if we are getting all technical, Necros in “mythology” were divination folk. speaking with the dead by summoning their spirit or corpse to commune with.
soooo fireballs and liches are all out the window. Its a fantasy game. don’t take the trait if you don’t like it. It’s in a location for Hybrids anyways. I won’t take it on my condimancer because the SR tree is just too nice.
Simma Down Meow-Ranger
If elementalist fire is red and guardian burning is blue, would dhuumfire be green? It’s only called burning since gw2 no longer has hexes. Think of it as a powerful degen hex from gw1 that just happens to use burning from a technical aspect rather than actual burning with fire magic.
Yep, it’s just a curse that burns the skin, problem solved.
Thats it! I’m done. The necromancer is dead to me. Arena Net honestly can’t be trusted to keep true to the lore of there own game. Necromancers now have the element of destruction, life and purity. There isn’t going to be a Cantha expansion, there isn’t going to be a ritualist, they are never going to answer the questions left behind in GW1. The spider god is going to be written out of the story, the asura did come to the surface before Eye of the north, Magic is crumbling, what ever it meant to be a necromancer is now meaning less.
Thanks Arena Net. You broke my trust in you… I trusted that you would keep true to the flavor and lore of the game, but you can’t even do that.
you… have you EVER played GW1 past level 5? Any class can use any skill from any class……. example, Necro using Ele skills….
To be quite frank, you’re acting like your some kind of GW1 lore guru, but your interpretation of it annoys me a lot more than the fact that we get burning. (This is speaking as someone that followed GW1 lore pretty closely as well.)
But aside from that:
1) If the name is indeed something like Dhuumfire, I don’t see how this doesn’t fit in with the lore, seeing as some of Dhuum’s attacks were actually fire based : N/E, enough said.
Dhuum came from a time before the magic was gifted to the sentient races of Tyria. His magic is far older and far more chaotic then what we see in the game. Being a god he doesn’t have the same limitations as we do. He isn’t restricted by the bloodstones. So your argument is invalid.
Second point. Cross profession in GW2 is represented by combo skills. that the professions can preform.
Well, I think the fire is fine. The idea that they are pyromancers is being a bit dramatic. They are not really necromancers so much as they are warlocks now. I find it a bit interesting and think they are trying to develop a warlockish class. Warlocks are just male witches btw (not concerning WoW), and witches were just practitioners of dark arts. They drew upon the elements of nature and did stuff with it. They also used necromancy.
The problem is that they really should just rename the class a Warlock. It would just settle things. When you think of a Necromancer you think of cold, death, bone, dirt, dark, black, evil, etc. Not really fire or even water.
And depending on which mythology or cultural history you are referencing, the elements can mean something entirely different. In the biblical sense fire simply meant Absolute Destruction. It was the last thing you could do to something to remove it from existence.
That being said, it still seems a bit lazy to add it for the purposes of just pleasing the necro community and allowing them to feel more relevant. Imo it can really just be seen that way flat out. I can almost see the devs just saying "give them burning so they will shut up. Now lets see ho we can make mesmers more interesting and unique in their playstyle.)
Overall the implement of fire just to not have to bother with putting any real interest or character/personality to the profession is just fail.
Dhuum came from a time before the magic was gifted to the sentient races of Tyria.
Jotun, Mursaat, Forgotten, Dwarves and Seers all predate ‘magic was gifted to the sentient races of Tyria’. They all wield(ed) pretty powerful magic and hardly seemed to have an issue doing so.
He isn’t restricted by the bloodstones.
And what do the bloodstones restrict, exactly? They inhibit the use of magic to it’s full extend and prevent any one individual from wielding all forms of magic. That doesn’t exactly mean that no one can use multiple forms (which would be supported by the whole secondary profession thing in GW1). Hell, the 4 schools of magic are Preservation, Aggression, Denial and Destruction, and it’s still completely unknown which profession falls under what. Hence you can hardly exclude that fire magic and necromancy might actually be part of the same school…
So your argument is invalid.
I’m afraid you failed to see the full argument: a figure that shows some ties to Necromancers has used fire related attacks in the past. This could very well have inspired an actual Necromancer to develop something similar; given that we can not exclude that this might very well be within their natural scope of potential, see above. I fail to see how this is invalid?
Well, we can surmise that Monks (and now Guardians) primarily fall under Preservation and Mesmers fall under Denial, but that’s about it. Even so, there is tons of evidence to suggest that individuals can access more than one school of magic, so it is not against the lore for necromancers to cast a little fire about.
Against the theme, not really. Necromancers in Tyria also typically provide the rituals for funerals, and this includes cremation (you know, burning the corpse).
It all comes down to how the burning condition is presented as to if it goes against lore or theme at all.
ANet owns the lore they can what they want with it.
Well, we have seen multiple situations where necromancers toy around with the physiology of their victim or serva… cough allies, including rising the amounts of adrenaline in one’s system, enhancing physical performance, decreasing physical performance, etc.
Now, I do believe that we can assume, that a necromancer can -possibly- manipulate the substances in one’s body to force one one could call a spontaneous combustion, using the aggression magic based practices of altering the states of biological units (be they dead or alive, as observed throughout multiple abilities of GW2 and, mostly, GW1), and not dipping into the ways of the school of Destruction.
Just my random 2 cents.
Jotun, Mursaat, Forgotten, Dwarves and Seers all predate ‘magic was gifted to the sentient races of Tyria’. They all wield(ed) pretty powerful magic and hardly seemed to have an issue doing so.
