PvE Runes for Reaper?
Traveler. Because otherwise reaper is slow as all hell. Still keeps your power decent though
My thoughts on runes for Reaper are here.
Wurm sounds good, and there are tons of good suggestions there. Thanks for the link!
is that really a question? strength
Why would anyone not go scholar on necro. They’re literaly the class with the easiest time keeping the buff up, as your shroud shields your health.
Why would anyone not go scholar on necro. They’re literaly the class with the easiest time keeping the buff up, as your shroud shields your health.
as this is about pve… maybe because your weapons do way more damage than death- and reaper shroud?
Wait for HoT.
I expect an expansion’s worth of new runes and gear stat choices.
People speculating now are going to get burned.
Strength all the way. I will say you’re going to be lacking on speed but pretty sure Strength runes will allow you to take locust signet and still be an overall DPS gain compared to slotting something else there, and if you go BM trait line you can grab dagger runspeed as well.
For Raids maybe Strength but for dungeons Scholar.
Strength of Scholar for classic builds
Aristocracy could be interesting for condi or hybrid builds (condition damage AND might stacking!)
Ice or Grenth for chill builds
Trooper can now be useful for splashing some tankiness and more condi clearing.
Overall I agree with waiting until expansion hits so runes can be tailored for specific role.
Personally, I prefer Runes of Strength (then again, I also picked up my set long before the price spiked up so I probably would’ve given them a pass at 13 gold each). Makes it extremely easy to stay at high Might stacks and the +5% damage is basically guaranteed to be active all the time.
Scholar is a lot of damage, but I personally dislike “win more” mechanics like that. That is, if you can tear through content while making the most of Scholar runes, you probably could’ve done just fine with some other set, but they’ll fail you if the content is more challenging.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Lich runes for MM.
Due to the much higher poison you get from RS 4, I am thinking of switching from runes of the krait to runes of the afflicted. With those I would get:
100% Bleed Duration
65% Poison Duration
70% Chill Duration
50% All other durations
I think that is the best I can do rune wise.
I’m still thinking about switching from scholar to strength runes, keeping over 90% hp on reaper/necro is too hard especially when I’m lowmanning something (and i do most of the time) + not a lot of active defense. we’ll see
I’m planning on running Traveller’s in my main set for the movespeed. It’s hard to live without it. I’m almost going for a more beefy fighter while still maintaining 100% crit and as much ferocity as possible (cavalier armor, mix of cavalier, zerk, valk/zerk trinkets).
I’ll keep a Zerk set in my back pocket, eventually with Scholar once I can afford a mountain of silk. Strength is nice as well and more consistent than Scholar, but with power/ferocity Scholar is well suited for us.
Other options:
- Ogre and Ice are the not bank-breaking versions of the above.
- Earth could be nice if you’re running a well-heavy build with Blood Magic.
- Svanir could help with chill on a tankier build.
- Exuberance could be fun with Valks if it weren’t so expensive.
- Trooper has good group support in a shout-heavy build.
- Elementalist actually looks nice for hybrid, with duration to both chill and burning.
I think that rune of ice will be the best for reaper , specially for a Soldier\PvT MM build.
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
(edited by The Demonic Spirit.3157)
Going with wurm myself on my power build. Along with Valkyrie armor it is a match made in heaven for damage.
Scholar or Strength for dungeons. Flame Legion might also be a good option if running dhuumfire.
Scholar are good but the bonus is hard to maintain since max dps is out of shroud so no hp shielded.
Str are good since the bonus is always active in pve they are just mad expensive.
Flame legion runes are good if you take dhuumfire since the % is higher, most classes have burns as well as letting you get 1.8~2k burns from shroud for condi dps when needed.
Wurm are good on a Valkyrie build with zerk valk acend trinks. It does about ~3% more damage than str runes. Also can easily hit 100% crit chance.
i’m currently using scholar, but i’m torn between scholar, strength and my favourite all rounder Pack (nice power, nice boost to crit and fury 50% of the time)
strength might be the best since i plan on running with a Strength Sigil too for more Blighter’s Boon procs, but at 13g they’re also extremely expensive, 2 strength runes cost more than 6 scholar/pack.
I’m thinking rune of the elementalist. +100 power/condi dmg +20% burn duration (dhumfire) +20% chill duration (deathly chill etc)
I’m thinking rune of the elementalist. +100 power/condi dmg +20% burn duration (dhumfire) +20% chill duration (deathly chill etc)
I never ran deadly chill, is it any good?
I’m thinking rune of the elementalist. +100 power/condi dmg +20% burn duration (dhumfire) +20% chill duration (deathly chill etc)
I never ran deadly chill, is it any good?
Maxed out condi dmg it does 500 >50% hp and 1k <50% hp, given the fact that you can pretty much get 100% uptime on chill it’s pretty good if you put it on top of around 6 burn stack at 4k+ dps and a bunch of bleeds/poison
The only real problem with deathly chill is the opportunity cost associated with not running blighters boon. That’s a lot of potential sustain you miss out on in most builds.
Whats the break even point comparing strength and wurm runes? Already socketed strength in my valk set so its too late for me, but it’s interesting that there may be a niche for them now.
After testing the reaper , what is the best rune for zerker MM reaper , Ice, Ranger or …. ?
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
is that really a question? strength
This with Chilling Victory. 25 might at all times…. Traveler runes are a complete waste… Either use Signet of the Locust, or socket Superior Sigil of Speed into your weapons for movement speed.
I had no problem maintaining scholar on lvl 80+ fracs last night. With blood fiend you rarely need to dodge and that was even the case on arch diviner.
So scholar for fracs and raids definitely. They have reduced mob damage in high fracs but armour scales so much. It literally takes forever to kill with full berserker. Condi meta incoming.
Aww I actually like my Traveler runes on my Rampager set. Mostly because im going celestial trinkets too lol. There are probably much more optimal builds but it’s what I still had on my Necro & it works for me.