PvE Build Help

PvE Build Help

in Necromancer

Posted by: BraxKedren.8941


Coming back to play the game and really want to play the Necro (Was a Warlock for years in WoW). Playing around at low levels and trying to figure out how I would build around what I like so far.

Right now I love main hand dagger. So I am guessing off hand Warhorn pairs well?

Also for ranged is it best to go Staff or does the scepter/focus play better with the Dagger main hand?

Appreciate the help.

Noob in training

PvE Build Help

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eneldiar.9670


Necros been my main since release, despite the crap it sometimes gets I like the theme.

Focus and Warhorn are both good off-hands for dagger. Warhorn has the daze and speed boost while the Focus has a really good 4 skill for regen and vulnerability. You can actually use both if you wanted but it would take up both your weapon sets.

For ranged weapons, usually Death Shroud works very well if you’re only going to be ranged a small portion of the time. If you need to be able to spend more time at range, then I find staff to be good cause it has high range and AoE capability. Scepter is good for the conditionmancer build, but the dagger is primarily straight-damage focused.

As for a general build it usually changes from leveling to when you actually hit 80. I was a minion master necromancer until I hit 80 when I changed him to the impossible-to-kill build I used to play with. Finding out which mechanics of the necromancer you like are important, though, cause that will help you determine you’re build.

PvE Build Help

in Necromancer

Posted by: BraxKedren.8941


Thanks for the help.

Looking at the builds and how I like the dagger so far, Blood Magic seems to be a build I would be aiming for. Looks like a fun build so I guess I’ll be working that. It might play well with the Reaper abilities once HoT goes live.

Noob in training

PvE Build Help

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eneldiar.9670


Thanks for the help.

Looking at the builds and how I like the dagger so far, Blood Magic seems to be a build I would be aiming for. Looks like a fun build so I guess I’ll be working that. It might play well with the Reaper abilities once HoT goes live.

blood magic and dagger do go well together. Since you get three specializations, the big thing is to find the balance between damage and survivability for your playstyle and then modify it over time. My first build was almost solely defense and my only source of damage was my high power. As time progressed and I wanted more damage and became more survivable simply with dodging and gaining skill, I switched into more damage.

Dagger was a good weapon choice, though. The only thing that can really out-damage it is the Life Blast in Death shroud but that’s only with the right traits and good multi-target aim.