Power reaper wvw roaming

Power reaper wvw roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aevis.4632


Hey fellow necros im in need of some suggestions on traits/utilities for my power reaper while roaming in wvw.

1) i cant seem to choose what utilities i should be using or what utilities go well with each other. I could never get used to having multiple shouts and i also cant seem to give up wells. Currently i use consume condition, rise, spectral armor, and corrupt boon with elite shout. Ive been doing ok in fights with these but i feel i could do better.

2) as far as traits go, im having trouble picking what adept and grandmaster to use in the reaper line. Ive been using chilling nova adept trait which does provide a nice extra boost in dmg; however, i feel like that trait that reduces duration of movement impairing condi ( cant remember the name) might be more useful. Also i cannot decide between blighters boon and reapers onslaught.

I use a mix of zerker/soldier gear and my weps are staff/gs. And while im typing this i may as well ask for tips on handling kiters such as druids and others.

Power reaper wvw roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Assuming you mean solo roaming and not group roaming,


  • I never really played with wells but I’ve seen Holls using it well and a few others (using it on me to great effect). Basically Well of Suffering is your key burst moment but it has to be paired with dagger immobilize for greatest effect. Combo usually goes like this: dagger immobilize > well of suffering > warhorn daze > dagger auto
  • I think your current utilities are pretty decent but a lot depends on your other setup too. Basically you want your utilities to either make certain of your killer combos stronger, synergize with your traits, fill up gaps in your defenses or all of the above.
    So it is really pretty much what sort of play-style suits you. Maybe you want to post your full build using the build editor here: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/


  • Traits, like utilities, will hinge a lot on your playstyle and what you are going for in other areas of your build. If you chose chilling nova, then you probably want deathly chill as your GM trait to maximize the damage potential. I’ve tried this combo myself on a power build and don’t suggest it. the slight increase in damage is not good enough to justify throwing in both traits. Unless you are using a hybrid condi+power build…then thats a different story
  • Augury of Death (shout adept trait) is more useful only if you use the healing shout. The rest of the shouts either have very long cooldown and usually wont recharge fast enough before the fight ends, or are not that useful for a power build. I would suggest going Relentless Pursuit if you don’t intend to use the healing shout.
  • Reaper Onslaught is more useful if you’re fighting in a group vs many or zergs. For 1vs1 fights, its effectiveness is really halved. Blighter’s boon when built with the right runes and food (as Holl’s and a few others showed), gives you some pretty nasty sustain.


  • no comments on zerk/soldier mix but staff/gs limits your range capabilities quite a fair bit and is probably why you might be struggling much more against other classes who kite you. I’ve seen Reapers run axe/x + GS to great effect so you may want to try that. Also if you want tips on how to engage a kiting druid, you might want to ask Lynnie/Donnie…I learnt a lot from him…most druids lose their range advantage if you use his tips and tricks…and those druids who don’t…is because previously they had already fought you a few times, died to you a few times, and then figured out you always do the same things (unless you’re pro enough to change up your fighting styles each time lol)


  • If you like flashing around like a thief on your reaper, you might want to search for Holl’s recent power roaming video. It’s always a great thrill to watch him pull of teleports and blinks on his Reaper followed by a devastating combo that shreds the opponent! I tried a variation of his build and needless to say, I was the one getting shredded.


  • I love roaming with power reaper though. This is currently the build I’m most satisfied with. There isn’t a one build to win all builds, but there is a one build that gives you a fair shot against most other builds. And I think this is it.
  • (against enemy condi builds, you pretty much start with at least a 60-40 advantage)
  • (against some sustain (druids, scrappers) or kiting (druids, druids, druids) or block-heavy builds (Guardians, shield warriors), you start with at most a 40-60 disadvantage)
  • (against the rest, its pretty much 50-50…)


and a video here using the build:

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

Power reaper wvw roaming

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aevis.4632


Thanks for the tips, i appreciate it very much.