Please help me choose between these two setup
Personally id take neither…
I d take something like this:
weapons can be either soldier or knight. I have added both options in the builder so u can see the difference in stats when u swap weapons.
If u look at the effective power it has more than both of your builds. And as far as defensive stats go it has almost the same toughness and vitality as option 1.
Also for a necro i d try to get vitality rather than toughness since our LF pool scales with vitality. Therefore when u have more LF and u fill up 1% of your LF pool u get more “health”. Its just a personal preference really…
Since u are going for a power build i suggest u forget about celestial trinkets. Healing power and condition damage dont really benefit your build. An 20% MF wont make any noticable difference.
Also I d suggest u spend some more time experimenting with the builder and the various stat combinations and keep it simple, at least at first.
I mean divide the gear into 3 categories (weapons, armor, trinkets) and get the same stats for all items in a category (eg. all armor is knights, not 50% knight 50% berserker). This way u ll get a better feel regarding how each stat combination affects your build since each catergory will have a bigger impact on the build than just 1 or 2 items.
After u find a combination u like take a look at the food and buffs u can get and see what u can use to “patch” your build. If they are not helpfull then swap 1 or 2 pieces of gear with something else.
If u want more crit dmg u should prioritize items that have the best stat/crit dmg ratio. For example, its better to replace a knight ring for a cavalier one than it is to replace your chest piece.
Also i d suggest u take exotic or even rare trinkets first to try out a build and see if it feels right no matter how the numbers look. You dont want to buy ascended items and then find out u dont like the result.
Thanks a lot.
That’s a nice build and I like the stats a lot.
I didn’t really want to step on to those celestial thing but it was kinda hard to find the right balance I want and somehow I just had best luck with those. I played around a little bit, used divinity runes and created one that’s better than those two, but I think yours is even better. With just ruby orb!
And yea, still learning the builder. It’s a whole different thing coming from condition build which is Rabid everything.
Now I’m off to farm SE/Arah and hope it works out as perfect as it appears on paper.
Afya, if you want bursting, and survivability, you might try going full knight/ruby focusing entirely on vampirism, including siphoning wells. I can crit for 4k off Dagger 1 Necrotic Bite, and still survive considerable punishment.
Afya, if you want bursting, and survivability, you might try going full knight/ruby focusing entirely on vampirism, including siphoning wells. I can crit for 4k off Dagger 1 Necrotic Bite, and still survive considerable punishment.
Enferian’s build is full knight/ruby + different trinkets. I’ll go with that first and try different traits. Maybe 30/15/0/0/25, or some blood.
The reason I wanted some vit instead of more toughness(knight) is that too much armor draws excessive aggro and actually hurt survivability. I know from my 2.8k armor rabid build and I don’t want that to happen on a melee setup. That’s the main reason I wanted a specific 2.3-2.4k armor rating and regain some of the defensive lost with a little vit.
But I can definitely try different traits.
Full knight is still a very good gear option… with the high toughness u ll be able to take serious beating and still come out on top. I used this for a long time.
And the extra agro was always welcome i prefer to be the one to “tank” since i have more trust on my self than others… but we are not here to discuss my trust issues :P
Then i decided to try a solder/berserker mix in order to have more power and a balance between toughness and vitality.
This way u can get the same EHP but more effective power even though your crits will be fewer but stronger. And u can also increase your crit chance with food and buffs if u want, which still gives more Effective power than using foods and buffs with a full knight set.
Its more of a personall preference really…
I d go with something like this:
this is the link with full knight gear just for reference:
If u want to change your traits u might also have to readjust your gear, dont forget that…
(edited by Enferian.2705)
Oo me likeee this thread and imagine any necro looking to dabble with powaaa would!
@ Enferian.2705 I’ll discuss your trust issue, sounds fun!
What’s with the double dagger+wh? How about Axe+Focus?
(edited by Cempa.5619)
I d love to Cempa… but i have to warn you, psychologists went crazy when they discussed this with me :P
As for the double dagger+WH…
I just wanted to suggest a different stat option for weapons, soldiers or knights. At that time i didnt care about what type of weapon it would be, i only cared about the stats and i just added another dagger/WH set for simplicity.
Using Axe/focus as a second weapon set would be great.
Personally i d use knights axe+focus since u are safer at 600 range and can afford to lose some defence, but id take soldier dagger/WH since being at close range is much more dangerous.
I like your suggestions, close to the build I run with. Some small suggestions, try to keep your critical chance 50% or over, below that you might end up getting a lot of normal attacks. I personally havent seen the need for toughness greater than 1300. Rest looks good
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
I generally agree with 50% crit chance, but i wouldnt go for more.
Although depending on the weapon u use it might not be bad to see less crits do more dmg than having more crits do less dmg if this gives you more effective power.
Let me explain…
Dagger auto attack is a chain with the 3rd hit of the chain being the strongest… in this case u need a high crit chance to make it more likely that your hard hitting attack will crit and thus get more overall dps in one rotation.
Axe on the other hand is “steadier” than dagger since all auto attack hits do equal dmg and all ghastly claws hits do equal dmg. In this case going for less but stronger crits could be a viable option and it mostly depends on the effective power u can get.
I hope u see my point.. if not i can provide some numbers but i didnt want to tire you with numbers if i can avoid it.
Enf, pretty sure that effective power is effective power – over a given period of time, less crits doing more damage will do the same damage as more crits doing less damage. Doing less crits with more crit damage is only more damage over time if you can choose when you crit.
You are right that effective power is effective power and it tends to average after long periods of time.
But my point was for when u use dagger for short periods of time and then move to axe.
Then having low crit change and high crit dmg is just “unreliable” since dagger might not provide the spike u want to get if u get unlucky with crits.
It matters very little in pve anyway since fights are long enough and things average out, i just often think in a more pvp oreinted way…
Sorry if there was any confusion