Not anymore they don’t. You can actually talk to a Jotun in Holbrek who talks about there decline and how they began to lose there magic.
figure that shows some ties to Necromancers has used fire related attacks in the past. This could very well have inspired an actual Necromancer to develop something similar
Dhuum was also trying to prevent resurrection of the dead. The representation of fire in his attacks actually alludes to this idea. Considering that fire is often seen as the bane of undead, this is an example of mechanics simulating the flavor of the lore.
Either way, I’m concede this argument on the basis that we don’t know what happened to the blood stones. I wont like the change, and I’ll keep pushing for disease to takes its place as a damage condition, however for now I’m not going to worry about it.
Dhuum came from a time before the magic was gifted to the sentient races of Tyria.
Jotun, Mursaat, Forgotten, Dwarves and Seers all predate ‘magic was gifted to the sentient races of Tyria’. They all wield(ed) pretty powerful magic and hardly seemed to have an issue doing so.
He isn’t restricted by the bloodstones.
And what do the bloodstones restrict, exactly? They inhibit the use of magic to it’s full extend and prevent any one individual from wielding all forms of magic. That doesn’t exactly mean that no one can use multiple forms (which would be supported by the whole secondary profession thing in GW1). Hell, the 4 schools of magic are Preservation, Aggression, Denial and Destruction, and it’s still completely unknown which profession falls under what. Hence you can hardly exclude that fire magic and necromancy might actually be part of the same school…
So your argument is invalid.
I’m afraid you failed to see the full argument: a figure that shows some ties to Necromancers has used fire related attacks in the past. This could very well have inspired an actual Necromancer to develop something similar; given that we can not exclude that this might very well be within their natural scope of potential, see above. I fail to see how this is invalid?
Jotun didnt exactly have magic per-se, they were just very advanced, seers and mursaat aint from tyria (just like humans) and used the same tech as asura golemancy (stealing magic from existing sources instead of channeling it from the mists). Dwarves didnt have magic till human times, just good brew, big beard, strong belly and firsts, the one thing they did get is a gift of their “god/great dwarf” via ritual that can be tied to Balthazar and/or Menzies since both of them use offerings of humanity/life/sainity for power (balthazars rage, balthazar idols and everyone in fissure of woe being what happens to you if they empower you). The written “world-builder” lore is usually right, but each time it clashed with in game stuff, they were wrong.
Its not necro vs ele/schools depend on what you do.
Preservation: Fast Casting, Inspiration, Soul Reaping, Energy Storage
Aggression: Blood, Air, Earth
Denial: Illusion, Curses, Water
Destruction: Domination, Death, Fire
Also no Bloodstones in general locked off any sort of strong connection that brings the mists to tyria (thats why weakpoints like temple/behemoth spawn, TPK, Rift connection ususally get a lot more attention from baddies than places with bloodstone shards active) thus preventing any form of magic that isnt corrupt/already in a stable form; think of the bloodstones like a heatsink, preventing electricity from emitting heat with the light.
(edited by Andele.1306)
Its not necro vs ele/schools depend on what you do.
Preservation: Fast Casting, Inspiration, Soul Reaping, Energy Storage
Aggression: Blood, Air, Earth
Denial: Illusion, Curses, Water
Destruction: Domination, Death, Fire
You have that a bit wrong. This doesn’t account for the monk in GW1 or the Guardian in GW2 who are both rather exclusively Preservation. Breaking these down into categories like that fails to understand exactly what these schools mean.
Its not necro vs ele/schools depend on what you do.
Preservation: Fast Casting, Inspiration, Soul Reaping, Energy Storage
Aggression: Blood, Air, Earth
Denial: Illusion, Curses, Water
Destruction: Domination, Death, FireYou have that a bit wrong. This doesn’t account for the monk in GW1 or the Guardian in GW2 who are both rather exclusively Preservation. Breaking these down into categories like that fails to understand exactly what these schools mean.
Both monks and guardian magic is based on their faith and strength of their spirit, so just like the “blood/life” magic used by asura, mursaat, seers and probably the strength ego thing of the jotun, its not really tied to the mits themself as much to what they believe in (e.g. charr shammys getting power from titans).
Necromancers (and for that matter ritualists) use a combination of both (casters least restricted by bloodstones), Mesmers having kinda a physical anchor (being the perception/brain of their targets) and Eles are tied pre power that controls the element in the mists.
Guys… you made me think. What about making Chill deal dmg? Like this trat that make fear deal (0,35 condition dmg). While I think this trait is quite weak (there are…. 3 skills that necro can use that cause fear, and each of them, even trated would couse 1 ping of dmg). Necromancer already have wide acces to chill, making it deal dmg would combine nicely with Chilling Darkness trat for example….
Chill dealing 0,3 condition dmg…?
Guys… you made me think. What about making Chill deal dmg? Like this trat that make fear deal (0,35 condition dmg). While I think this trait is quite weak (there are…. 3 skills that necro can use that cause fear, and each of them, even trated would couse 1 ping of dmg). Necromancer already have wide acces to chill, making it deal dmg would combine nicely with Chilling Darkness trat for example….
Chill dealing 0,3 condition dmg…?
Would be kinda way too strong, we can apply perma 3 seconds of chill with basic Chillblains, Dark Path, Hydro sigil (and 40% cond dur) rotation and it is one of the strongest ways to control/cripple enemy burst uptime. Plague form would plain become broken, cannot hit, 66% slower movement, recharge times took a holiday, 33% less healing and around half of the persons cond damage delt pre second…