Problem With the Reaper

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: annagon.7938


So I unlocked the three first abilities in the reaper specialization: Greatsword Proficiency, Shroud Knight/Reaper’s Shroud, and “your soul is mine.” However, with all this, I am still unable to wield my greatsword. Why is that?

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: insaneseagull.7063


So I unlocked the three first abilities in the reaper specialization: Greatsword Proficiency, Shroud Knight/Reaper’s Shroud, and “your soul is mine.” However, with all this, I am still unable to wield my greatsword. Why is that?

This might be a dumb question but,have you changed one of your three trait lines for the Reaper line?….

Server: Far Shiverpeaks
IGN: Sparkly Darkness/Sinh Verdandi/Got D Boons
Guild: Anime And Manga Club [AMC]

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: annagon.7938


So I unlocked the three first abilities in the reaper specialization: Greatsword Proficiency, Shroud Knight/Reaper’s Shroud, and “your soul is mine.” However, with all this, I am still unable to wield my greatsword. Why is that?

This might be a dumb question but,have you changed one of your three trait lines for the Reaper line?….

It’s not an option either, I tried but it’s not on the list.

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: insaneseagull.7063


So I unlocked the three first abilities in the reaper specialization: Greatsword Proficiency, Shroud Knight/Reaper’s Shroud, and “your soul is mine.” However, with all this, I am still unable to wield my greatsword. Why is that?

This might be a dumb question but,have you changed one of your three trait lines for the Reaper line?….

It’s not an option either, I tried but it’s not on the list.

Have you unlocked everything else?

Server: Far Shiverpeaks
IGN: Sparkly Darkness/Sinh Verdandi/Got D Boons
Guild: Anime And Manga Club [AMC]

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Narenek.9085


Friends had this problems as well as my self, for some reason i couldn’t spec reaper…then worked out you have to use the third IE bottom trait line to spec reaper.

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: annagon.7938


It’s not an option either, I tried but it’s not on the list.
Have you unlocked everything else?

For the reaper? no, but every other, yes I have. Why? do I need every reaper trait to use the actual greatsword? because the first ability states that it allows me to use a greatsword.

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: DavidGX.7240


Did you try switching the bottom trait line to Reaper? I think you can only use that one.

“Those who go mad are merely thoughtful souls who failed to reach any conclusions.”

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


You don’t. You can just equip the Reaper spec in the elite spec line, which is the bottom one. I’m not sure why so many people didn’t get that (they announced it multiple times), but you can only equip it in the bottom line.

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Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drayos.8759


the Elite speccs can only be in your 3rd trait line, it isnt accessible from any other line, must be the bottom pick.

Problem With the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: mazut.4296


So I unlocked the three first abilities in the reaper specialization: Greatsword Proficiency, Shroud Knight/Reaper’s Shroud, and “your soul is mine.” However, with all this, I am still unable to wield my greatsword. Why is that?

This might be a dumb question but,have you changed one of your three trait lines for the Reaper line?….

It’s not an option either, I tried but it’s not on the list.

You can slot Elite spec only in the bottom trait line…
…and i repeated the rest above me