Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
read em, tried em, not up to par.
neither of you will be specific because you know there is nothing that will hold up…
btw have you gotten any better since we grouped last talentless or are you still underperforming?
@kravik, Take a second to calm down. Reread my first comment. I never once stated our signets were even a value. I was simply mentioning that tournament warriors (there really aren’t a whole lot) never carry them, because there are better things to carry. I can’t think of a warrior who doesn’t carry bull rush in tournaments (I hate that ability). Signet of Rage is an elite and so doesn’t even count in this conversation.
Now having said that I was speaking strictly of pvp players. In pve, I don’t see why you can’t run two signets. I think almost every warrior prefers signet of rage for an elite because the Juggernaught is so bad, and the banner is situational at best.
As for Necro signets, my dislike for them is well-known. I have actually tried to find a way to use them even taking reduced CD and the ability to gain 3 stacks of might with them, and spent a few hours trying to get them to work. The only good one is signet of undeath and even that is meh outside of the active.
@dredlord – I have never stated I was a great player. In fact, I am pretty sure I have said never claimed to be more than slightly above average player. I simply have the ability to step back from something I care about long enough to see that it’s not all horrible, and that the grass is not always greener.
I fought the best wvwvw Glamour mesmer the other day (an incredibly talented player). We dueled 10 times. I lost 7 of the 10. We had a great time. Out of the ten fights 3 weren’t even close – I crushed him once, and he crushed me twice. Every other fight went down to the wire and two out of my three wins were with both of us down and my minions killing him off.
I have fought a few incredible necromancers – Zombify who trainwrecked me once and the second time I did a bit better. He very kindly said, “You aren’t bad, and you learn which is good. You just need practice.” I even have hilarious videos of me underestimating the talent of the team I am facing that I will freely share with you.
Not being great at something doesn’t mean I can’t have a firm grasp of where the class is currently
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
I believe Dred is referring to roaming builds, not zerg builds. We have great zerg builds, but necro roaming capability is lacking severely.
Show me a video of a necromancers taking people on 1v3 or 1v4 like mesmers, thieves, and elementalists currently can do.
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
I believe Dred is referring to roaming builds, not zerg builds. We have great zerg builds, but necro roaming capability is lacking severely.
Show me a video of a necromancers taking people on 1v3 or 1v4 like mesmers, thieves, and elementalists currently can do.
Taking down 3 people in wvwvw is nothing to boast about. I will try to get the video symbolic showed me the other day of Team Paradigm trainwrecking a 20 plus man zerg with 5 guys.
Some of these videos the 5 guys they are killing are a joke. We don’t know what level they are. I saw a video of an ele killing 10 people, and everyone was raving that the ele was OP. Except if you watch the video you will notice half the guys playing have horrible weapons, and some of them can’t be higher than lvl 20 against a lvl 80 fully buffed and optimally geared elementalist with skill.
Sure ele’s got it good, but the ability to take down 5 people in WvWvW is not that difficult. Heck, most of these guys record hundreds of hours of tape and pull the ones where they train-wrecked an under leveled and under geared group. Sure the players exhibit very good skill, but show me that same player doing that in a tournament against a team, and then you got a legitimate gripe.
Not being great at something doesn’t mean I can’t have a firm grasp of where the class is currently
No, but it is still a very good indicator.
My mom is an average driver, she would never notice the differences in performance and handling between an ’82 RX7 and an ’82 civic. She may even say she thought the cars were very comparable.
Any good driver would notice HUGE differences in what you could do in those cars.
You are an average player with an opinion based on your limited ability.
Sounds to me like you just want an easy “Iwin” button.
WvW isn’t something I’ll ever base a build or skill around.
You are an average player with an opinion based on your limited ability.
actually your opinion is more based off Bawb’s opinion, now that I think about it you’re more like bawb’s mouthpiece.
Sounds to me like you just want an easy “Iwin” button.
WvW isn’t something I’ll ever base a build or skill around.
congratulations, you are in the minority.
The vast majority of the playerbase prefers wvw over ?pvp and they base there builds off where they play, WvW.
