Problems gaining health back

Problems gaining health back

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

So this has been irking me for a while in PvE but even more so PvP. I can’t gain health back well enough to last a sustained fight.
I also have alot of experiance as a guardian, mesmer and elemetalist and I do much better in long fights with my guardian or ele because they have plenty of ways to gain back health, the mesmer is worse of then the necro imo but that is ok because they can do some pretty hevy spiking and have great ways of escaping.
I also think that the necro’s big health pool makes this problem even worse.
On slightly different note I have problems gaining lifeforce for sustained fights unless I focus my skills and/or traits alot on gaining LF. I don’t often run out of LF in PvE because there are always plenty of deaths but in PvP matches, especially 1v1 fights there obviosly are not deaths around me to keep my LF pool up.
Anyone agree/disagree with me on this because I have not seen other threads discussing this and I would also like to see if you have any good builds that can last sustained fights.

Problems gaining health back

in Necromancer

Posted by: Melvin.3295


Ok, first of all to really help you with your lifeforce gain I would need a skillbuild you are using or something. Most likely, the problem that most necromancers have, is that they use death shroud in 1 go, while it is much more effective to use deathshroud to eat your enemies burst when you are out of dodge/stunbreakers and go out of it directly after. Besides that having atleast spectral armour/walk/grasp on your utility bar helps lifeforce gaining alot. Also use your healskill before using deathshroud, so you can use the death shroud hp bar to help you reach your cooldown of your heal.

Kaname Tanuma – 80 Necromancer
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

Problems gaining health back

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

The weapon set I use by far most in PvP is scepter/dagger and for a secondary set I usually bring staff for a rupt, chill, team condition removal and just some area control alothough I use the s/d set alot more. I dont usually bring ant LF traits but I often bring Signet of Undeath for the quick res. Feast of corruption on the scepter can be decent for gaining LF but it is just not enough.
In PvP I use deathshroud for the fear rupt, chill, waiting for my heal or condition removals to come of cd, soak up big attacks or just a panic button. I like to think I don’t use deathshroud in the way you mentioned and I have seen so many do.
Before Blood is Power got changed I always brought it for PvP because it was great at keeping my LF up (I still use it quite alot for the might though but I liked it better before).
I never really use spectral armor because of the ridiclous cd and spectral walk I mostly use for the swiftenss or teleport but I don’t really think it is worth sacrificing a utility slot for in most cases.
Like I said before, in PvE i generally don’t have problems keeping my LF up because of all the deaths around me and there I also use staff more than I do in PvP so that also helps.
As for gaining back health which is a bigger problem to me at the moment I just really think necros lack regenartion avalible to them making them surprisingly bad in sustained fights which are ment to be their speciality.
I think necros have the best heal in the game though, Consume Conditions, because it has a big heal, removes all condtions and has a short cooldown.

Problems gaining health back

in Necromancer

Posted by: Funky.4861


Switch to using staff as main instead of sceptre/dagger. U can trait for LF on marks trigger (20 points in Soul Reaping) and the staff has +LF on its auto attack; it also has a spammable regen to keep ur HP ticking over. The Spectral skills are great for gaining LF, but it seems to me that you’re relying a lot on your first spite minor trait which is fine for pve, but not (as you know) for pvp.