Power Necro: 30/0/10/0/30 v. 30/30/10
probobly you are using your fear on frong time
I’m loving my terror build ATM dominating in pvp/wvw. Feals useless in pve due to defiance.
I’m running: 0,30,20,0,20
I’m loving my terror build ATM dominating in pvp/wvw. Feals useless in pve due to defiance
I’m running: 0,30,20,0,20
why did you opt to not take mark on dodge?
30/30/10 is good for tPvP mostly, and can be good for WvW. I have been running both 30/x/x/x/30 and 20/x/x/x/30 build variations for a while now, even more so after the patch. Their beauty is the viability of death shroud.
In tPvP, however, 30/30/10 is seen as the way to go. The reason is the huge condition pressure that it adds to the table, making it overwhelming for the other classes to deal with it.
I’m loving my terror build ATM dominating in pvp/wvw. Feals useless in pve due to defiance
I’m running: 0,30,20,0,20why did you opt to not take mark on dodge?
My utilities are: corrupt boon, spectral wall, plaque signet. I’m also using flesh golem for that extra knockdown because I don’t really care for plaque form due to it not constantly benefiting myself because of the CD.
3 fears feel like plenty to me. Possibly 4 if they are using stability.
my power DS build is great fun and decent damage.
spiteful talisman, axe mastery.
weakening shroud, spectral attunement.
spectral recharge, DS recharge and stability on DS.
very fun to play.
used this before the patch with success and it got buffed massively since.
axe/focus and dagger/warhorn or dagger
spectral armor, spectral grasp (though this can be changed out) and spectral walk
I loved playing power necro it’s a great deal of fun.
Is the 30/30/10 optimal for pve conditions then? If not what would be the glass cannon version for pve necro conditions? Mostly looking for dungeon/event/WvW.
30/25/0/0/15 is the best power build for damage. Its a dagger build though, so requires a fair amount of experience to do well.
^ What does that spec look like?
^ What does that spec look like?
Soul reaping trait is flexible.
^ What does that spec look like?
Soul reaping trait is flexible.
Thank you sir.
Oh btw the potion should be replaced with a dungeon specific potion if you really want all the bonuses you can get. I often dont bother with a potion. Scholar runes are the best especially if you can stay above 90% hp. But if you cant stay above 90% go for ruby orbs. Ruby orbs are also the good cheap alternative.
I personally believe that a condition/tank/support necro build Is 10x better In pve situations. I feel high damage is only needed in pvp/wvw where it can be used to pressure people into using their healing skill then running away.
I personally believe that a condition/tank/support necro build Is 10x better In pve situations. I feel high damage is only needed in pvp/wvw where it can be used to pressure people into using their healing skill then running away.
Content is made easier by high dps. Conditions are a massive problem in pve at the moment due to having a cap of 25 stacks and some bosses clearing condi’s. Raw damage always wins out. Full support and tanking is useless and selfish at the moment. Doing support while providing high dps is the best you can hope for. This wont change until the core dungeon mechanics are improved and expanded.
Something you also have to realise is you cant kill things if your whole group is supporting or tanking. GW2 doesnt have a trinity like other games, people need to realise that. Anet did define their own trinity (Damage, support, control), the thing is support and control are things you can and should only be doing while also providing damage. Focusing on the other roles too much is causing you to leech off of the people actually running dps specs as they can sustain themselves fine without the need of someone “supporting”.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Im working on some gear for a power build in WvW, you can really get some cool stats combos with PvE gear. I love dagger for power builds axe just does not cut it damage wise for me in WvW even with the extra range….. I actually still use a scepter for power builds over axe if Im not running staff for whatever reason.
30/30/10/0/0 condition is a good small scale wvw build that i use time to time for larger scale fights Im better off with more AoE damage focused builds.
(edited by Xom.9264)