You can think whatever you like, doesn’t matter to me.
Simply WvW has to many variables for me to consider it worthy of being worried about a single spec that can dominate.
Now if you are talking equal geared characters running then we have something. Feel free to show me a video of a class going 1vs3 with all the characters with equal gear and skill, then I’ll agree with you that we need a go to spec.
Not being great at something doesn’t mean I can’t have a firm grasp of where the class is currently
No, but it is still a very good indicator.
My mom is an average driver, she would never notice the differences in performance and handling between an ’82 RX7 and an ’82 civic. She may even say she thought the cars were very comparable.
Any good driver would notice HUGE differences in what you could do in those cars.
You are an average player with an opinion based on your limited ability.
No I am an average player with an opinion formed by conversations with extremely talented players.
Sometimes it’s better to learn from others :P. If you haven’t listened to a single minute of the podcast than you can’t really say what I know. I talk to the guys who know more than me, and learn from them, and then try to get them to share it with others. There is a reason why people want to hear from Talentless, Khalifa, Zombify, Nemesis, Chips and not you, they are very talented players who take the time to talk to someone positively, and think the class is extremely strong.
Than there is the guy driving the Porsche 911 and sees the guy driving a Civic, and can’t stand that the Civic has better gas mileage, cost less, and boy it sure is more comfortable on a long road trip. A good driver would say screw the civic I will take the porsche even if it does have a few things that arent’ perfect. (If you missed it you are the guy complaining that your porsche doesn’t have the Civic’s gas mileage or cost or comfort level).
You are an average player with an opinion based on your limited ability.
actually your opinion is more based off Bawb’s opinion, now that I think about it you’re more like bawb’s mouthpiece.
Actually I can kill bhwab, and widely disagree with him about Hybrid builds, Death Shroud uses, and Minion Bunker builds.
Guess what else, I also disagree alot with CHIPS. In fact, CHIPS is one of my favorite posters, because unlike certain posters, when he posts a disagreement he paints a logical explanation as to why he disagrees. Yet I have healthy conversations with him all the time, and respect his opinion on the Necro.
The ability to disagree with someone without insulting them is a dying art I know, but you should try it sometime.
(edited by Bas.7406)
You can think whatever you like, doesn’t matter to me.
Simply WvW has to many variables for me to consider it worthy of being worried about a single spec that can dominate.
Now if you are talking equal geared characters running then we have something. Feel free to show me a video of a class going 1vs3 with all the characters with equal gear and skill, then I’ll agree with you that we need a go to spec.
I think you gave me an idea. I am going to see if I can talk some of the top tournament guys into making a video of them actually trying out wvwvw.
Not being great at something doesn’t mean I can’t have a firm grasp of where the class is currently
No, but it is still a very good indicator.
My mom is an average driver, she would never notice the differences in performance and handling between an ’82 RX7 and an ’82 civic. She may even say she thought the cars were very comparable.
Any good driver would notice HUGE differences in what you could do in those cars.
You are an average player with an opinion based on your limited ability.
No I am an average player with an opinion formed by conversations with extremely talented players.
Sometimes it’s better to learn from others :P. If you haven’t listened to a single minute of the podcast than you can’t really say what I know. I talk to the guys who know more than me, and learn from them, and then try to get them to share it with others. There is a reason why people want to hear from Talentless, Khalifa, Zombify, Nemesis, Chips and not you, they are very talented players who take the time to talk to someone positively, and think the class is extremely strong.
Than there is the guy driving the Porsche 911 and sees the guy driving a Civic, and can’t stand that the Civic has better gas mileage, cost less, and boy it sure is more comfortable on a long road trip. A good driver would say screw the civic I will take the porsche even if it does have a few things that arent’ perfect. (If you missed it you are the guy complaining that your porsche doesn’t have the Civic’s gas mileage or cost or comfort level).
No, I’m the guy who knows either car would be a bad choice to take my family on a road trip. Your analogy is pretty fail.
The ability to disagree with someone without insulting them is a dying art I know, but you should try it sometime.
