Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Draehl.2681


I just wanted to express the lack of options that we have for defending (and to a lesser extent attacking) towers/keeps

-Axe & Dagger MH are obviously out due to range issues.
-Scepter is out as it’s essentially a condition stacking weapon with minimal effectiveness with power.

-Staff is really the only logical choice, but there are several problems here, also.

1) The autoattack only hits one enemy due to attacking from an incline not allowing the hand to pass through to other enemies.
2) We can cast marks on the enemies below, but Marks do very little actual direct damage, similar to Scepter.
3) The beneficial effects of marks can’t help allies up on the walls because there are no enemies to trigger them. I’d love to be able to drop Mark of Blood or Putrid Mark to give allies regen/condition removal, but it simply doesn’t work.

The only real effect you can have is the 3/4 combo to poison and weaken enemies below, which is generally cleansed within a few seconds.

I’m not going to suggest how to remedy this, but simply point it out as being a problem.

Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mackster.9726


One thing that is possible to do while defending a keep is to exit the keep through the teleport at the gate and wreak havoc while using Spectral Walk or the Flesh Wurm to return to the teleport. Plague Form and the AoEs on the scepter can disrupt a lot of players.

Don’t forget that you still have Epidemic to spread conditions around (it has 1200 range) as well as Wells and Poison clouds for combo fields.

Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiloBoyS.7324


You can always do the hide from behind gate cheeze spec counting on your aoe spells that use power to hit all the melee and siege weapons from behind the gate.

(Not sure if this is abuse because you pretty get get owned if you stay in front of gate longer than a few seconds because their aoes hit you too.)


Sit by gate entrace (On safe side… well sorta safe side)
Use staff and cast the skills on the door (Circle is half on door half on ground) hits all the melee. Especially the fear one that makes them run towards the door for some reason as soon as the oil spills forcing them to stay under it for like 2 secs longer.

Then use shroud on every cd which goes through door and hits them all healing yourself and everyone around you including above you (where they are manning oil and casting aoes down)

Also the AoE one that hits them causing vuln (Cast on yourself forget the skill name) and the AoE one that turns their boons into negative effects AoE one that that is casted on you as well.

Both go through the gate and hit the melee as well as any siege weapons there.

Thats what me and 2 of my friends did which pretty much got us a few kills from behind the gate. Hehe

Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


i like scepter in www, (well 900 range is the bare minimum to be useful ) while people are quick to start dodge when they get big hits , with sceptre you usually can stack nice amount of bleeds and poison to target before they try escape.. and quite often too late.

but as said spectral walk and wurm are great skills. with bit sneaky placement on wurm it can shoot enemies for surprisingly long times. or then you can but it behidn you for fast escape. or summon it middle of enemies if you have death nova and poison them all.

Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jewel.1457


If your going a power build for WvW you want wells.. great for defense

Add chill to blind, drop Darkness, corruption and that other one on the siege and melee, follow up with marks and they absolutely melt. If I’m defending and they drop a ram blueprint I can pretty much melt it immediately. We have the best burst aoe right now, although it is a relatively small area. It is also very gimmicky and the smart people will dodge out but useful nonetheless.

Personally I run staff and Axe.. axe mainly for the retaliation, paired with ds retaliation means some large uptime.

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Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daiva.2394


Both me and the other main necro in our guild whose build I know (CIR — Gunnar’s Hold) use power and not condition damage. We also run two very different builds, and we’re both happy with what we do.

I refrain from posting in threads about necros in TPvP because I don’t play tournaments (my personal opinion is close to that of Jon Peters — i.e people cry foul because they don’t see further than their dps, but the class still needs some work nonetheless — but it’s based on conjectures and pug experiences), but we definitely have options in WvW. Me, I love my anchor-support necro, but I leveled using a tackle build that I also had a lot of fun with, and at no point did I feel that I could not perform on par with those around me (though of course I was more limited at lower levels).

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

(edited by Daiva.2394)

Power Necromancers & WvW Keep Fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Buff Jesus.4263

Buff Jesus.4263

stand out front with nether grasp
when someone comes too close to the edge; grap them off.

i use dagger MH / focus with golem elite
so i just snare them with 3, golem charge em, slow them with 5. hopefully teammates help and thats 1 less person on the wall spamming us.

repeat every 30 seconds lawl

then i just put all 4 marks up on the wall. you can position them so they can hit people up there, and since they all do damage (lol) just keep putting them up for like 2-3k damage every 30 seconds