PvE Builds

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlackIsleDragon.7516


As I am getting close to lvl 80 (currently 78) it is time I try out some builds. I have leveled using a MM build for solo and personal story and a Well build for dungeons and events. My question is, what are some good builds that are viable in PvE? What traits and utility variations correspond to the build. I know there are different skills for different situations, just a general idea. Thanks!

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


3rd time I am posting this

There’s a search function and a sticky

Conditionmancer PvE/WvW dps spec

Consensus Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fQAQNArYWjMaN7pbub07JAJFPfNkie1N6BxGnMA
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with blast finisher), 20/30/10/0/20 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 30/30/10/0/0 (with well of corruption) or 0/30/30/10/0 (with focussing crystal for maximum cond. dmg at the expense of other traits)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 5 x Carrion (Chryolscola (sp)) or 3 x Carrion 2 x Rampagers (coral)

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger (e.g. Malfectyrm(sp)), Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Bone minions or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius) or Well of Corruption (Build variation dependant)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependant)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, epidemic (If sppeced correctly – Enter DS, Life blast x 3 to stack might/vulnerability, Exit DS) – Repeat

Additional notes: If you consistenly pop epidemic early in the rotation you may want to enter DS to build might/stack vulnerability through reapers might/unyielding blast to fill the rotation- see build variations

Some people swap mark talents for pet talents though personally I find them to be a liability it most dungeons with aoe/random pulls etc

I have recently come across a build focussing on stacking might (sticky build post) through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle – I am still testing it out but it seems the original build I provided comes out marginally on top (I am not a heavy theorycrafter)

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guru forums

Finally for your mob tagging issue just swap Master of Corruption for Focussed Wells…, want to PvP swap mark talents for Reaper’s protection – congratulations you can now do everything without retraiting

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


On a side note has anyone come to a conclusion regarding Trafalgars stack o mancer build in the sticky?

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: instantcoffee.1785


On a side note has anyone come to a conclusion regarding Trafalgars stack o mancer build in the sticky?

I run this except I run 30 points death magic, then either 10 spite 30 curses for a condi build or 30 spite 10 whatever (usually curses to pick up the lifeforce on crits) for power build.
I then run 3, 2 piece sets for +%might duration, coupled with full boon duration from death magic you get 22 seconds on might, very tanky and very damagey, ezz good.

I typically only run power version in WvW to bash doors with daggers, as they are amazing dps for door bashing especially with 20 stacks of might.

(edited by instantcoffee.1785)

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Yeh I did a little research into it and while the buff stays on you in the long run I noticed the bleed in a normal rotation is about 101-140 in mysts… I am not sure whether this is actually any better than undead which varied between 117-135 from memory

Think we need more rigerous testing before we can conclude its better, by altering Trafalgars traits to include the 3 stacks of might from signets use and following the rotation I provided we might have a higher dps pve build

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


calling all theorycrafters ^^

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: instantcoffee.1785


It’s not all about dps. If you’re dead you do no DPS, toughness still helps.

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: warmonkey.8013


I’m playing around with it, but for a long time I was running 10/20/20/10/10
was pretty good for… everything really. i don’t find any of the 30-point traits very compelling.

10 point blood magic — mark of evasion
just so you and everyone knows, this is a blast finisher on a 10sec cooldown. it’s undocumented, and pretty awesome. last i checked it only puts 2 stacks of bleed on things it hits, rather than 3 like mark of blood should, but it does benefit from the greater marks trait in death magic (making it huge and unblockable)

mystic wand is a great mainhand scepter and it’s cheap to make. 75 ancient wood logs to an artificer for cores and rods, 50 skill points, 30 mystic coins → prec/tough/cond exotic scepter

got a pow/prec/cond staff because they’re cheap (mine was just over 2g), a prec/tough/cond staff is harder to find (but you can get it from dungeons easily enough, iirc it’s 390 tokens). i went with prec because it’s my primary weapon in WvW and crits on greater marks is nice. obviously the only sigil for staff is sigil of fire that fire blast is awesome, and with ~50% crit (i’m over that atm) and hitting multiple targets.. let’s say it’s WvW, you hit 5 people, 50% chance to crit and 30% chance on crit = if my math is right a 55.6% chance to proc
so you drop 4 marks it’s basically a 96% chance to proc the fire blast, which is almost as much damage as staff4, so your 4-mark-combo drops ~2500-3k direct damage and ~5k-6k in condition damage over the next 10sec or so
which doesn’t sound like much maybe, but it’s at 1200 range and it’s unblockable

for an offhand, get a warhorn, i’m addicted to swiftness, it’s the only way to travel, between warhorn and spectral walk we can have 100% swiftness uptime… swap offhand and SW to something else as needed but if you’re doing WvW or travelling through Orr, just do yourself the favor and run fast

dagger offhand is good for PvE, focus offhand isn’t bad either, not sure which I really like better..

i run corrosive poison + epidemic, and either blood is power or well of suffering.. usually BiP, the stacks of might seem to really be more damage than WoS was..
group i run with usually i’m the primary or only source of poison, so with BiP / CPC / Epi, and 20% cdr on corruption skills, it’s nice. epidemic down to a 12sec CD is hilarious when things live long enough to cast it twice

if you’re after prec/tough/cond armor, chest and feet need to be either from the mystic forge (pricey) or tokens (easy!), i believe the rest you can get for karma which is pretty easy to do (helm i forget? i think i had just bought a power/prec/cond exotic and transmuted it, idk, at the very least you can get one for tokens)

sigil of earth on scepter, offhand gets.. idk, another sigil of earth provides an additional 24% chance to proc on crit (total 84% chance to proc on crit, w/ 50% crit = 47% chance to proc on hit outside cooldown period, which iirc is 2sec, which i believe is 2 swings of scepter), think i put 10% bleed duration on another offhand, and i think i stuck.. something silly on another? might on weapon swap maybe? who cares haha, either get the might one or the additional sigil of earth imo

ta daaa you’re a beast of a necro

Frigi Dair — SoR Necro

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: sausageninja.6592


dont listen to 90% of the peoples here,most of em are going mainstream builds,kitten up and blame the game,first,figure out ur fav wep,build urself around it but not straightforward,remember that u need some hp and maybe some support here and there,g’luck