Please nerf Blood is Power
Blood is Yolo
Apply 50 stacks of Bleeding to the foe and kill yourself.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
They should make this skill be a real risk to the necromancer
For example it should apply like 20 stacks of bleed for 1 minute
I’m in a hurry so ill post reasons later.
you really know no 1 uses this skill?
So when you build condition with 20 stacks of bleed = you die
You troll….
Come on guys, can you really not see the satire behind the fact that this is pretty much what half of this forum looks like? .__.
To all the idiots that don’t see the satire, he is making fun of Blood is Power and corruptions in general due to the fact that they are the only profession skills in gw2 that harm the user.
What Anet needs to do is cut out the middleman (condi transfer) and just make it so the skills apply all the conditions to the foe instead of to you. BiP looks a lot stronger when you are inflicting 4 bleed stacks (and 2 torment when traited) instead of having to apply 2 bleed and 2 torment to yourself then send them. Either that or make all corruption skills grant you 1 or 2 seconds of Resistance.
To all the idiots that don’t see the satire, he is making fun of Blood is Power and corruptions in general due to the fact that they are the only profession skills in gw2 that harm the user.
What Anet needs to do is cut out the middleman (condi transfer) and just make it so the skills apply all the conditions to the foe instead of to you. BiP looks a lot stronger when you are inflicting 4 bleed stacks (and 2 torment when traited) instead of having to apply 2 bleed and 2 torment to yourself then send them. Either that or make all corruption skills grant you 1 or 2 seconds of Resistance.
Wow giving resistance to corruptions will be super good, but will make condi even stronger. When used at the right time all conditions on me wont deal damage and meanwhile ill transfer them on top of the corruption effect from the utility… way to OP.
But great idea, I like it
Wow giving resistance to corruptions will be super good, but will make condi even stronger. When used at the right time all conditions on me wont deal damage and meanwhile ill transfer them on top of the corruption effect from the utility… way to OP.
But great idea, I like it
It isn’t: you are trading 2s of Resistance for a 20s of Bleed and Torment. To remove all of your condition you have to waster another utility or skill.
I like the idea but makes little sense on the Necromancer. I agree with everyone: Corruptions need a rework.
No you misunderstood, whats the point in having resistnace if you dont inflict conditions on yourself.
I think Lahmia meant to say either increase the effect (more blood to the target) or give us resistance.
The point is: Corruptions are very very underwhelming and most of the time they are best untraited.
Aye as I said it was one or the other, not both. Honestly I’d prefer the former (all the current conditions inflict upon the enemy instead of ourselves). And remove that kittening vulnerability (and traited blind) from Consume Conditions. It’s supposed to eat all the kittening conditions, not give us them.
They should make this skill be a real risk to the necromancer
For example it should apply like 20 stacks of bleed for 1 minute
I’m in a hurry so ill post reasons later.
Step 1:
“Apply 20 stacks of long-lasting bleed to self.”
Step 2:
Using staff, press 4 underneath target, taking an unblockable 20 stacks of long-lasting bleeding.
Step 3:
Watch them die to what was intended to be your own 20 stacks of bleeding, or if cleansed, apply your real conditions.
Nope. Just nope.
They should make this skill be a real risk to the necromancer
For example it should apply like 20 stacks of bleed for 1 minute
I’m in a hurry so ill post reasons later.Lol.
Step 1:
“Apply 20 stacks of long-lasting bleed to self.”Step 2:
Using staff, press 4 underneath target, taking an unblockable 20 stacks of long-lasting bleeding.Step 3:
Watch them die to what was intended to be your own 20 stacks of bleeding, or if cleansed, apply your real conditions.Nope. Just nope.
I never thought to that! W
They should make this skill be a real risk to the necromancer
For example it should apply like 20 stacks of bleed for 1 minute
I’m in a hurry so ill post reasons later.Lol.
Step 1:
“Apply 20 stacks of long-lasting bleed to self.”Step 2:
Using staff, press 4 underneath target, taking an unblockable 20 stacks of long-lasting bleeding.Step 3:
Watch them die to what was intended to be your own 20 stacks of bleeding, or if cleansed, apply your real conditions.Nope. Just nope.
I never thought to that! W
Was one of my first thoughts when using BiP on core necro. Since pre-reaper staff was the shroud weapon due to higher base damage, I did BiP → staff 4 → shroud-bursting for really massive damage. The extra power means a lot. Sigil of Strength with the Spite line led to stacking 25 might in just seven autos.
If BiP got moved to stacking so much self-bleed, this kind of combo would be completely out of hand on condition builds. It works well at the moment because blowing a transfer that early is risky business, and the duration on yourself is three times shorter than on your foe from the cast itself, so it’s often preferable just to eat the damage.
Guys this was troll post
Applying 20 stacks of bleed to yourself while it could be a strength I think most necromancer would still not want to have the bleeding on them.
What I really think they should do with corruptions is remove the self harm and make an elite spec with a self harm theme. Also like the revenant they removed the self harm conditions because of the way it interacts with the game. Self harm condition I think shouldn’t be used.
Anyways don’t feed the troll, let it die
I wish I could save my self-inflicted conditions in a pocket and drop them as a trap later on. BiP could do that.
Add a condition excretion bomb to BiP so it lays a mine where it was cast.
To all the idiots that don’t see the satire, he is making fun of Blood is Power and corruptions in general due to the fact that they are the only profession skills in gw2 that harm the user.
What Anet needs to do is cut out the middleman (condi transfer) and just make it so the skills apply all the conditions to the foe instead of to you. BiP looks a lot stronger when you are inflicting 4 bleed stacks (and 2 torment when traited) instead of having to apply 2 bleed and 2 torment to yourself then send them. Either that or make all corruption skills grant you 1 or 2 seconds of Resistance.
You know I’ve recently been working with the idea of a Corruption based build and have concluded that it’d need a rather high skill cap to use properly.
Depending on Plague Sending for the initial transfer – using a few Corruptions to bring your self conditions to the threshold to proc Plague Sending and any conditions afterwards with other means such as Putrid Mark or Deathly Swarm. It would be an interesting way to pressure an opponent because if you do it at the wrong time, you’ll be putting yourself at risk. If you do it at the right time however, you could keep a significant flow of conditions on your target that you otherwise could not with just weapon skill rotations.
Not disagreeing that Corruptions are silly as they currently are, just that I’ve been thinking about how to work them in to a dedicated build and have figured it’d need a lot of patience and skill but could potentially be very strong. Eg. Blood Is Power (Bleed, Torment + Might), Corrupt Boon (Poison, Bleed + Boon Corruption) → Plague Sending → weapon rotations, could = a really significant burst.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
They should make this skill be a real risk to the necromancer
For example it should apply like 20 stacks of bleed for 1 minute
I’m in a hurry so ill post reasons later.Lol.
Step 1:
“Apply 20 stacks of long-lasting bleed to self.”Step 2:
Using staff, press 4 underneath target, taking an unblockable 20 stacks of long-lasting bleeding.Step 3:
Watch them die to what was intended to be your own 20 stacks of bleeding, or if cleansed, apply your real conditions.Nope. Just nope.
Please make it 50 self stacks, ill get revenant runes, use my heal, then use BiP and undead signet… One shot by condis lol.