Powermancer viable?

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Hello guys!

Powermancer or Wellmancer viable at high level playing? Which is better? Anyone know a good power or wellmancer that playing high ranked matches? i can’t get more than 96-97% with it solo q. team q is the same but i play with random peoples.

I have a DS build and Well build. They are viable?

Someone post the working builds please. Thank you


(edited by Rolisteel.1375)

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Holl.3109


You will probably not get in top 100 but you can get pretty far with it. I use the new assasins amulet and do very decent. Helping cap side points and taking down people below 50% health is easy.
Some powermancer tips in my signature

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Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ovid.7135


Sure you can get into top 100 solo queue or team queue with powermancer. Lich isn’t as strong as pre-patch, so you can’t carry quite so hard in solo Q, but it’s still good.

Peanut Butter Jelly Times (Swisslips)

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Leeto is constantly top100, i was top200-500 playing almost exclusive power necro last 10months.

Is it viable as in, to take into organized tourny and win 1-2 matches againsr scrubsm while you have a decent team supporting you, preferably being an NA where poeple focus more 1v1 than teamplay? Yes.

Is it viable as in, actualy being good if the game had several teams on top competitive level, or giving you any realistic hopes to win or at least not knowing that you will 100% lose from the start by being hard countered / outrotated ? No.

But the isnt that much competion in gw2 around so you can get some results with it. I think best comparison is its a weaker DPS guard.

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Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I made it top 100 when I played soloq alot with a power build, it’s definitely possible.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
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Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


got #1 with it in soloQ and #20 in teamQ ^^

but on the other hand i’m like the only power necro hanging around in top 100

Owner and creator of http://www.gw2score.com
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Can you link me a build for the top 100 gaming? oh and also would like to know what 3 utilities and elite to use?

Thanks for answers guys.

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


Owner and creator of http://www.gw2score.com
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


but on the other hand i’m like the only power necro hanging around in top 100

Just off the top of my head: leman and leeto come to mind, as long time power build players. And I think at this point there are more power necros than other necro builds in the top ranks.

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Emapudapus.1307


After they made soloq as its now my first time i came top 100 was using power necro, but when i came to 100 i noticed my power necro severly lacking vs good players and couldnt advance. Ofc it could be also just the lack of my skill on playing power necro or some poorly made build. Later i switched back to condition necro (didnt like condi while they had op dhuumfire) and could do better while in the top 100.
So in my opinion power necro is viable to get in top 100 but higher rank you have, it decreases more than condi necro. If i would want power side again i would try build from flow, he uses hybrid style and i seen it in action and in my view more viable than standard power build. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/Build-Staff-Corruption/first#post4243456

all is vain

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


I’ve played some matches with the build. maybe it’s just me but here is what i think:

My problem is that i’m main target for the enemy and i feel very weak if my “random” team can’t babysitting me. It works good if i just have to attack because not getting “focused” trained down.

1v1: I can’t beat engineers. i tried everything. they have both good damage and also very good defense. they dont really take much damage from me because of their defensive skills and regeneration + kiting. this is rifle celestrial engi. Turret engi is hard but i can beat with DS build.

maybe i have to learn some things, but i feel like i have to be a lot more “tanky” as i can’t count on random teammates a lot of times im alone at 1v2 or 1v3 situations trying to def a point while my teammates dying somewhere.

my english is not the best but you will understand it its not that bad lol

Thanks the answers.

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


I don’t know the exact build your running, but the trick to Power Necromancer, more than any spec a Necromancer currently has, is managing your DeathShroud… Sounds weird maybe, so let me explain;

A Condition Necromancer usually uses DS for either two purposes – To land a final burst at a percentages of health the enemy has, or purely defensive since they have little other things to do so if you need to stay on the point and so don’t want to use Flesh Worm needlessly… This is perfectly fine, it gives the Necromancer enough time to deal with the shortcommings of Lifeforce that get’s attained during the battle…

A Power Necromancer has to play smarter, you use your DeathShroud not nearly as much defensively as you will use it offensively – Tainted Shackles ends with an immobilize after the cast, giving you room to land DS hits, or some attacks on Dagger or Axe (I use dagger personally), Dark Path after a Doom is a classic combo, which can be followed up my either another fear from Staff or Immobilize from Dagger to create a lockdown… And last but not least, Life Transfer is the tool to get rid of Mesmer Clones or specs that use Stealth to negate combat, it can accumilate to a lot of damage if a target gets hit by a full cast, especially when running a glass build…

Against Engineers you should have no problems if you build correctly… If you see the enemy has one, switch to staff and offhand dagger if you please, the condition transfers usually do the work… Celestial Engineer is more tricky, but since I played one, I know “the secret” to killing them, which is locking them down – use fears, immobilize (check to see if Transmute procced first) chills etc. All these will completely cripple an Engineer in combat, regardless of it’s spec

