PvP and PvE necro questions.
I only play pve but it’s not much of a problem finding group. But if I run condition build and run into another necro, I usually ask what build the other one runs and try not to cripple both of us.
We are fine in PvP. The main thing we are lacking is mobility, other than that we are in a pretty nice place overall.
I have heard they are alright in WvW but in groups and that’s fine since I will be running in a roaming group of friends.
It is my impression (at least for the build I run) that necromancers amplify their groups strength against other players.
But I wanted to ask if necro is really as weak in some areas of PvP and PvE as people are saying?
I suspect that people who say that just havn’t figured out which build works for them.
Am I going to never get a group for fractals because I am a necro?
In lower lvls “we don’t want a necro” is a synonym for “we are noobs and we hope that with 5 guardians our fractal run will last shorter than 3 hours, kthxbye”.
In higher lvls (30+) the air is thin enough so people appreciate just getting a full group. Also they know at that point that a necro is a valuable asset.
Am I going to on a constant basis be sat in tPvP in favor of another class?
When the new BoC all-necro videos come out you’ll see that pure necro teams are the new meta
Thanks for all the responses everyone consider this topic closed. I am going to add my self to the necro legions! =D