Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaarnak.2865


Hello beta testers (and people who just like nosing at this sort of thing).

I was trailing through Guildhead, the WoWhead equivalent for Guild Wars 2 (which still needs a lot of help in terms of filling up the database with items. Yeesh this thing is empty in some aspects) to investigate Runes of the Lich. Well, imagine my surprise when I came across this: Looks like a trait to improve Lich Form, a major trait (listed under Toughness, so death magic).

Then I used a bit of intuition and found these two: A minor trait in the vitality (Blood Magic) tree to improve Plague. A minor trait in the vitality (Blood Magic) tree to improve Flesh Golem.

So here’s my question to people who beta tested this profession – did you ever see these traits pop up during beta testing? Were they removed? If so, why? (Well it’s obvious for the Lich one that it practically offers 30sec invincibility if you can keep the enemy away from your Phylactery which’d be disgusting in PvP situations. Then again it is a major trait). Were they culled early on? I don’t see a whole lot of classes with traits that specifically buff their elite utility skills – only Engineer and Guardian spring to mind because they’re the only other classes I’ve really invested in.

Still, interesting stuff there. As a warning I don’t believe for one second they’re datamined evidence of what the Necromancer profession will end up getting. They may even be a hoax. But still, if any beta testers can talk about these three traits I’d be interested to know. I kinda have a love for information on beta stages of games.

Thanks all, have a good morning/day/night!

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


Umm, I don’t recall any of that stuff being in the bwe’s. Are you sure this isn’t guild wars 1 stuff that you are looking up? I have not played guild wars 1 but that would be my guess.

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kaarnak.2865


Having never played GW1 I wouldn’t know if these traits were in that game, but everything on the Guildhead site is tailored towards Guild Wars 2 – Trait Calculators, item searching, the map function, all of it.

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swadow.6213


GW1 did not have traits so they cannot be from GW1

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


Those were not a part of the game in any of the BWE’s.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wombatt.2546


I only played Necro in the last BWE, but I didn’t bother with traits, so I can’t answer.

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: merch.1026


I can only guess that these traits are either fake or from earlier closed beta tests before the more open BWE granted with the pre-purchase as none of these were in the beta weekends.

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


It doesn’t show up in that list, which means it was removed earlier than Feb 2012 possibly. Or nobody discovered it in game, but from mining the dat file.

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: riotnrrrd.9582


well improved golem is still there just modified so all pets do it, its the 7th trait in blood magic vampiric mastery

Question to the people who beta-tested this proffession:

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


That’s just data mined stuff. Left over text from tooltips and descriptions.