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in Necromancer

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Hi all, I’m new to Guild Wars 2 and have decided to roll as a human necromancer as my first character. After watching countless BWE videos (actually bought the game before launch, but couldn’t get a rig good enough to run it till recently) I decided to have a crack at one of the skill build calculators floating around on the interwebzz.


I’m also planning to use this for both PvE and sPvP.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: DragonXavier.3964


To utilize chilling of darkness I probably would go with plague form. My question to you would be, what do you want to accomplish with this build?

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in Necromancer

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


I want to be able to deal good DoTs, control my target and be able to tank well (of course, not like a warrior or guardian).

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in Necromancer

Posted by: DragonXavier.3964


I would probably scrap spectral armor, as its relatively long cooldown and short effect makes it almost useless. Specral walk is a pretty good skill if you use its recall correctly. Would consider blood is power as it will add 1400 hp to your heal. I also would consider soul marks instead of decaying swarm. Not a bad start though

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in Necromancer

Posted by: kKagari.6804


IMO, PvE builds and sPvP builds are often two sides of the build-spectrum.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Drop chilling darkness. Run Dagger/Focus, and Staff. Use Flesh Golem for soloing in PvP and PvE (trample charge is bauce in PvE), Plague form for 2 or more in PvP. Run Hemophilia, Terror, and Spectral skills last longer. Use full Lyssa’s armor, AND Foot in Grave, use Vital Persistence or whatever for 25% slower life force drain and never use more than 75-50%.

Definitely get rid of spectral armor. You don’t need it with 30 points in DS line. Run BiP both for your heal and for your spike damage. (without some spike damage yer going to be useless in sPvP) Condition builds don’t synergize worth a kitten with death shroud so you are ice skating up hill already. But its doable.

Also replace well of darkness with Flesh Worm. Keep it within range of your targets and it will do a decent amount of damage and give you an escape whenever you need to recover.

Running both Flesh Worm and Spectral Walk gives you two teleports AND lots of spare life force. Flip your DS as often as you are able to keep stability up as often as you can. Without that you can’t bunker as a Necro. It is just stupid impossible with every other class having fears, stuns, roots, etc… proTip: Flesh Golem short duration works very well with Lyssa’s Runes. You gain 5 seconds of every Boon. Makes for sekc time.

Necro has no meaningful attrition so building for condition duration is just trolling. You won’t change the point or kill anything so sPvP will be a waste of time. You need to be able to kill people between Heal cooldowns as well as stay alive.

Get used to running away for a moment and then rushing back with spectral walk up and cooldowns ready. Once you get it down you can rush drop well of suffering, root with dagger and teleport away again allowing you to drop marks from range and rush back in for Focus abilities and to finish with Dagger 1&2.

Hyper mobile Stability stacking trolltastic Necro. You won’t be disappointed.

(edited by XiL.4318)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Thanks, I’ll try it.