Power vs Condition for PvP
Everyone is doing condi bc condis are easy to use and give great results right now, but I do very well with power. Either one is good. I wouldnt go hybrid though. They are usually squishy. As a necro if you want mobility you need to give up some utility slots for it.
Perfect Dark [PD]
Power, Condi, or Hybrid all work in PvP. However do not play a power build in sPvP without a team, or at least not without some serious investment in defense. The build is extremely glassy, and while you can destroy people when you gank them, its hard to get back out of the fight to reset without team support (which pugs won’t give).
Condi/Hybrid on the other hand, while certainly not super easy to pug with, are much easier fits because the large sustained offensive pressure you have to force people away from you, plus fears, really helps you peel for yourself more easily, or at the very least bring people down with you when you do fall.
I run Power when I have a set team in Tournys. I run conditons or wells when running sPvP ecause what Bhawb said is totally true.
My Necro does both at the same time thanx to Celestial armor,in WvW and PvE.
For SPvP I use my own build,but the base of it is Power/tank DS build.
(edited by Banjal.7328)
I have to agree with both Bhawb and Hexxen.
I run a power build by choice but without a team that understands how to help you and how you can help them, it can be very frustrating.
I also suggest watching some Hot join Necros for a bit to see what the fights are generally like. You will see some good habits and bad habits and perhaps get a feel for what the actual game play will be like.
My power DS Necro never needs help,with the fix to DS its crazy how much DMG you can take with it.
I’ve done both and have found that while conditions let you faceroll bad players… a good pseudo-tanky power/well build offers a little more substance against better players. I normally run 20/0/20/30/0 full soldiers with dolyak runes. It’s a great overall combo- you’re not a burst machine, but not a true bunker either. Can easily solo WvW camps (what I primarily do)
Staff and Dagger + X (really, whatever you like, I prefer dagger OH)
DS is used mostly for soaking damage and Dark Path/Doom.
Blood/Suffering/Power/Signet of Locust – Elite changes on the circumstances. None of our elites are particularly good, but they are varied nicely between sustained dps/ burst dps/bunker.
Now if they would just buff lifesteal and we can start moving some of the gear towards cleric’s…
Hey guys.
I’m currently trying to make up my mind whether or not I should go with a Power or Condition focused PvP build, or a mix between the two.
What do I gain from going with Power, in contrary to Condition Damage?
And what do I gain from going with Condition Damage, in contrary to Power?Or should a Necromancer both mix Power & Condition damage in PvP?
I am thinking about a build to use mostly in small group fights/solo and skirmishes, such as in unorganized sPvP and WvWvW, with an even focus on damage, survivability and mobility.
Power Necromancers (Unless you’re a Minionmancer) are good for one thing, and one thing only. Point assaulting. The strongest Powermancer builds all require heavy well-usage, which make them a pain in the kitten to use off-point.
Conditionmancers can do quite a bit, but unless you’re running a good build, you’re easily countered in a number of ways. Plus I feel it’s going to be nerfed again very soon.
Hybrids are very versatile fighters. Though it’s rare to find a good tPvP hybrid build, I posted a couple a while back in my Mighty Altroll’s Mighty Metas thread. 3 good hybrids, I believe. One was a wellmancer I dubbed Lictor due to the axe/scepter usage, and the others are my pestilence variations. Both are effective at roaming, and assaulting.
Bhawb hit the mark on his comment.
Power necros are good if you have a defense, i.e a team to cover you. Otherwise, you’ll get CC’d, leap finished, and burned and kited all over the place. To deal damage, you have to connect your hits. We’re known for our sucky mobility so it’s not our strong suited playstyle.
Conditions are good, a little slow to fully run its course, and hybrids (if you find the right flush of gear and trait points) can be ultimately enjoyable. Hybrids can either be built for maximum DPS, or sustained mediocre damage depending on how badly you wish to live from fight to fight.
I tried conditions, and failed because of the way I play. I hate staying in the back throwing condition at everyone like a sissy. I like to go into the midst of the fight and bruise everyone so bad, that everyone else can finish them. Which is why I play powermancer.
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