Positioning, why do it when..
Positioning doesn’t only mean LoS’ing people, it means playing at the appropriate location with respect to your team, the enemy team, any objectives, and your build. Making sure you don’t take free damage, can still influence a fight, can’t be trained down easily (if glassy), are in range to support/be supported by your team, etc. are all part of positioning.
Because getting backstabed out of your allies range is easier than getting backstabed when supportive area denial aoes/ cleaves are around you, and because that ranger spamming at 1500 range will die if he tries to follow you in your friends?
I get the group positioning part..
the part where I 1v2 using terrain to shrug off a guardian an engie, i play so i can position the guard and engie on a bridge and set up my fear so they get feared off stacked with condi’s.
I fear and they blink up back on the bridge and the guard just blinks from the bottom of a ditch to me.. there goes the entire fight. i guess i should have ran to create more distance..
But yeah i get the support part, the individual part where you actually are depending on your own skill and terrain to fight players.. i don’t get it.. i just don’t get it..
automatic defense, automatic positiong,. automatic attacks automatic, automatic automatic. where is the skill?
i guess im having a bad day ^^
Not really. You almost won against 2 people which have quite a supportive synergy. I’d call it a day.
Well you tried to countered their burst by positioning out of the fights, and the guardian reacted accordingly by using his utilities to keep agressive. Positioning as a whole is more important in team fights, because no matter how well you are positioned in 1vx, everyone will follow you. In 3vx for instance, at least for my group, we run 2 squishies and 1 balanced, so fights resolve around our balanced zerker/celestial ele dropping aoe, kiting, and the 2 others jumping in the fight, killing someone, and retreating when taking too much damage.
tl;dr: positioning is better used when ennemies are focused on something else to help you recovering, imo.
Lol , you Necs are like the guys in the warrior forums … QQing that you did not manage to win a 1v2 fight….
This can really only come from professions that were much to op once, and think they should easily pull such things off…
NO profession should ever win agains 2 others IF players are of the same skilllevel !
Not even kittening tanky condi builds should be able to pull that off.
And perhaps the guard just saved his teleport to use after your fear, cause he understood what your intention was when your tried to move that battle upon a bridge ( quite obvious imho ).
Lol , you Necs are like the guys in the warrior forums … QQing that you did not manage to win a 1v2 fight….
This can really only come from professions that were much to op once, and think they should easily pull such things off…
NO profession should ever win agains 2 others IF players are of the same skilllevel !
Not even kittening tanky condi builds should be able to pull that off.And perhaps the guard just saved his teleport to use after your fear, cause he understood what your intention was when your tried to move that battle upon a bridge ( quite obvious imho ).
Wow, someone should give that memo to thieves.
Hey thieves, quit using stealth to disengage and fight on your terms!
You’re supposed to roll over and die to superior numbers!
Funny, i’ve won numerous 1v2s on my Mesmer and they are considered underpowered…. 0.o
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
To be fair, i don’t mind losing a fight. I don’t mind getting rushed 2 v 1. I mind spending all my wit, my skills cc’s escapes etc etc in the best possible way to get out of the fight and simply getting an automatic teleport out of LOS to negate everything..
1 button to press after you get chilled, stripped feared and being put out of position to make up for every mistake you made is simply.. silly.
(i have thought about this and i’m not sure if it might be desync , so the charcter appeared at the bottom of the ditch, but i highly doubt it)
In my experience as a necro positioning can be a REALLY big thing. Since we have lower maneuverability without using certain runes or utilities its really easy for us to get caught between a rock and a hard place. One of the most important things ive found to my survival is staying around 600 range from any enemy warriors,engineers unless im going for the kill. Its WAAAAY to easy to get pinballed u.u