When running power, the build I prefer is this one – it is fairly good from ranged, builds up Life Force like no tomorrow and generall should have no issues peforming against any class in 1v1’s… You can swap Spectral Armour for Spectral Grasp or Spectral Walk if you see fit, but this is entirely up to you

Fair warning, no “meta” Necromancer spec is build to survive in Team Fights when standing in the middle of it… Position yourself well, use range cleverly, only go into the battle if you know you will outnumber your enemy, or when your enemy is bound to have another target…

I find Necromancer’s excelling in small fights, 1v1’s 2v2’s etc. Anything bigger than that is going to guarantee you to get focussed the moment you even dare stand close to the battlefield

Final note, in my very humble opinion, Zerk Necromancer only get’s roughly outclassed by a Zerk Warrior within PvP in terms of sustain for zerk classes, or so I feel… This is even when I have picked up a shield for said Warrior, and even then I would not feel comfortable fighting fights bigger than 2v2’s on it…
Necromancer’s are all about taking control of the battlefield, use CC’s before the enemy can, keep em at range when on full health, and get them close as they proceedingly get lower… Granted, a Thief/Mesmer combo would take care of them instantly if coordinated well, the only thing you can do about that is quickly run to one of your support classes…

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Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


I have played some matches. it’s good in teamfight and win some matches and lose 2.

I have chance vs most classes and win a lot of 1v1’s

My problem is rangers now. Longbow rangers.
They have big advantage because they always can start the fight with first hits from 1500 range.
so i have to eat longbow and pet damage before i can do anything.
i don’t really have any defense vs them ( 2x dodge thats it ) they get me out of DS too fast. but they have good defense vs me. they can just RF and other attacks knockbacks RF.. kite to 1500 range so i cant attack him.

I killed the ranger but only when i was in downstate.

my downstate fight vs ranger downstate + pet = im free kill

Any opinion is welcomed

+1 for everyone

(edited by Rolisteel.1375)

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I think necros are the only class that can’t spec to counter rangers even if we wanted to. Against rangers it’s really all about positioning and awareness. If the enemy team has rangers I generally change my routes.

For example, in Temple of the Silent Storm, Rangers like to hop on the middle ledge above mid. Usually I will head to mid and get in the team fight, but against some rangers I run up top and flush them out. Otherwise, you’re going to get targeted by them and won’t be able to fight back. On Legacy of the Foefire, it’s ranger heaven – especially at mid. But on the side points you can LOS them and negate the range.

The big thing to remember is that, generally, they are a huge threat if you let them free cast, but the melt if you get to them. A lot dont carry many stunbreakers or condition removal, either.

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


I am inclined to agree with Roe here, we stand no ghost of a chance…

To succesfully kill a Power Ranger, you need to get him out of his comfort zone, get close to him and land your CC’s without getting yourself stuck in the CC’s of a pet – the walk is long for us, especially since our one and only gap closer is unreliable on range (Dark Path)

You need to anticipate them, seek them out from the spots where they can range, and immediately CC them into the fight…

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Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Yeah I like when I see rangers on the opposing team on certain maps, they become so predictable I just wait a minute before engaging on the point until they go to their spot they think they can pew pew from, then as long as I dodge that longbow knockback I’m probably going to win.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Seiishizo.7162


but on the other hand i’m like the only power necro hanging around in top 100

Just off the top of my head: leman and leeto come to mind, as long time power build players. And I think at this point there are more power necros than other necro builds in the top ranks.

haven’t seen them both in a while…(sadly enough tho)

And on gw2score they are both on 9000 rank atm

And nope i can’t think of any other top 100 power necro atleast not in eu ^^

Owner and creator of http://www.gw2score.com
Btw: It’s Sey-Shi-zo ^.^

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Against celestial engineers, immobilize them as much as possible to negate dodges, keep close, use Wail of Doom at gear shield, corrupt boon, manage your DS.

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Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ovid.7135


Hey, but, I, like, played some power necro in top 100. But caring too much about leaderboard rank (since you can cheat them by not playing for 5 days, then playing a match or two…) is a little silly.

Peanut Butter Jelly Times (Swisslips)

Powermancer viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Hello guys.

I decided to drop staff for axe and use tanky rune and amulet because im the first target in solo q so no matter where i position they come for me use every skill just to catch me asap and all of them use cc while dpsing me down. ( also 2x longbow rangers attacks anyone? ) 2x rapid fires + other stuffs from 1500 range. most of the time my random teammates don’t help to cc off just one player from me so i have some chance to get away or cant make a good pressure to stop just one player attacking me and make it defend himself.

I win more matches with random peoples in solo q now. ( If im not getting very hard focused ( which is rare ) or my team is good at ccing and dps pressure then i like to play the berserker style because i killing everyone in 1-2 seconds.

Still testing which one works better in the long run for solo q.

tanky power > zerker ( at the moment )

yesterday i played vs a team that had R O M and the build worked great was a nice tough battle.

(edited by Rolisteel.1375)