Proof the Minion Master is a viable build
There’s an easy way they could fix a ton of the difficulty running a MM setup…let the blood fiends heal affect it and all other minions as well as its master. That would keep them up through minor aoes, poisons and bleeds, but they’d still get rocked by bosses and red circles on the ground. Let us call them back like ranger pets, that along with blood fiend healing the horde would be perfect.
im MMpve and i have a question… it is pve or pvp??
PD: Testing you utility skills order and is bery cool (with my key build: Shift, E, 7 8 9) you reemplace shadow for wurm vs boss??
Absolutely, Necromancers are great. The problem is, in this video, all minions are alive and actually attacking. In reality that is extremely rare. During any type of PvP, most minions die immediately to AoE and in conjunction spend 70% of the time stand around not attacking. That’s half, if not much more, of our damage completely nullified.
The problem has never been that Necro needs buffs, it’s that we need bug fixes…
proof that you can select, find and put online the few times all of your mobs where actully attacking. great job.
Yeah… showing a situation in which none of the glaring weaknessness are shown is fantastic proof of the viability of a spec.
Did you know that hundred blades warriors are fantastic when the enemy just stands there and doesn’t have a stunbreak?
Or that glass cannon staff eles are great if everyone stands in one spot at range?
Seriously though MM is not as terrible but the glaring flaws that it does have make it near to useless is 50% of the game despite it being perfectly viable outside of those points.
1) You have to sacrifice utility skills for all minions. Completely removes any flexibility and leaves you with only the flesh worm as a stun break/escape mechanism. The worm while useful suffers from the fact that you have to preemptively have it available as it is immobile.
2) AoE death… you have no control over your minions. They will happily stand there in that giant circle of death or right next to that boss with the massive PBAoE insta kill. Even rangers can call there pets back if they are quick enough you just have to stand there and watch em go splat
3) In a situation with multiple targets you have no control over who your minions attack. Suddenly you can’t kill a priority target because your bone minions are on separate targets, your bone fiend is on another, your worm is now out of range and fleshie is either on the phone to the missus or stuck on a rock somewhere.
It is like a facepalm, but to the kitten.
Minions offer no benefit for long cooldowns. Necro has very little base diversity in builds. Everything revolves around DS. Minions don’t even impact that playstyle. 90% of it is weapon skills. Utilities are inconsequential. That is the problem.
Necro without reliably functional Minions also places all those Minion Focused traits into the maybe useful if you want to kill lots of boxes and barrels folder. 50% more health sure is nice that my Minions get to finish their first animation before dieing. I’m a sucker for aesthetics. But everything else doesn’t benefit you in any meaningful way that I can rationalize.
Wells <=> Epidemic > CC/ccBreak/Speed > Signets > Everything else > Nothing at all > Minions
This is not an exaggeration.
The Wurm is a stun-breaking teleport that doubles as a turret. It’s a very good skill. The others I’m not so sure about.
The blood fiend is too unreliable; timing the use of your single heal skill is a key part of the game which makes blood fiend a high-risk option that doesn’t offer any decent payoff.
The bone minions mix well with wells if you use them as blast finishers.
Shadow fiend and bone fiend have rubbish special abilities compared to other utility skills, and again the extra damage they dish out is nowhere near worth the risk of those skills being unavailable when you need them.
Flesh Golem is a good meat shield, but again it’s unreliable and plague form is better for both improving player durability and for CC.
Basically, if the minions have any worth, it’s as vessels for their special abilities. I’d rather have the bone minions not attack and just stay close but safe for when I want a blast finisher, and the wurm would be better if it stayed underground until you need to activate its stun-breaker teleport.
Ok, now do the same thing but run a dungeon or wander around a level 80 pve area.
I would use the wurm more if i could quickly pack it back up like a engineer can with his turrets. Not that turrets makes much sense in this game given how fast paced it is. They take time to set up, and can quickly be outrun.