actually do what they’re describing Wells need to have a larger AoE, and double the duration. Because honestly, the payoff with the duration vs the cooldown is just stupid. 5s of aoe blindness that at most will make them miss every other autoattack for 5s, and at worst blind them once or not at all, for a 60 second is bullkitten

Please don't fix minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


I actually did the same thing, went on the actual GW2 website Profession descriptions and had a good laugh at how they were selling the Necro.

Currently minions all DO have some sort of effect, but none of them are powerful, and they aren’t sacrificed for them. I would actually rather the ability to sacrifice a minion for say 20s of fury or protection or something. Something actually powerful. We all also know that the Blood Fiend does NOT give a “large amount of health”. It has an ok heal that we never get to use because it dies in any and all AoE crossfire, and PvE aggro issues.

Wells are my preferred utilities still, but they are extremely weak. They don’t control an area at all. Maybe if you dropped Well of Suffering, Well of Darkness, and Well of Corruption all on a capture point in sPvP the enemy would avoid it for the whopping 5 seconds it lasts. To actually do what they’re describing Wells need to have a larger AoE, and double the duration. Because honestly, the payoff with the duration vs the cooldown is just stupid. 5s of aoe blindness that at most will make them miss every other autoattack for 5s, and at worst blind them once or not at all, for a 60 second is bullkitten

Yeah I don’t really get how the developers can get so far disconnected from reality. I want Necro to be fantastic in GW2. But it seems like Anet is purposely trying to drop deuce on it and just lie through their teeth about it.

Somewhere someone has to be accountable and take responsibility. This is technically illegal in the United States and most of the rest of the world.