Well that would require me to have at least a little respect for that person. Good luck with all a that Bas…
Why would you want every class to have one great solo build?
Then everyone would be the same. It would be like playing World of Warcraft.
Why don’t we just make all characters exactly the same. then.
Signet of Undeath is fantastic. Shortest recharge on a revive skill and is the only non-elite one that revives multiple people. A lifesaver in some dungeons (Arah especially, lots of us don’t have the luxury of having a bunch of pro Arah runners in a routine group) and very, very in-demand in PvP.
Signet of the Locust has an excellent passive and the active isn’t too bad.
Since those are the only signets we have, I’m not sure why people say our signets are all terrible. :p
Why would you want every class to have one great solo build?
Then everyone would be the same. It would be like playing World of Warcraft.
Why don’t we just make all characters exactly the same. then.
now you are just being ridiculous.
That is one huge leap from “at least one competitive build per class”
everyone is the SAME!!!
It’s wow now!!!!
Ya know, I read all this crap about necromancers and how bad they are, and it just makes me even more proud to play the class. I’ve played my necro for almost 700 hours, but I’ve tried other classes and always went back. It’s the only level 80 I have. When people complain and whip out our giant list of reasons why they think necros are bad, I just have to sit back and laugh. I can solo some dungeons, go toe to toe with some champions all over the map, I can go Zergvzerg and walk away with 10-15 kills, I can tank more hits then anyone in my groups most of the time, I can maintain 20-25 stacks of bleeding to SEVERAL targets at once, I can apply 25 stacks of vurn to 6 targets in a matter of seconds, I walk away almost every match of sPvP with 15 kills and having died very few times, and I win MOST of my 1v1 duels, no matter the build or spec of the other player. I can do all this with no vigor, no blocks, broken mechanics, messed up pet AI, and the “worst class in the game.”
So yeah, I wish people would complain more, cause it makes me feel like a better player. Also, if you ask me, it’s not a bad class at all. I don’t people are realizing what they have.
The reason some of us don’t want one great build is because it isn’t balanced. Yes, we all know that some classes have niche builds that are ridiculous in that area, those builds are also going to face nerfs in time. Why would I want them to wreck Necromancer’s variety to give us one good build that they are eventually going to take away anyway?
Ya know, I read all this crap about necromancers and how bad they are, and it just makes me even more proud to play the class. I’ve played my necro for almost 700 hours, but I’ve tried other classes and always went back. It’s the only level 80 I have. When people complain and whip out our giant list of reasons why they think necros are bad, I just have to sit back and laugh. I can solo some dungeons, go toe to toe with some champions all over the map, I can go Zergvzerg and walk away with 10-15 kills, I can tank more hits then anyone in my groups most of the time, I can maintain 20-25 stacks of bleeding to SEVERAL targets at once, I can apply 25 stacks of vurn to 6 targets in a matter of seconds, I walk away almost every match of sPvP with 15 kills and having died very few times, and I win MOST of my 1v1 duels, no matter the build or spec of the other player. I can do all this with no vigor, no blocks, broken mechanics, messed up pet AI, and the “worst class in the game.”
So yeah, I wish people would complain more, cause it makes me feel like a better player. Also, if you ask me, it’s not a bad class at all. I don’t people are realizing what they have.
Good for you. I can do all of that too, and better, on any other class in the game. Try condition-nade Engineer and see how much more effective it is at the condition application. We’re weak. Don’t deny it.
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
read em, tried em, not up to par.
neither of you will be specific because you know there is nothing that will hold up…
btw have you gotten any better since we grouped last talentless or are you still underperforming?
Dont find myself under-performing, nor do I find myself knowing who you are… I rarely, if ever, pug out spots. Perhaps you are mistaken.
I’ll modify my list just a tad
How to make Necromancer relevant:
inb4 everyone goes “OP” and I have to explain how Warriors, Mesmers, Elementalists, and Rangers can already do this.
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
read em, tried em, not up to par.
neither of you will be specific because you know there is nothing that will hold up…
btw have you gotten any better since we grouped last talentless or are you still underperforming?
