PvP and PvE necro questions.

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arago.3706


Hello necromancer community, I have been looking to get back into the game for a bit now and I really want to play necromancer, I really like the aesthetics and play style of the class but I have been searching here on the forums for a bit and finding out that for what I want to do apparently necro is not very good .

I have read a bunch of threads stating that necro is a very weak class in sPvP and tPvP two things that I would like to do a great deal coming back to the game. I have heard they are alright in WvW but in groups and that’s fine since I will be running in a roaming group of friends.

But I wanted to ask if necro is really as weak in some areas of PvP and PvE as people are saying? Am I going to never get a group for fractals because I am a necro? Am I going to on a constant basis be sat in tPvP in favor of another class?

any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated as its a pretty big decision on what class to pick and play until 80.

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Afya.5842


I only play pve but it’s not much of a problem finding group. But if I run condition build and run into another necro, I usually ask what build the other one runs and try not to cripple both of us.

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


We are fine in PvP. The main thing we are lacking is mobility, other than that we are in a pretty nice place overall.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I have heard they are alright in WvW but in groups and that’s fine since I will be running in a roaming group of friends.

It is my impression (at least for the build I run) that necromancers amplify their groups strength against other players.

But I wanted to ask if necro is really as weak in some areas of PvP and PvE as people are saying?

I suspect that people who say that just havn’t figured out which build works for them.

Am I going to never get a group for fractals because I am a necro?

In lower lvls “we don’t want a necro” is a synonym for “we are noobs and we hope that with 5 guardians our fractal run will last shorter than 3 hours, kthxbye”.
In higher lvls (30+) the air is thin enough so people appreciate just getting a full group. Also they know at that point that a necro is a valuable asset.

Am I going to on a constant basis be sat in tPvP in favor of another class?

When the new BoC all-necro videos come out you’ll see that pure necro teams are the new meta

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arago.3706


Thanks for all the responses everyone consider this topic closed. I am going to add my self to the necro legions! =D