Power Reaper Raid Build

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Machinne.3927


Hi guys,
is there any build better than that for a power reaper for raids?

i’m just using it, seems fine BUT today it tested dps on golem and results are ridiculous

no matter what i do, which rotation use…. dagger AA till 50% using both wells on cd gives a lot more dps than stance-dance between weapons and shroud

is it actually normal??

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigfodr.9576


you will be able to gain a small improvement by taking warhorn over focus off-hand. But yes, power reaper is in the sad spot that dagger AA + warhorn 5 (off cooldown) untill 50% then swap to gs and spam gravedigger. Dropping wells all along off-cd. Is the max dps you can get. And even more sad, its kitten dps :/

A new stat sett with only 2 stats, power/ferocity might change this, so..

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I always get more damage above 50% by using nightfall and GD every 2 auto attack chains. GD is a straight DPS boost and NF>LS. Not a huge difference around 1k dps.

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Machinne.3927


I always get more damage above 50% by using nightfall and GD every 2 auto attack chains. GD is a straight DPS boost and NF>LS. Not a huge difference around 1k dps.

but after you switch to GS you have to wait like 7-8 seconds aftyer GD and Nightfall are used to go back to dagger AA. that means, that you loose dps while using GS AA which is the lamest thing i have ever seen.
same for going into shroud waiting for weapon swap off cd, even though shroud 2 is decent, shorud 4 isn’t viable for single target damage. not to mention shroud AA are not good too… even might stacking is bad cause in raid you’ll always have 25 stacks

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I always get more damage above 50% by using nightfall and GD every 2 auto attack chains. GD is a straight DPS boost and NF>LS. Not a huge difference around 1k dps.

but after you switch to GS you have to wait like 7-8 seconds aftyer GD and Nightfall are used to go back to dagger AA. that means, that you loose dps while using GS AA which is the lamest thing i have ever seen.
same for going into shroud waiting for weapon swap off cd, even though shroud 2 is decent, shorud 4 isn’t viable for single target damage. not to mention shroud AA are not good too… even might stacking is bad cause in raid you’ll always have 25 stacks

After recent changes to aftee cast on GS auto chain it has the exact same coefficient per second as dagger auto. Roughtly 1.37. It’s just less forgiving if you have to interrupt yourself. Technically speaking shroud with dhuumfire is the strongest autoattsck we have but dropping blood for SR means you lose bloodbond and wellcooldown plus shrouding into auto has a lag that makes it not fluid and a dose loss.

With relation to shroud builds if anyone uses one shroud 2 is a DPS increase only when you don’t have quickness. Because it is a leap it isn’t affected by quickness and the auto becomes better.

Daggers benefit more from the life steal but he gets ~6 stacks of bleed. It’s still fairly even. Using GD and NF on cool down when camping GS results in higher dps mathematically and in practice when benchmarking. Again it’s not a huge difference but it’s higher but more room for error. Tested it for half hour this morning doing nothing but autoattcking then doing chains. It was boring.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Machinne.3927


hm tested what you said
true, going pure GS 1 2 4 even > 50% gives more dps

still, shroud skills are not worth it. feels bad when your class mechanic should be used just for survivability

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


One small change: Take blood bond instead of Quickening Thirst. Since you will be doing bleeding from Deathly Chill, it will proc blood bond on cd for a slight increase in damage for your group.

edit: also from what I’ve tested and seen, camping Greatsword is always better dps, though my tests have been on full zerker, so I don’t know if it would make a difference.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: narcx.3570


Wouldn’t just having the Bone Fiend out auto attacking out dps Well of Corruption…? Especially with how much fire fields are all over the place these days.