Dont find myself under-performing, nor do I find myself knowing who you are… I rarely, if ever, pug out spots. Perhaps you are mistaken.
Is Talentless Necro your characters name?
guy who started this post isn’t right. I mean he is wrong in all aspects…
First of all Necromancer have retaliation… Look your traits and pick it, when you enter death shroud you have 3s to retaliate, also you can take Heal trait and retaliate 5s more so 8s total if you choose to. So he is wrong.
Second – TheMightyAltroll post is even more wrong, if you give necromancer superb stability (lol 10s?) when it would be extremely overpowered! You have lots of condition dmg and controls… Take Trait when you stuned you apply Fear to opponent so its BIG counterplay against warrior charge and dmg burst you, also you can be crowed controled since you just applied like 9 stacks of bleed before they did that so they take same dmg as you… spectral armor is already very good spell to counter enemys atack speed no need more buffs.
Third – need more boons like other classes? Wrong again… You can change spell in your bar and take well of corruption, its extremely well against guardian for example, he got 5 boons? now he get 5 conditions instead! hows that? Think again. Also necromancers play style is debuffer not buffer…
I am pretty much new to necromancer but instead of QQ here I prefer to learn about enemys a bit and how to counterplay and what you think? I find a solutions. My advice do same and take more crowd control in traits insted of just smashing dmg
Do you know how many debuffs and buffs Mesmers have? Everything is wrong with your posts. Everything. We actually have some of the worst condition application in the game compared to other classes, just so you know.
Just the fact that you said Spectral Armor is good, happens to be enough for me to ignore the rest of your post.
The 10 second Stability is there due to the 90 second cooldown.
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
read em, tried em, not up to par.
neither of you will be specific because you know there is nothing that will hold up…
btw have you gotten any better since we grouped last talentless or are you still underperforming?
Dont find myself under-performing, nor do I find myself knowing who you are… I rarely, if ever, pug out spots. Perhaps you are mistaken.
Is Talentless Necro your characters name?
Some of us arent afraid of their opinions being linked to their ign. Hence a signature.
Impressive. So you aren’t afraid of having your opinion linked to your ign, yet you’re afraid of having a decent discussion in game. My point being in WvW I can win zergs using even dysfunctional builds on up leveled toons. Could anyone roam with Necro? No.
Necro is hurt in all gametypes, but WvW is less significant.
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
Could anyone roam with Necro? Yes. Talentless Necro on JQ does it every night in a five man havoc (sometimes less
I do not waste my in-game time listening to people complain about a class. If you dont like it, dont play it. There are a few other choices available. I know the devs arent dumb enough to give the necro everything the whiners want, so I am comfortable playing a very powerful class that is really not in need of anything.
I guess then I can discount WvW completely. Since it’s completely different from PvP anyway, and often easier.
Do you know how many debuffs and buffs Mesmers have? Everything is wrong with your posts. Everything. We actually have some of the worst condition application in the game compared to other classes, just so you know.
Uh. this comment is so wrong.
Necromancer has some of the best boon and condition control. Some classes almost, if not completely, lack any boon removal from enemies.
No class has access to every boon and every condition; some boons are more specific to a few professions. For example relation is most accessible on Guardian or Mesmer. Necromancer can also gain 10 stacks of Might with a single skill “Blood is Power” that is huge. Necromancer has at least 3 skills that transfer conditions on you to enemies and then traits and skills to remove conditions.
As for not being able to condition enemies you are just wrong. Scepter Necromancer can keep Poison up and stack Bleed like no other class. Axe Necromancers can stack Vulnerability like no other, if I wanted to go for pure damage id use an Axe.
Necromancer is not the best at negating none condition or boon related crowed control, this is probably what really is bothering the OP whether he knows it or not.
And for the rest of you Necromancer is far from the most under powered profession in the game.
If anything you all should be complaining that condition damage is so limited across 5 people. Bleeding for example could easily be kept at around 25 stacks with 2 necromancers maybe even one that is equipped for condition duration. On the other hand people who use pure damage would not face this obstacle.
