PvE Condimancer build
Not bad.
Here is mine, using Rabid instead of Sinister. And different foods/consumable.
It has a bit lower direct power, and slightly less precision. But offers quite a bit more condi damage. And toughness and armor to make it a bit more tanky.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Just remember, playing condition builds in PvE is like feeding in DOTA.
In dungeons you’ll be dead weight and in boss events you are just a warm body.
The only useful thing you can do is rezz people with zerg gear.
That will change with the changes to conditions.
There is speculation that conditions may become the new meta. I am not entirely convinced, but conditions will certainly be alot more desirable then they are now.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
yeah most people I know are divided on it personally, I think it will depend on how the new HoT PvE content handles condition mobs (like the mordrem with the high toughness).
The other main point of contention, is that while it should work great for bosses, condition classes will need to really have some sort of AoE burst in order to be at all useful on trash mobs, for the ones that people don’t skip I mean..
Becuase of that, a lot of people think that engi and warrior will be the best dungeon condition classes, since they have good power damage and quick AoE ramp up time against trash.
Still I think mesmer, necromancer, and ranger could have a ton of potential, its just that necromancer will still have poor group support while mesmer will still have portal/reflects and ranger will still have spotter, and maybe frost spirit if the trait reworks don’t screw it over too much.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I used to be a full Condimancer, but because of our current Condi-situation, I kinda went Hybridmancer: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fREQRBIhtG1IJNN2WdjlN83mAXog+NDgWI6M4DGBqODA-ThRLABsq8rUNDAoHIV1fwa/BfUCCA-e
It’s fun and it does the trick in PvE ^^
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
I am not really sure on this but have there ever been class changes to adjust balance in PvE ? As far as I can recall they always “balanced” PvE by changing the encounters/Bosses instead.
There has been some.
Fiery GS nerf, Stability, Warrior Adrenaline, etc.
Although these effected PvP more than PvE, there still was a large effect felt in PvE.
Every change to a class is going to effect PvE and how its played. The PvEers seem to accept and adapt to changes quicker and better than PvPers.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”