PvE necro godly...

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: MindReaver.3126


I’ve read many times on here about how people say the Necro is unplayable or under powered. I wonder if I am missing something. Are all of those old threads, are they talking specifically about PvP, are they talking only about very high levels or something else?

I have one of every class at this point some above 60 most 20+ and I have not had as easy of a time with any of them as I have had with my necro.

I can also say that I don’t believe I have been able to solo 5+ regulars mobs or 2-3 veterans at a time on any other character like my necro is able to do and she does it without getting hit very much either. I mean, i can round of 5+ mobs assuming they aren’t ranged and AoE them down in about 10 seconds between wells, scepter and dagger skills and staff and because of cripples, weakness and blind I almost never get hit and if I do it barely does anything.

I am currently level 35 on my necro. Should I expect a wall soon or something that flips my survivability 180?

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Everyone can do well in pve…
You can actually be a evasion tank as a thief if you want, mostly pvp threads and meta event tag damage thats talked about.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


You shouldn’t expect any wall. I soloed a couple champs on my way to 80. With vet adds.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: MindReaver.3126


Well that’s good, thanks for clearing that up. For someone not too concerned with PvP can I expect to be a good asset in dungeons up through 80? I feel like the necro played right brings a lot of support AND consistent damage to the table.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: ccaruana.3546


Heck, I love when my guildies bring a necro in dungeons. The condition manipulation is awesome, and I just love the flavor sounds of necro attacks.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


MindReaver.3126 If you really want to be a supportive and helpful guild explo dungeon necro going something along these lines ( http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fQEQNAW7djQaV6Zaia87KApCYPpo7xhKkbkiiHmqw6A ) in terms of skill/weapons/traits is pretty great, warriors will love you for all the aoe blinds you will let them do, plague signet is sadly still a buggy crap thus not fully removing conditions of allies most of the time, but we do have epic aoe healing power.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alamir.6207


@mindreaver. it depends on what type of pve you’re doing. if it’s dynamic events you wont really have much trouble. but if you’re doing dungeons then your minions will die almost instantly on every boss fight you do. also some dungeons sometimes makes your pet useless. like some part of arah instance.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: MindReaver.3126


Alamir, I use no pets (except the flesh golem for soloing). In my opinion the pets are very inferior to most of our utility skills, ESPECIALLY in dungeon settings.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kayotik.5790


I don’t think the necromancer, as a whole, is a disappointing or weak class. I think the problem is that so many people chose the necromancer, expecting something entirely different.

After one look at the traits in blood magic, many players decided to build life-steal based necromancers (and were extremely frustrated with how poorly they performed).

Some players wanted to build high dps condition necros, and too felt the burden of underwhelming game-play. Using bleeds as a primary source of damage, and simultaneously being limited by the current bleed cap, condition-based necromancers took a heavy blow in dealing damage. The fact that they maintain fewer stacks, and apply them slower, than most other bleeding builds only adds to the frustration.

Those looking to make a necromancer into a tank soon realized that guardians were able to do this at magnitudes of better efficiency.

Our only weapon that can compare in dps to other classes is our dagger, with a meager 180 range.

Thieves and warriors can deal triple the damage of necromancers built specifically for highest damage possible (against a single target).

Death shroud was/is very limited in functionality, and unless specifically built around it, becomes a useless class defining ability.

As mentioned before, the pets are useless in half the content (although I personally didn’t expect much different in this game).

The list goes on.

PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


I find it easy to take on a ton of mobs because it’s PVE, but when you reach 60-80 you get crap that PBAoE and pulls you around so much you spend more time on the floor then up.

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PvE necro godly...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


Out of my 80 Thief, 80 Warrior, and 80 Necro, I find my Necro is my favorite for dungeons. I have a lot more survivability and group utilitiy. I run power Dagger/Warhorn, Staff with wells.