I would also complain about minions but thats just my opinion I have no real experience with a minion build to defend any thing I might complain about them.
Sorry but Necromancer is just not the best at running away like an Ele. Conditions should prob work better in a group. And maybe, minions could be made moderately better.
I guess then I can discount WvW completely. Since it’s completely different from PvP anyway, and often easier.
You can if you want. Some of us enjoy the added element of avoiding zergs and trying to get the drop on an enemy. SPVP is too “structured” for me… it’s boring when I know where my enemy is and have little maneuver space… but that’s just the inner daoc 8man inside me waiting for a game to truly pick up the mantle of daoc2.
Do you know how many debuffs and buffs Mesmers have? Everything is wrong with your posts. Everything. We actually have some of the worst condition application in the game compared to other classes, just so you know.
Uh. this comment is so wrong.
Necromancer has some of the best boon and condition control. Some classes almost, if not completely, lack any boon removal from enemies.
No class has access to every boon and every condition; some boons are more specific to a few professions. For example relation is most accessible on Guardian or Mesmer. Necromancer can also gain 10 stacks of Might with a single skill “Blood is Power” that is huge. Necromancer has at least 3 skills that transfer conditions on you to enemies and then traits and skills to remove conditions.
As for not being able to condition enemies you are just wrong. Scepter Necromancer can keep Poison up and stack Bleed like no other class. Axe Necromancers can stack Vulnerability like no other, if I wanted to go for pure damage id use an Axe.
Necromancer is not the best at negating none condition or boon related crowed control, this is probably what really is bothering the OP whether he knows it or not.
And for the rest of you Necromancer is far from the most under powered profession in the game.If anything you all should be complaining that condition damage is so limited across 5 people. Bleeding for example could easily be kept at around 25 stacks with 2 necromancers maybe even one that is equipped for condition duration. On the other hand people who use pure damage would not face this obstacle.
I would also complain about minions but thats just my opinion I have no real experience with a minion build to defend any thing I might complain about them.
Sorry but Necromancer is just not the best at running away like an Ele. Conditions should prob work better in a group. And maybe, minions could be made moderately better.
As I have stated before: Necromancer has slightly above average debuffs and condition control.
10 stacks of might means nothing when we lack the burst potential to do anything with it. Warriors have access to fury, and might far more often, even Engineers do.
Scepter Necromancer can put bleeds and poison like no other. Also vulnerability like no other. Really? Ever see a condition-grenade Engineer use autoattack? Hahahahahahahaha. Sure. Vulnerability, poison, chill, blindness, burn, bleed, weakness, and cripple. Sure. “Necromancer” is the best at it.
Necromancer is infact the most underpowered profession in the game in comparison to Elementalist. Gg.
Yes, I believe overall condition damage is a limited choice of damage, but increasing it would only buff other classes. Such as Engineer, and Ranger. Still leaving Necro near the bottom.
My points above would fix all of the things that ail Necromancer. We would be able to do decent physical damage, and also allow for some better condition capability, even making minionmancer viable at high level PvP.
(edited by TheMightyAltroll.3485)
I guess then I can discount WvW completely. Since it’s completely different from PvP anyway, and often easier.
You can if you want. Some of us enjoy the added element of avoiding zergs and trying to get the drop on an enemy. SPVP is too “structured” for me… it’s boring when I know where my enemy is and have little maneuver space… but that’s just the inner daoc 8man inside me waiting for a game to truly pick up the mantle of daoc2.
I would definitely enjoy WvW more if everyone was on the same level as in PvP. But then you’d notice the difficulty Necromancer has then, and probably be vying for a buff like everyone else that sees the flaws.
10 stacks of might means nothing when we lack the burst potential to do anything with it. Warriors have access to fury, and might far more often, even Engineers do.
Scepter Necromancer can put bleeds and poison like no other. Also vulnerability like no other. Really? Ever see a condition-grenade Engineer use autoattack? Hahahahahahahaha. Sure. Vulnerability, poison, chill, blindness, burn, bleed, weakness, and cripple. Sure. “Necromancer” is the best at it.
