

in Necromancer

Posted by: evilbones.9546


I was toying with the idea of making a DS dancer, using mostly staff and wells, so a ranged DS user. Do you think itspossible?? if so please share ideas/build or even worth it?

(edited by evilbones.9546)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


This is what I use for PvE:
Axe-Focus/Staff, Chill, DS, Power/Crit

I find “Chill” very useful, especially in Orr against the abominations, and I can keep it on target for as long as I please. Could swap BiP for Epidemic if AoE chills are needed, or another well and use ground targeting.

It’s not 100% wells. It’s still ranged. Death Shroud’s “Life Blast”/“Life Transfer” hits hard. It uses Staff(not as main set though). Survivability is still good(DS/Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour).

“Consume Conditions”.

I keep “Blood is Power” for the might stacks and some extra damage trough bleeds.

“Spectral Walk” is just awesome for getting out of a stun/sticky situation or any other strategy using “Recall”.

“Well of Suffering” for extra AoE and Vulnerability. Works fine despite not going into Blood for CD reduction.

Elite: “Lich Form” deals great damage(sometimes I use “Flesh Golem”).

Axe: Good damage, 600 range, AoE cripple/Retaliation, Vulnerability, Great Life Force gain.
Focus: Regeneration, Vulnerability, Chill, Boon removal.

Staff: I use it more as a secondary weapon for more chills; transfer my conditions; AoE fear.

Armour: I use a Berserker’s set along with Berserker’s trinkets.

Hope it helps.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

(edited by Beyreva.8769)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah its actually a good build, you really never need to change out of staff because you are laying down marks so fast and gaining a ton of lifeforce when its traited. Well use when lifeforce is low and staff marks are down will skyrocket your lifeforce.

To get the most out of it be sure to splash a little condition damage 400 or so for all the AoE bleeds you will be putting down.

x/x/20/x/20 is the base build. I like 0/0/20/20/30 I use all 4 wells off set is Dagger/warhorn to stop people from leaving wells.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET


in Necromancer

Posted by: evilbones.9546


Thanks sounds like fun Xom i will have to try it out. What gear /stats do you run on this?