Necromancer is infact the most underpowered profession in the game in comparison to Elementalist. Gg.
I did not say that Necromancer is less powerful than an Ele they are not. Elementalist damage is very weak, they are simply able to Tank very well and “run away”. So if you want to interpret running away for 3 seconds with invulnerable as making them better fine.
Might buffs condition and regular damage. Anet just literally halved the burst damage that comes from swiftness skills by reducing the speed in half.
So what if an Engi can keep up some Bleed and Vulnerability they can not cause bleeding with every auto attack and then poison with the third auto attack skill in the chain. Also they don’t keep 2 seconds of chill up perma and a Necromancer can also cause chill with a number of skills. Burn is not a Necromancer condition and Engi can only get it through a trait with a 33% chance to burn for 2 seconds on critical hits, using exclusively grenades. They do not have weakness or cripple in any way shape or form, from grenades or traits that work with grenades. On the other hand Necromancer can get weakness and cripple from their scepter and an offhand.
You keep overlooking how well a Necromancer can Bleed and Poison and that certain conditions like Burning and boons like Retaliation are specific to a few classes. Elementalist and Mesmer have 0 poison. If they nerfed Engi’s Grenades it would be gg for them they would have no builds I bet.
I don’t have any problem with the class. I love it. I would never say that it’s OP, but it’s definitely NOT under powered. It does have some weaknesses, but it has some amazing strengths, too. Learning what those were and how to capitalize was the most fun thing about playing a Necro. This isn’t a class you can expect. Warriors, most of the time, are expected to have high DPS. Guardians are expected to to tank a little. Thieves are most of the time expected to wield DD/PP. Rangers are expected to use bows. All these are expected when you see that class. When you face a necro, you really can’t know what he’s gonna do until he starts. Necros have so many different builds. So many different viable builds. Is this guy gonna stack bleeds? Is this guy gonna summon mobs? Is this guy gonna teleport to me and shred me with a dagger? This is what makes necros such a great class. They have so many options, even without blocks or vigor. We’re talking about a class that doesn’t have access to boons or invulnerability, regenerating endurance, or good escapes. It’s finding out how to be good without those buffs is what makes a good player. You put someone whose mastered a warrior vs. someone whose mastered necro and see who is the more skillful player. This is why this class isn’t played as often as the others. People can’t take the learning curve. They can’t take something that starts out a little worse off and make it good. The want to be good with a good class.
My point? Take two players. One is a necro and the other is a class that’s expected to be better. They both solo a champion with relative ease. What would you want to say? That you beat it with a Mesmer? That you beat it with a Guardian? Maybe a warrior?
I don’t know about you, but I’d want to be the guy saying he killed it with a NECROMANCER.
(edited by Lucas.9162)
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
read em, tried em, not up to par.
neither of you will be specific because you know there is nothing that will hold up…
btw have you gotten any better since we grouped last talentless or are you still underperforming?
Dont find myself under-performing, nor do I find myself knowing who you are… I rarely, if ever, pug out spots. Perhaps you are mistaken.
Is Talentless Necro your characters name?
Some of us arent afraid of their opinions being linked to their ign. Hence a signature.
It was a rhetorical question regarding your “perhaps you are mistaken”
I should have known you wouldn’t miss a chance to beat your chest and act superior, hence your last post…
and yes when I grouped with you in wvw that night I thought it was an appropriate name although you weren’t terrible, unless you have gotten better you shouldn’t be telling people to L2P.
Good build for what exactly?
I think we have several good builds.
WvW, what builds are on par with the top Ele, mesmer, thief and now engi builds?
Read the forums… and not the posts made by scrubs who complain rather than learn.
read em, tried em, not up to par.
neither of you will be specific because you know there is nothing that will hold up…
btw have you gotten any better since we grouped last talentless or are you still underperforming?
Dont find myself under-performing, nor do I find myself knowing who you are… I rarely, if ever, pug out spots. Perhaps you are mistaken.
Is Talentless Necro your characters name?
Some of us arent afraid of their opinions being linked to their ign. Hence a signature.
It was a rhetorical question regarding your “perhaps you are mistaken”
I should have known you wouldn’t miss a chance to beat your chest and act superior, hence your last post…
and yes when I grouped with you in wvw that night I thought it was an appropriate name although you weren’t terrible, unless you have gotten better you shouldn’t be telling people to L2P.
still dont know you, and have my doubts. Anyone who complains about something in this game should be forced to display their character name. Furthermore enemy tags should display their names in WvW too.
(edited by Talentless.5708)
If they nerfed Engi’s Grenades it would be gg for them they would have no builds I bet.
HGH Dual Pistol Condi Build says hi.
It’s awesome, and makes me uncomfortable for being jealous of an Engineer.
Furthermore enemy tags should display their names in WvW too.
I completely agree! my name in game is almost the same, Dred Lord. Can you stop cryin about names in sigs now, and how awesome you are because you put yours there.
Way to resurrect a long dead thread.
I’m impressed.
I’m rarely in a good mood because people keep doing things like this.
But that was some impressive Necromancy, resurrecting a month old thread.
Well we do not have access to stability except in grandmaster soul reaping trait. (Who the hell even gets that for only 3 seconds worth of stability in exchange for 30 trait points?)
Actually a lot of PvPers do. It depends on what team you expect to run with, and your build (if you are playing a glass necro, you don’t want to be stomping), but plenty of people grab that 30 SR so they can stomp. Personally, I just tell my team that I can’t stomp easily, so its on them to secure the stomp.
here’s a concept.
for an F2 key, (otherwise known as the 5th DS)
Consume Souls
Convert remaining life force into health.
I’m not sure where the scaling would be to make this balanced…
let’s say it converts at 0.5%.
so a full life force bar would be half of your total health.Naturally i haven’t put a lot of thought into this.
I hope that you know you just turned me night immortal or anyone who gets soul marks and runs with dagger/warhorn for that matter unless it has a 60 second cooldown and is on a flat instead of % of hp ratio.
like I said, hadn’t put much thought into it. , but I mean sure, put it on a 90 sec cooldown and change the conversion to w/e works, i’m not a programmer, just an enthusiast.
(edited by Vandole.4150)
Necros are actually very balanced, what we could use are some minor bug fixes and such.
And about signets, well, I use 2 out of 4 in my build.
Undead – Great for my DS centric build and to revive fallen party members, specially in fractals high levels.
Spite – Recent increase in damage for the passive and loving it, I switch it out if I know a hard battle is coming and maybe I need more utility, such as corrosive cloud, or a well, other than that’s its a woopin’ 180 free power.
Some may disagree, I personally find very comfortable running with those signets, and very successful so far. Maybe not so in PvP but my time is 70% PvE. For PvP I run a condition build anyway.
Yes, that’s absolutely right, they are. Warrior signets are far more useful.
@Anchoku That’s the problem, we don’t have enough survivability to be worth anything. Look at Elementalist bunkers, Guardian bunkers, freaking warrior tanks. We’re at the bottom rung for numerous reasons: No burst, average survivability, crappy pets, average condition application.
Elementalists are good in ALL of those fields.
Agreed. I keep pushing for a Spectral make-over. I am not sure an easy button is the answer; especially when the Spectral skills seem intended to do this very thing (but suck at it) and our signets are laughable with the exception of Locust’s passive effect.
Anyway, Anet will be watching the professions to see how many hours are logged, at what level, and where per profession. The minion and axe improvements were pretty significant and, while they did not help conditionmancer builds, they did put MM solidly mainstream along with hybrid.
Remember, big brother is watching you and noting exactly your build and equipment load so be a good test subject and go create some statistics for them.
Darn, that means I have to start intentionally sucking with my blood necromancer build if I ever expect to see that trait line given some love.
I personally enjoy death shroud as it is now. With the addition of a fifth skill and hopefully a damage condition, Death shroud will have something for all necromancer specs. It is essentially our invulnerability skill, much as thieves use stealth as theirs. While it isn’t true invulnerability, it is still an extremely powerful class mechanic.
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